Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Gentle Reader, I know you're asking this question quite often---Whatever happened to Evangeline Lilly?  She played Kate Austin for six seasons on Lost and she was everywhere (Or rather, it seemed like she was everywhere).  Then Lost ended after six seasons and suddenly she was nowhere (Or rather, it seemed like she was nowhere).  Well, wonder no more Gentle Reader.  I know you're all in tramatic shock over Evangeline Lilly's vanishing act, so I'll give you the scoop as to what happened to the prettiest girl ever to get stranded on a deserted island---Gilligan's Island style.  Evangeline Lilly is working on the films The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and The Hobbit: There and Back Again.  Essentially, all three films in the Hobbit Trilogy takes place before all three volumes on the Lord of the Rings saga.  Or to put it another way, Evangeline Lilly vanished from Hollywood because she's busy in New Zealand making three brand new Lord of the Rings films and becoming the codependent of midgets (Also referred to as hobbits (Thus the title of the new Lord of the Rings trilogy the Hobbit)).  So there you have it.  Evangeline Lilly is still employed as an actress and she has three brand new movies coming out in 2012, 2013, and 2014.  Oh wow, 2012 is right now.  Well, we'll be expecting a brand new Lord of the Rings movie any time now.  Well Gentle Reader, I bet your happy that I cleared up your concern about the future of Evangeline Lilly's career as an actress.   Evangeline Lilly is over the moon with delight that you care so deeply about her career as an actress.  Oh yeah, I almost forgot.  Evangeline Lilly also played the role of Bailey Tallet in the Hugh Jackman film Real Steel all the way back in 2011.  Essentially, Evangeline Lilly played the role of Hugh Jackman's girlfriend and sidekick.



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