Thursday, November 15, 2012


Lisa Whelchel is now more than just a former 1980's era television star of the popular sitcom series The Facts Of Life.  Now she's a reality television star too.  Oh yeah, it's true.  Lisa Whelchel is a contestant in the reality television game show Survivor:  Philippines.  Does she get to keep the cash prize if she wins or are the show producers going to force her to donate the cash prize to charity?  Whatever the case may be, Lisa Whelchel is dealing with hunger, grueling physical challenges, immunity challenges, trying not to get voted off the island and getting West Nile Virus.  Don't worry, even though it takes a year before the victim of West Nile Virus is truly cured, Lisa Whelchel is still in good physical condition.  She'll be cured and back to normal on November 2013.  I'm not sure how long Lisa Whelchel will last on Survivor:  Philippines, but it's nice to know that Lisa Whelchel is more than capable of roughing it without food or supplies in the middle of a jungle in a third world country for over a month non-stop (Or something close to it). 

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