Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I woke up.  I took the dogs for a walk.  It's necessary to walk the dogs on a leash because the neighborhood association won't allow fences in the portion of the planned community I live in.  Both of the pet dogs, Furby the Furball and Elaina Baina can't be trusted to be taken outside without a leash.  Well, I mean Furby the Furball will stop in her tracks when ordered to do so.  Elaina Baina will simply keep running until she either reaches the Atlantic Ocean, The Pacific Ocean or she sees a pet dog behind a fence that distracts her.  And Elaina Baina is faster at running than I am.  At any rate, it's morning and the pet dogs were taken outside.  I'm surfing the Internet.  Soon I'll be eating breakfast.  Ah yes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day---Or so I've heard.  I guess it makes sense that breakfast would be more important than lunch and dinner.  But then lunch thought it over and declared that it's the most important meal of the day.  And I guess it makes sense that lunch would be more important than breakfast and dinner.  Than dinner thought it over and declared that it's the most important meal of the day.  And I guess it makes sense that dinner would be more important than breakfast and lunch.  Not being able to make up my mind, I played a game of Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo, catch a tiger by the toe as a decision making device. 
As I'm lost in thought about water skiis, here are some photos of film and television actress Emilie De Ravin.  Emilie De Raven performed as Tess Harding / Ava / Dixie in the television series Roswell.  She performed as Claire Littleton on the television series Lost.  She performed as Belle in the television series Once Upon a Time.  She was attacked by woman hating cannibals in the third installment of The Hills Have Eyes film series. 




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