Saturday, October 27, 2012


Miley Cyrus spent Sunday skipping church so that she spend the day hanging out with three male homosexuals---One of them volunteered to fight for the United States in Afghanistan.  Needless to say, all three of the male homosexuals wasn't homosexual anymore when she was done having sex with all three of them.  Ashton Kutcher enjoyed sex with Miley Cyrus the most.  Jon Cryer kept crying way too much.  Angus T Young sort of enjoyed having sex with Miley Cyrus, but he kept getting distracted by United States Armed Forces recruitment ads.  Angus T Young never understood why he kept being called a half sized, half wit and an unnecessary third wheel.

And then Sunday ended and was replaced by Monday.  Miley Cyrus was listening to the song Start All Over by Miley Cyrus on endless repeat in her car as she drove to the parking lot.  After parking the car, she exited the car and walked towards the recording studio.  The Album Producer and the Sound Engineer were already waiting for her.
MILEY:  I'm ready.  Let's get this album recorded.  I got some song written and I'm ready to go.
ALBUM PRODUCER:  We're going to do the vocal tracks first.  I'm afraid the backup band hasn't showed up yet, so we're going to do this a cappella.
MILEY:  When is the backup band planning to arrive?
ALBUM PRODUCER:  The backup band is still stuck in a blizzard.
MILEY:  We're in Los Angelas, California.  It never snows in LA.
ALBUM PRODUCER:  The backup band was on vacation to Antarctica.
MILEY:  Who in their right mind would go on vacation to Antarctica?
ALBUM PRODUCER:  The entire backup band also doubles as scientific researchers who study the hole in the Ozone Layer and the Greenhouse effect.  The entire backup band also works for the CIA to fight against Extra-terrestrials from outer space.
SOUND ENGINEER:  We're trying to find a brand new backup band to produce music.  Until that happens, we're forced to record this album a cappella.  I'm sure you won't mind doing an a cappella album.  I'm predicting a huge a cappella trend in the rock music industry.  I know that from my gut ever since The Sing Off got canceled after only three seasons of really bad ratings.
MILEY:  I never recorded anything a cappella, but I guess there's a first for everything.  Let's get to work.  Where's the microphone.
ALBUM PRODUCER:  What microphone?
MILEY:  The microphone that I'm supposed to sing into.  The microphone that I'm going to use to record the album with.
SOUND ENGINEER:  I'm sorry, but we sold the microphone to pay the rent.  We don't have the sound board or any computers to record and mix the music with.
MILEY:  So what am I going to sing into to get this album recorded?
ALBUM PRODUCER:  I found an old fashioned audio cassette recorder and a hair brush.  You can sing into the hair brush as I record your a cappella singing into the audio cassette recorder.
MILEY:  I guess it's the best I got to work with.  Such a shame I got dropped by Walt Disney Records.  My life hasn't been the same since I had to use independent  record labels.
SOUND ENGINEER:  Does anybody have any batteries for the cassette tape recorder?

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