Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Gentle Reader, I have nearsighted vision.  I've always had nearsighted vision my entire life.  Essentially, I can see things and people close up, but things and people are blury the further they are.  So I wear eyeglasses to correct my vision so that it will be perfect 20/20.  And so with perfect 20/20 vision, my life is much better.  Gentle Reader, I won't lie to you.  I strongly resisted the need to wear eyeglasses.  I thought I would be less of a man if I wore eyeglasses.  However, the longer I wore eyeglasses, the more I started to enjoy wearing eyeglasses.  And now I enjoy wearing eyeglasses that if somebody offered me to wear contact lenses cost free or eyeball correctness surgery, I would never take anybody up on such an offer.  Wearing eyeglasses is as much a part of me as the hand on my arm and the toes on my feet. 
And as I'm lost in thought about wearing eyeglasses, here are some photos of rock star Ingrid Michaelson (Who also wears her trademark eyeglasses).



 Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson

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