Thursday, December 27, 2012


Veruca Salt started out as a duet between Nina Gordon and Louise Post.  However, it changed into rock band identity just for Louise Post when Nina Gordon left for a solo career.  Louise Lightner Post was born in St. Louis, Missouri on December 7, 1966.  After graduating high school, Louise Post received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English at a private women's only school  Barnard College in New York City.  Instead of following up on her Bachelor of Arts Degree in English, Louise Post formed Veruca Salt with Nina Gordon.  The Louise Post and Nina Gordon duet version of Veruca Salt recorded only two full length albums and an ep album before a friendship ending argument caused Nina Gordon to leave the group.  A few vague portions of Resolver was about the friendship ending argument.  Attempts to repair the former best friendship between Lousie Post and Nina Gordon only resulted in a partially restored friendship.  Louise Post recorded two more full length albums and two ep albums still under the Veruca Salt identity without Nina Gordon.  She married Tony Parks in March 30, 2008 after roughly seven years of going steady.  Louise Post gave birth to her first baby on April 28, 2010.


Nina Gordon was born in Chicago, Illinois on November 14, 1967.  She apparently never attended college after graduating college when she formed Veruca Salt with Louise Post.  The rock band was named after a character in the  Roald Dahl novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Originally, a slow moving acustic guitar breakup balad group, Veruca Salt eventually adopted the Seattle/Portland grunge rock sound.  Nina Gordon left Veruca Salt after only two albums and one ep album for a solo career that produced one hit song Tonight and the Rest of My Life (Also the title of the album).  The album replaced the Seattle/Portland grunge rock sound with uptempo pop music.  Even the Sunbeams was supposed to be her second album, but it was slow and depressing to listen to.  She first liked the album and later grown to despise it.  Eventually, she volunteered never to release it.  She record nine songs of the album (Possibly 3/4 of the material) as uptempo pop music and renamed it Bleeding Heart Graffiti.  Nina Gordon gave birth to two children with her fiance (who is also Lead guitar,  Rhythm guitar and backing vocals for the rock band Tonic) Jeff Russo   


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