Friday, December 28, 2012


Hayley Williams started out having a wonderful day.  The lady was overflowing with happiness, pleasure and joy.  She was on top of the world and nothing could drag her down.
And her wonderful happiness filled day continued with a pleasant drive through the rural farming villages of Kentucky.
It wasn't until she reached a clearing at the edge of a forest in Kentucky that Haley Williams started to snap.  She abruptly went from the happiest and most stable woman in town liked and worshipped by everybody to becoming the most hated village idiot within the span of only a few seconds.  And  despite no significant crises that could cause a person to snap like that within the span of a few seconds, she suddenly started acting like a mass murdering lunatic from out of thin air.
So it made sense that Hayley Williams will start doing something about it.  So Hayley Williams took out a loaded Bushmaster AR-15 assault-style rifle and she started to shoot everything in sight.  It was perfectly legal for her to own and fire such a gun because she needed it to hunt deer.  Oh yes, the deer she was hunting had two legs, two arms, two ears, a nose and a mouth with only hair on top of the head.  And it was ok for Haley Williams to own and fire Bushmaster AR-15 assault-style rifle anywhere she liked as long as the person she was shooting bullets at also owned the same exact Bushmaster AR-15 assault-style rifle.  So run for the hills children and wear your bullet proof vests.  Because today is the day that everybody entering Sandy Hook Forest Preserve is carrying a  Bushmaster AR-15 assault-style rifle everywhere they go.  Because that's the National Riffle Association way of doing business.  So let's turn the Sandy Hook Forest Preserve into a shooting gallery with half of the adult population firing bullets at each other in honor of the NRA.

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