Thursday, December 27, 2012


Lisa Loeb walked down an alley when she heard male footsteps behind her.  She spun around to face Goldfish Man.
Lisa said, "Hello Goldfish Man, it's nice to see you again.
Goldfish Man said, "This is your last chance to give up.  Don't force me to kill you lady."
Lisa said, "I'm not giving up.  I only just got started.  Kill him ladies."
Dandelion Girl #1 attacked Goldfish Man and he punched her.  Goldfish Man punched Dandelion Girl #2, kicked Dandelion Girl #3, kicked Dandelion Girl #4, kicked Dandelion Girl #5 before punching Dandelion Girl #6 and punching Dandelion Girl #7 causing all seven girls to lie down legally dead.  Goldfish Man kicked Lisa to the ground.  Goldfish Man punched Dandelion Girl #8, kicked Dandelion Girl #9, punched Dandelion Girl #10, punched Dandelion Girl #11, punched Dandelion Girl #12 before kicking Dandelion Girl #13 causing all six girls to lie down legally dead.  Goldfish Man kicked and then punched Lisa to the ground when she stood up.  Lisa stood up again.  Lisa punched him and he blocked the blow before kicking her to the ground.  Goldfish Man kicked Dandelion Girl #14 and kicked Dandelion Girl #15 to death causing both girls to lie down legally dead.  Lisa stood up and she was punched to the ground.  Goldfish Man punched Dandelion Girl #16, punched Dandelion Girl #17, Dandelion Girl #18 and Dandelion Girl #19 before kicking Dandelion Girl #20 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Goldfish Man punched Lisa to the ground when she stood up.  Goldfish Man punched Dandelion Girl #21 to death.  Goldfish Man punched Lisa to the ground when she stood up.  Goldfish Man punched Dandelion Girl #22 to death.  Goldfish Man punched Dandelion Girl #23, kicked Dandelion Girl #24, punched Dandelion Girl #25, kicked Dandelion Girl #26, punched Dandelion Girl #27, punched Dandelion Girl #28 before kicking Dandelion Girl #29 causing all seven girls to lie down legally dead.  Goldfish Man kicked Lisa to the ground when she stood up.  Goldfish Man kicked Dandelion Girl #30 to death. 
Lisa stood up before she said, "You may have wiped out and killed my army of girls, but you'll never kill me.  I shall return to kill you.  Don't send anybody to kill me to prevent me from returning to kill you."
Lisa Loeb smiled with joy as she escaped justice.
Tampon Man walked into an art gallery.  It didn't take long before he realized that he was being followed by Kat Dennings who was flanked by Twenty Dandelion Girls.  Dandelion Girl #1 and Dandelion Girl #2 blocked his ability to follow Kat Dennings.  He punched Dandelion Girl #1 as she stood to left of him before punching Dandelion Girl #2 as she stood to the right of him.  Dandelion Girl #1 and Dandelion Girl #2 lay down on the floor legally dead.  Tampon Man continued his pursuit against Kat Dennings with intention to murder the girl.
 Tampon Man approached Dandelion Girl #3 as she stood to the right of him and he punched her.  Tampon Man punched Dandelion Girl #4 as she stood to the left of him.  Dandelion Girl #3 and Dandelion Girl #4 lay down legally dead.  Tampon Man continued to follow Kat Dennings as Dandelion Girl #5 walked behind him.  Tampon Man spun around and kicked Dandelion Girl #5 as she stood behind him.  Dandelion Girl #5 lay down legally dead.
Tampon Man punched Dandelion Girl #6 as she stood to the left of him.  Dandelion Girl #6 lay down legally dead.  Kat Dennings realized that a member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was chasing after her and she turned a corner while walking through the art gallery.
Tampon Man punched Dandelion Girl #7 as she stood to the left of him and he punched Dandelion Girl #8 as she stood to the right of him.  Dandelion Girl #7 and Dandelion Girl #8 lay down legally dead.  It was getting harder to keep up his pursuit against Kat Dennings since the girl was walking faster and faster.  Tampon Man still needed to kill Kat before she makes her escape.
