Thursday, November 15, 2012


Let's see.  I still need to shower and groom myself.  I have to sweep the floor.  I have to vacuum the floor.  I just finished breakfast.  I'm drinking my second mug of coffee.  I looked out of the window.  The grey cloudy skies of yesterday has been replaced by the bright blue sky of today.  Of course, I would rather have warmer Summer weather.  However, polar bears and penguins need cold weather.  So I guess we're doing all this Winter stuff for the sake of polar bears and penguins so it's not all that bad.  At any rate, I have dust bunnies begging to get swept and vacuumed up.  Just another ordinary day in the life of Steven Post Hitchcock. 
And as I'm lost in thought about pasta, here are some photos of Pippa Middleton, the biologic sister of Princess Kate Middleton aka Duchess Catherine of Cambridge.

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