Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Angelina Jolie has been the Goodwill Ambassador to the United Nations ever since she acted in the film Beyond Borders in October 24, 2003.  Normally, Angelina Jolie's Goodwill Ambassador duties have taken her only to impoverished Third World countries in South America and Africa.  This is probably one of those rare occasions when Angelina Jolie actually paid any attention to the civil war between the Russian backed dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad (Second in line of the Asaad dynasty after the death of his father Hafez al-Assad in June 10, 2000) and the United States of America backed Arab Spring inspired Rebellion Army.  And even though Angelina Jolie's job in the United Nations as it's Goodwill Ambassidor has been largly ceremonial, she has taken her mostly ceremonial job very seriously by actually visiting impoverished third world countries.  And in the war torn environment of Syria, Angelina Jolie visited a Refugee camp for Syrian citizens seeking protection from President Bashar al-Assad and his Russian backed minions.  I'm not saying that President Bashar al-Assad is Communist, but he's supported exclusively by Russia makes him knocking on the door in that direction. 
Jordan itself is an authoritarian dictatorship lead by King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein.  But while Syria is an authoritarian dictatorship led by President Bashar al-Assad backed and financed by Russia, Jordan is an Authoritarian dictatorship led by King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein that's backed and financed by the United States of America.  So that makes Authoritarian dictator King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein one of the good guys and President Bashar al-Assad one of the bad guys.  Still, in the crazy mixed up world of Middle Eastern politics, the refugees are the ones who suffer the most when they're displaced from their homes and employment by a violent civil war that's nowhere close to a America supported resolution (The overthrow and possibly the death of President Bashar al-Assad).

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