Tampon Man kicked Dandelion Girl #9 as she stood to the right of him before he punched Dandelion Girl #10 as she stood to the left of him.  He kicked Dandelion Girl #11 as she stood in front of him.  Dandelion Girl #9, Dandelion Girl #10 and Dandelion Girl #11 lay down legally dead.  Tampon Man briefly lost track of Kat Dennings before her cell phone started ringing.  Kat Dennings frantically tried to switch off her cell phone as he walked closer to her hiding place in the art gallery.
Tampon Man punched Dandelion Girl #12 as she stood to the right of him.  Dandelion Girl #12 lay down legally dead.  Kat Dennings effort to switch off her cell phone was hindered by the caller insistence on making a cell phone call.  When she answered her cell phone, it was a male prank call asking about her bra cup size.  She hung up the cell phone only to have her cell phone starting to ring again much to her frustration.
Tampon Man punched Dandelion Girl #13 as she stood to the left of him and she lay down legally dead.  Tampon Man punched Dandelion Girl #14 as she stood to the right of him and she lay down legally dead.  Tampon Man punched Dandelion Girl #15 and kicked Dandelion Girl #16 as they stood to the right of him.  Dandelion Girl #15 and Dandelion Girl #16 lay down legally dead.  Tampon Man punched Dandelion Girl #17 as she stood to the left of him and she lay down legally dead.  Tampon Man punched Dandelion Girl #18 and kicked Dandelion Girl #19 as they stood to the left of him.  Tampon Man punched Dandelion Girl #20 as she stood to the right of him.  Dandelion Girl #18, Dandelion Girl #19 and Dandelion Girl #20 lay down legally dead. 
Tampon Man found Kat Dennings hiding spot and he stabbed her between her voluptuous breasts.  He answered Kat's cell phone and told Prank Caller Lad, "It's ok, I killed her.  You can stop prank calling her now."
Prank Caller Lad said, "Thank God.  Thanks for riding the world of that horrible girl."
Prank Caller Lad hang up on his side of the cell phone line.
Kat said, "I'm not dead yet you stupid piece of garbage."
Tampon Man stabbed Kat Dennings between her voluptuous breasts five more times and the dying girl started to stagger.
Kat sputtered while she was dying, "What's wrong with you?  I never attacked you."
Tampon Man said, "It doesn't matter if you never attacked me.  You belong to the Dandelion Girls.  That alone makes it necessary for me to kill you."
Kat Dennings found her hidden knife inside her purse before she said, "I promise not to try to murder you if you let me escape justice."
Tampon Man stabbed Kat between her breasts and she dropped her purse on the floor.
Tampon Man said, "Sorry, I'm not interested in making any deals."
Kat found it hard to remain standing up before she asked, "Come on, speak to me.  A penny for what you're tinking about while you're killing an innocent girl who never threatened you?  Why would you ruin your only chance for happiness for a one way ticket towards death row?"
Tampon Man replied, "Number one, my thoughts isn't for sale.  Number two, being sent to death row for killing innocent women who could've been my only hope for happiness is fun."
And with that, Tampon Man stabbed Kat Dennings between her voluptuous breasts with a wide smile on his face before stabbing her between her breasts two more times.
Tampon Man looked at Kat Dennings with a flippant smirk on her face as she dropped to her knees while most of her blood formed a puddle on the floor in front of her.  It was no longer possible for Kat to stand up as the loss of blood became catastrophic.  He made no effort to control the bleeding as he calmly and flippantly watched her die in front of him.
Kat Dennings fell to the floor and she found herself closing her eyes with tears streaming down her face.  Kat felt shame and humiliation as she slowly started to die.
Darkness claimed Kat's vision as she lay on the floor dying.  She tried to stand up, but her body went numb as he stood over her calm and proud.
Kat Dennings is no longer alive.  Kat Dennings is legally dead. 
 Vanessa Hudgens and two of her girlfriends sat in the front row waiting for the basketball game to start.  Vanessa was liking a lolipop as she patiently waited in vain.  The basketball game was eventually canceled when both teams ended up committing suicide under weird mysterious circumstances.  Vanessa frowned as she finished her lolipop.

Vanessa said, "I'll be right back ladies, I'm going to adjust my makeup."
One Of Her Friends said, "Don't take too long, you won't want to miss the best part."
The Other of Her Best Friends said, "It's such a shame that both basketball teams, the home and the visitors, both chose to committ suicide.  I was expecting a really good basketball game."
