Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Mila Kunis continues her romance with her fictional That '70's Show opposite gender love interest turned actual opposite gender love interest (And Demi Moore's ex-spouse) Ashton Kutcher.  This time, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher enjoyed public displays of affection in Rome, Italy.  Oh yes, it looks like Ashton Kutcher is about to propose marriage to Mila Kunis (If it wasn't for that inconvenience about still being maried to Demi Moore while he's fondling Mila Kunis in Rome, Italy).  Ah yes, to be rich, famous and having a turba charged sex drive that never stops.  Some people have all the luck.
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher in love with each other in Rome, Italy

Demi Moore hiding from the paparazzi as her marriage to Ashton Kutcher falls apart

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