Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Born in September 8, 1970  Neko Richelle Case first lived in Alexandria, Virginia, her family moved around several times before settling down permenently in Tacoma, Washington.  Nekko Case relocated on her own to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada where while attending Emily Carr University of Art and Design she played drums in rock bands on the side.  While the punk rock bands she played drums for, Del Logs, the Propanes, the Weasels, never produced any albums, the punk rock band she did play drums for, Cub, did produce three albums before breaking up.  However, Nekko Case dropped out of Cub before they could start work on their debut album Betty Cola.  As a result, Nekko Case participation in Cub's debut album Betty Cola was trace to nearly non-existant.  Next, she was in the all women punk rock band Maow (Originally Meow) which produced only one album before breaking up.  Nekko Case switched from punk to country and also break up balads.  She did her first solo album in Seattle, Washington and her second solo album in Chicago, Illinois.  Her first two solo albums was done with her backup band And Her Boyfriends before the backup band brokeup.  She did her next the next six albums without a permenent backup band before she joined the New Pornographers.




 Born in June 17, 1982, Kathryn Jane Calder is the niece of fellow New Pornographer member Carl Newman.  She was a member of the rock group Immaculate Machine.  She released two solo albums when Immaculate Machine broke up.  

Kathryn Calder was originally hired to sing Nekko Case's role in the New Pornographers in concert when Nekko Case wasn't available.  Katheryn Calder's became a permenent member alongside Nekko Case.  No longer Nekko Case's replacement, but now a firm band member, both Nekko Case and Katheryn Calder has become best friends forever. 


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