Vanessa said, "Oh don't worry, I'm having the time of my life already."
Vanessa got up and walked towards the exit of the audience section.  Casino Killer #2 stabbed both of Vanessa Hudgen's Girlfriends to death in a knife attack.  Both women fell to the ground dead.  Casino Killer #2 exited the audience section of the basketball arena and tried to find Vanessa Hudgens.  Not seeing the girl, Casino Killer #2 walked towards the exit.  Vanessa Hudgens quietly followed close behind.  It didn't take long for Casino Killer #2 to realize that he's being followed.  He won't be able to walk over to Denise Richard's apartment building to reinforce Party Animal and Casino Killer #1 until he first murders Vanessa Hudgens.  But he can't do so if she's the one following him with intention to kill instead of the other way around.  If only there was a way the Casino Killer #2 can turn the table around and end Vanessa Hudgen's life successfully.

Vanessa Hudgens followed close behind.  Casino Killer #2 knew she was following close behind.  The Casino Killer #2 was reaching the exit and Vanessa Hudgens was still alive.  He can either turn around to the opposite end of the Basketball Arena and walk towards the exit over and over again until Vanessa Hudgens dies or she must die within the next three minutes.  Only three minutes left to kill Vanessa Hudgens before the Casino Killer reaches the exit.

The Casino Killer looked ahead of him and he saw Christina Aguilera walking towards him.  And he realized that it was an ambush with Christina Aguilera walking towards him and Vanessa Hudgens walking behind him.  And he had two and a half minutes to kill both Christina Aguilera and Vanessa Hudgens so the two girls doesn't disrupt Casino Killer's efforts to assist in Casino Killer #1 and Party Animal's attack against Denise Richards and Kate Bosworth.  He only has two and a half minutes left to kill both Christina Aguilera in front of him and Vanessa Hudgens behind him before he reaches the exit and leaves the basketball arena.

Christina Aguilera pulled out a knife and he grabbed her arm and held it steady.  He pushed Christina Aguilera's hand directly into the path of Vanessa Hudgens.  Christina Aguilera's hand and knife was used to stab Vanessa Hudgens between her breasts.  Vanessa Hudgen's hand and knife was used to stab Christina Aguilera between her breasts. 
Christina said, "I'm sorry Vanessa, it wasn't supposed to end this way."
Vanessa said, "It's ok, I should've known it was too good to be true.  I guess the perfect murder attack strategy can never work against him."
Christina Aguilera lay down on the floor dead.  Vanessa Hudgens lay down on the floor dead.  Casino Killer #2 exited the basketball arena.
Gillian Jacobs looked at her slacks.  And with a frown, she took off her slacks as slowly as possible without realizing that she was being secretly recorded on a hidden camera.  And with her slacks removed, she tossed her dirty slacks into a washing machine to be cleaned.
 And so Gillian Jacobs walked towards the bathtub wearing only her bra, sleeveless tee shirt and her panties.  And she filled up the bathtub with water.  She calmly and casually looked at the bathtub as it slowly started to fill up with water.  And when the bathtub was finally filled up with water, she turned the water off.  She slipped and accidently fell into the bathtub with her bra, sleeveless tee shirt and her panties on.  She struggled to the surface of the bathtub to prevent herself from drowning to death by accident without success.
 Gillian Jacobs finally freed herself from the bathtub and took hug gulps of air.  It took a while, but she finally recovered from nearly drowning to death in the bathtub.
She drained the bathtub water and chose to dress herself.  It was time for her to report in as a Dandelion Girl anyway.  She'll take a bath later when the Dandelion Girls succeed in wiping out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse once and for all.  Yes, Gillian Jacobs failed to die and failure like that can't be tolerated.  Gillian Jacobs is doomed and sooner or later, a death scene afflicted against the sexually seductive girl will succeed.
Janeane Garofalo looked at Winona Ryder.  Winona Ryder looked at Janeane Garofalo. 
Winona said, "Look, I wouldn't be asking this from you if I didn't think you had a chance to survive this.  And I do believe that you can survive this.  But the facts is simple.  Lisa Loeb needs assistance and you're the perfect girl to provide that assistance."
Janeane said, "You say that with conviction, but so far all of your schemes have failed.  The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is going to murder you if you keep failing like this."
Winona said, "Hey, the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is going to kill me anyway."
 Janeane said, "I don't know.  I don't enjoy throwing away my life like this."
Winona said, "But you'll be looked upon as a heroine if you succeed."
Janeane asked, "How many points will your murderer earn when you finally succeed in getting yourself killed forever."
Winona said, "My death is the double point margin of twenty-four points.  And you?"
Janeane said, "My permanent irreversible death only produces a single point average of fourteen points.  How many points will Captain Parakeet earn when he dies forever."
Winona said, "Captain Parakeet produces no point when he dies because Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers isn't allowed to have a permanent death.  Only Dandelion Girls are required to die permanently and produce points when they die forever."
Janeane asked, "When the Dandelion Girls wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, is the game ended."
Winona said, "The game only ends when all the Dandelion Girls are wiped out.  A Dandelion Girl is required to die accidently to resurrect a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer if all of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers are wiped out."
Janeane said, "Yeah, that's the problem with risking my life like this.  This situation is designed in such a way that women has no chance to survive this evening.
Winona said, "Let me put it to you this way.  I'm going to kill you myself if you don't agree to assist Lisa Loeb.  I'm sorry, but I'm running out of options and you're my best hope for surviving all the way to the final round of this game."
Janeane said, "I guess I have to agree to assist Lisa Loeb if you're going to put it this way."
Winona said, "That a girl.  I knew you would agree one way or another."
 As Janeane Garofalo walked away from Winona Ryder and towards the part of town where she's scheduled to meet up with Lisa Loeb, Janeane encountered Shit For Brains Lad. 
Janeane said, "Hello, how are you doing."
Shit For Brains Lad said, "Oh Damn, the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer who earns the most points from killing the most girls will molest me if I don't succeed in earning a single point from killing a single girl because I keep getting locked up in the closet."
Janeane said, "Guess what, you're going to get locked up in the closet.  The only way to be freed is if all the girls from this level gets wiped out."
Janeane dragged Shit For Brains Lad into a nearby building at random, shoved him inside a closet and locked him inside the closet with a special lock that only gets unlocked if all the girls on this level gets wiped out.  Janeane smiled with joy as she exited the room and tossed the key into the trash can and waited until the trash delivery truck emptied the trash can contents into the trash delivery truck.  She smiled even wider as the trash deliver truck parked next to a row of three hundred separate trash delivery trucks.
Janeane whistled a tune out of happiness as she walked down the sidewalk, turned a corner and she vanished from sight.  Christmas Man failed to kill Janeane Garofalo quickly enough when he had the chance.  Now the girl is escaping.  Shit For Brains Lad can't be rescued from being locked in the closet until Janeane is defeated and killed once and for all.  Fourteen points is available for the guy who succeeds in killing Janeane Garofalo permanently.
Haylie Duff and Ashley Tisdale parked their bicycles in the parking lot and they walked towards the beach.  Both girls were meeting somebody important there.


 Ashley Tisdale said, "I'm thirsty.  Do you want something?"
Haylie Duff replied, "I would like some bottled water.  Can you get me some?"
Ashley replied, "I'd be happy to do so."
And so Ashley Tisdale walked towards the vending machine.
 And after purchasing two bottles of water from the vending machine, she walked towards Haylie Duff.  She wasn't sure if a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse member was following her.
 Ashley would look behidn her and she saw nothing, so she kept walking forward.
 And she paused to look around the beach and she felt at peace.
 It felt as if nothing bad would ever happen to her.
 It felt as if she was incapable of being murdered by a serial killer.
 And so she walked toward Haylie Duff.
 Haylie Duf was chatting up Rabbi Ralph when Ashley Tisdale finally reached her.
 And Rabbi Ralph lead the way as Haylie Duff and Ashley Tisdale followed close behind.
 Ashley asked, "Where are we going?"
Haylie replied, "I don't know.  We'll find out when we get there."
 And yes, Ashley Tisdale was nervous about it all, but she followed anyway.
 Rabbi Ralph doesn't talk much.
 Ashley asked, "How does a Rabbi lead a congregation if he's a mute.  How will he deliver the sermon?  How will he lead services?"
Haylie replied, "I never bothered to ask.  He won't reply even if I did ask."
 Ashley replied, "I guess it's one of those sexist pig eccentricities that us girls will never understand."
 Haylie said, "I'm not bothered.  I think we're almost here."
 Ashley said, "He could be luring us to a secluded spot to be murdered."
 Haylie said, "Us Dandilion Girls are tough enough to survive anything."
 Ashley replied, "I certainly hope so."
 And Rabbi Ralph finally reached his destination.  And he turned to face Haylie Duff and Ashley Tisdale with his back turned to the ocean behind him.
Haylie Duff kissed him.  Ashley Tisdale kissed him.  Rabbi Ralph slipped into a coma before he could attack and kill both women.  Haylie Duff and Ashley Tisdale walked back to their bicycles after completing the first step of the late night agenda as the clocks truck midnight.
Gillian Jacobs saw Haylie Duff and Ashley Tisdale and she called out to the two girls.  However, Haylie and Ashley didn't hear her and continued to peddle their bikes away from the parking lot nearby the beach.  Gillian Jacobs frowned as she walked closer to the ocean with her feet kicking the sand directly in front of her.  She only wore her bikini and she was hoping to swim in the Ocean before continuing her work for the Dandilion Girls.

The Driftwood Assassin approached Gillian Jacobs. 
The Driftwood Assassin said, "You could've saved Rabbi Ralph from being attacked by your girlfriends Haylie and Ashley."
Gillian said, "Yes, it's true that I could've saved Rabbi Ralph and I chose not to do so.  The fool deserved to be attacked as far as I'm concerned."
The Driftwood Assassin said, "I demand an apology for your disturbing behavior."
Gillian picked up a piece of driftood and advanced towards the Driftwood Assassin. 
Gillian said with a smirk, "I would rather attack and kill you instead."
And faced with the possibility of being killed if he didn't kill in self defence, the Driftwood Assasin grabbed Gillian.  The Driftwood Assassin dragged Gillian into the deepest part of the ocean and he proceeded to drown her to death.  It only took a few minutes for Gillian Jacobs to die from drowning.  And Gillian's dead body floated underwater deeper and deeper into shark infested portion of the ocean and far away from the beach. 
The Driftwood Assassin punched five Dandelion Girls, kicked three Dandelion Girls before shoving a ninth Dandelion Girl into a tenth Dandelion Girl causing all ten Dandelion Girls to lie down legally dead.  The Driftwood Assassin punched Dandelion Girl #11, kicked Dandelion Girl #12, punched Dandelion Girl #13, kicked Dandelion Girl #14, kicked Dandelion Girl #15, kicked Dandelion Girl #16, punched Dandelion Girl #17 and punched Dandelion Girl #18 causing all eight Dandelion Girls to lie down legally dead.  The Driftwood Assassin punched twelve eight year old Dandelion Girls who were eight years old and punched ten Dandelion Girls who were twelve years old causing all twenty-two Dandelion Girls to lie down legally dead.  The Driftwood Assassin looked around him to see forty Dandelion Girls lying dead around him without emotion before walking off.  He didn't look behind him as he kept walking onwards.
Constance Jablonski watched from a distance as she saw the Driftwood Assassin murder Gillian Jacobs Brewster and forty Dandelion Girls.  Constance knew that it would've been smart if she ran for her life.  But instead she stayed put where she stood while fully dressed in her street clothing.  And for the brief moment that Constance could've ran for her life, the Driftwood Assassin and Mouse Lass failed to see Constance.
 Too late.  Mouse Lass saw Constance.  So now Constance has no choice but to fight against Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass or die in the process.  Constance smiled as she walked closer towards her murderess with confidence.  Mouse Lass has no choice but to keep attacking Constance until she breaks that positive self confidence to reduce the victim to a sobbing dying mess of a woman.
 Jeanine said, "You should've ran for your life when you had the chance."
Constance said, "That's funny, because I was going to say the same thing about you."
Jeanine said, "I have no need to run for my life."
Constance said, "Sure, keep saying that and someday you'll believe it."
 Jeanine said, "You know the rules.  Strip to your bathing suit and prove to me that you can survive a battle to the death against me."
Constance said, "It would be better if you striped to your bathing suit and let me attack you."
Jeanine said, "I already did that and I survived.  Now it's your turn to strip to your bathing suit and let me attack you.  Then I'll strip to my bathing suit and let you attack me.  Then you strip to your bathing suit and let me attack you.  We keep going back and forth until one of us dies."
 Constance said, "I don't like it, but I'll do so under protest."
and so Constance removed her skirt to reveal her bikini bottom, but refused to remove her blouse."
Jeanine said, "I need all of your street clothing removed or I'll do it forcefully instead."
 Constance said, "Then you'll need to forcefully remove my blouse."
Jeanine grabbed Constance and tried to remove her blouse.  Constance punched Jeanine.  Jeanine punched Constance twice before kicking her to the ground.  Constance doubled over in pain as her self confidence was shaken with tears in her eyes.  Constance stood up and punched Jeanine causing her to collapse to the ground.
 Constance walked towards a swing set and she started to swing back and force while completely forgetting that Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass ever existed.  Jeanine Heller needs to punish Constance for her arrogance by attacking and killing her.
 Constance continued to swing back and forth on the swing set as Jeanine walked closer towards the doomed teenage girl.  Hurry and kill Constance before it's too late.
 Jeanine Heller grabbed Constance from behind and pulled the doomed teenage girl off her swing and caused her to crash backwards to the ground.  Jeanine kicked Constance as she tried to stand up and she lay face up on the beach sand.  Constance sat up to face her attacker Jeanine Heller.
Constance said, "You're so totally going to suffer and pay for what you've done goddamn it."
 Jeanine grabbed Constance and forcefully pulled her blouse off.  Jeanine punched Constance everytime she tried to grab her blouse.  Jeanine punched Constance every time she tried to escape from Jeanine's attempt to comfort her by hugging her with punches that caused Constance to double over in pain.  Constance punched Jeanine before running towards the Black Sea.
 Jeanine tackled Constance and lay on top of Constance as the doomed teenage girl lay face down on the beach sand---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Constance rammed her left elbow into Jeanine causing the victimizer to roll off the victim.  Constance ran towards the Black Sea in hopes of escaping her victimizer.
 Constance dove into the Black Sea.  Jeanine Heller dove into the Black Sea.  Jeanine hugged Constance from behind---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Jeanine pushed the oxygen from Constance's lungs and forced her mouth open until she gulped large quantities of water.  Constance struggled to the surface, but Jeanine kept pulling the dying girl further and further underwater.  Constance felt her body go numb and darkness filled her vision.  Constance gave up with tears merging with the Sea water as she allowed death to claim her.
Constance Jablonski is no longer alive.  Constance is legally dead.
Liv Tyler was proud and confident as she walked down the sidewalk nearby the Dandilion Club.  She was confident that the Dandilion Club won't fall to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  She was confident that she'll wipe out all the girl murdering serial killers employed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  And more important, she was conifdent that she won't be killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
Perhaps it was a foolish dream to think that way, but Liv Tyler wasn't used to failure and she's not about to start failing now.  She has too much to do to allow the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to murder her before the night is finished. 
Liv Tyler wasn't certain that she wasn't being followed by a member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  She was ready to fight back with intnt to kill or be killed if somebody employed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse were to attempt to attack her. 
 But so far, nobody has bothered to attack her.  So Liv dropped her defences and she prayed to GOD that she doesn't get herself killed as punishment for dropping her defences.
 Liv Tyler pulled ot her cell phone.  It was time for her to make a telephone call to the right person.
Blake Lively wasn't sure how she managed to stay asleep for this long.  She was woken up by the sound of girl voices followed by Selena Gomez yelling from the kitchen to check on the cake baking.  Blake Lively was half listening when she shook the slumber from herself.  She slowly stumbled to her feet and walked into the bathroom.  Selena Gomez and six other girls has already left the Dandelion Hotel Room Suite that the eight girls shared.  It took a few minutes for Blake Lively to make herself beautiful in the bathroom without realizing that she was secretly being filmed by a hidden camera.  And already existing footage in the hidden camera had to be erased to make room for secretly film images of Blake Lively getting ready for an evening worth of work.  Blake simply didn't care as she took longer than expected to make herself beautiful in the bathroom of the Dandelion Hotel room suite.

 Blake Lively exited the bathroom and entered the kitchen where Dandelion Girl #1 stood nearby.
Blake said, "Check the cake and take it out of the oven when it's done.  I need to do something first."
Dandelion Girl said, "You got it."
Blake Lively exited the Dandelion Hotel Room Suite she shared with Selena Gomez and six other girls.  Dandelion Girl #1 tripped over a broom and she fell to the ground with a crashing thud and legally died where she fell.  Kill Blake Lively, Selena Gomez, Saoirse Ronen realized that Renee Zellweger, Emily Blunt, Selena Gomez, Bijou Phillips, Laura Prepon and Carey Mulligan and the cake in the oven will burn and eventually cause the Dandelion Hotel Room Suite and eventually the entire Dandelion Hotel to be incinerated.
 Blake didn't know that she needs to die as she casually walked down the street without a care in the world.  Goldfish Man followed the girl from a safe distance as she walked down the sidewalk.  Dandelion Girl #2 followed Goldfish Man and she didn't see where she was walking.  Her vagina ran into a fire hydrant before she fell backwards against a stop sign and fell legally dead to the ground.  Goldfish Man punched Dandelion Girl #3 and Dandelion Girl #4 before kicking Dandelion Girl #5 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead.
 Blake walked closer towards her motorcycle without realizing that Goldfish Man was following her.  Goldfish Man punched Dandelion Girl #6, kicked Dandelion Girl #7, punched Dandelion Girl #8 and kicked both Dandelion Girl #9 and Dandelion Girl #10 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
 Blake Lively turned around and she punched Goldfish Man.  Goldfish Man tried to kick her and she blocked the blow before she punched him twice and kicked him once.  He tried to punch and then kicked the girl, but she blocked both attack attempts with a smile.
Blake asked, "What's wrong asshole, you don't have what it takes to kill me.  What a pity jerk."
Goldfish Man said, "You're overconfidence will be your undoing lady."
Blake said, "I seriously doubt it creep."
Blake punched Goldfish Man and caused him to double over in pain.  He punched Dandelion Girl #11 in the stomach causing her to lie down legally dead as he struggled to regain his breathe.
 Goldfish Man jumped on his tricycle and he peddled away after handcuffing Blake to a nearby stop sign.  Blake struggled to release herself from the handcuff as Goldfish Man puddled his tricycle away towards safety from Blake Lively and her attempts to kill him.
 Blake found a hairpin and she used it to release herself from the handcuff.  She smiled as she walked towards her motorcycle.  The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse failed to punish Blake Lively with handcuffs and involuntary incarceration through kidnapping.  Now it's necessary to punish the girl by killing her once and for all instead.  But how will Goldfish Man kill Blake when he's riding a tricycle and she's riding a motorcycle?
 Blake Lively hopped on her motorcycle and she drove towards Goldfish Man as he already reached the nearby Forest Preserve.  Blake drove away from the Downtown District and towards the Forest Preserve faster and faster.  She must die now!

 Blake drove away from the Downtown District and drove her motorcycle towards the forest preserve.  She came closer to running her motorcycle over Goldfish Man and his tricycle.  Thug #1 and Thug #2 strung a wire from one tree to the other.  Blake didn't see the wire as she drove her motorcycle between the two trees.  Blake's throat connected to the wire and killed the girl instantly.
 Blake's dead body slowly slid off the motorcycle as it continued to race forward with a dead girl mounted on top of it.  First, Blake's dead body perched on the motorcycle seat, then her dead body was lying to the left side of the motorcycle before falling off the motorcycle entirely.  The motorcycle crashed and was rendered useless forever.
 Blake lay dead on the ground of the Forest Preserve.  Goldfish Man got off his tricycle and walked towards the girl's dead body to check for a pulse.  Thug #1 punched Dandelion Girl #12 and Dandelion Girl #13 causing her to lie down legally dead.  Thug #2 kicked Dandelion Girl #14 causing her to lie down legally dead.
 Goldfish Man couldn't find a pulse on Blake's dead body and he kicked the dead girl with a smile on his face.  Goldfish Man punched Dandelion Girl #15 causing the girl to lie down legally dead.
 Blake Lively and all fifteen of her Dandelion Girl entourage are no longer alive.  Blake Lively and all fifteen of her Dandelion Girl entourage are legally dead. 
 Chloë Sevigny was in an airplane above the sky for the past few hours and the airplane only just landed at the airport.  And as she got out of the airplane and made her way through security to the lobby, she was both cool and calm.  If Chloë had any tricks up her sleeve, she did a really good job in not showing it.  And she was proud of the fact that she was calm while facing airport security.  And so she made her way to the lobby and started to walk out of the airport.  She was vaguely aware that Railroad Man was following her and she had an idea in the back of her head on how to deal with it. Chloë was even willing to kill the Railroad Man if that's what it took to survive the night.  Also in the back of her head was the question about what was Railroad Man doing at the airport anyway.

 Chloë Sevigny was overjoyed when she spotted Clea DuVall also hanging out at the airport.  And now Railroad Man had two women that he needed to kill on behalf of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  Chloë and Clea talked as they walked alongside each other.
Chloë asked, "Somebody is following us both."
Clea said, "Yeah, I noticed.  We should kick his ass."
Chloë said, "Yeah, that's exactly my idea, but we need to be smart about it."
Clea said, "We don't need to be smart about anything.  We just need to kill the jerk."
Clea said, "I mean, can these idiots pick a more conspicuous name for their group.  I mean, what does the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse does for a living?  Well, we cook pasta and knit.  I mean, come on.  How can you hide a group like that when they have a name so blatant."
Chloë said, "Number one, The Dandilion Girls still doesn't know the location of the primary headquarters of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  Number two, the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse clearly isn't afraid about the consequences of having an obvious sounding name for their group.  They clearly believe that nobody is going to catch up or defeat them."
Clea said, "Whatever is going on, we need to abmush those morons soon."
Chloë said, "Actually, I have an idea.  Meet up with me later this hour and we'll set up this deathtrap that will wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse once and for all."
Clea DuVall said, "I like the way you think.  Give me a ring on the cell phone and we'll beat up these jerks once and for all.  Then life will return to normal again."
Chloë Sevigny said, "Oh yeah, I can't wait."
 And so, Chloë Sevigny walked away from Clea DuVall as she walked towards the exit.  And Railroad Man wasn't sure if he should follow and murder Clea DuVall to prevent her from meeting up with Chloë Sevigny later in the hour or if he should murder Chloë Sevigny to prevent herfrom meeting up with Clea DuVall later in the hour.  And he chose to follow Chloë Sevigny after much internal debate and indecision.

Chloë Sevigny was a slippery kind of girl.  One moment, she was directly in front of Railroad Man.  The next moment, she vanished from sight.  And Railroad Man missed out on the chance to kill both Clea DuVall and Chloë Sevigny.
And Charisma Carpenter was busy preparing for her lecture abotu how to survive a violent attack that was to be held at the dandilion Club.  Night has fallen and Charisma chose to walk from the alcohol tavern to the Dandilion Club.  Normally, she'd be hanging out at the Dandilion Hotel, but the death of so many Dandilion Girls have resulted in the permenent irreversable loss of the Dandilion Hotel.  So much irreversable Dandilion Girls deaths has been pushing the women's only Dandilion Girls dangerously close to being driven to permenent extinction from the one hundred percent loss of all it's members.  Charisma Carpenter hoped that such a thing doesn't happen because that would result in her death as well.  Needless to say, Charisma Carpenter wasn't really in the mood to die (Though a part of her was sexually turned on by the possiblity of being killed off too).  It only took a few minutes for Charisma Carpenter to reach the Dandilion Club.  She proudly walked through the front doors and walked towards the first floor lecture hall portion of the Dandilion Club.

 And Charisma Carpenter was joined by Holly Marie Combs inside the lecture hall portion of the Dandilion Club. 
Charisma said, "Oh darn, I left the slides behind at the Женоненавистничество Таверна Barroom.  Can you please help me out and get them for me?  My lecture on how to avoid rape and sexual assault will fall apart without the slide show.  I don't want me effort to present a successfull lecture to be ruined and defeated by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Holly replied, "Oh sure, that won't be a problem.  I'll race down there and I'll be right back."
And Charisma stood nearby the lecturn as she watched Holly Marie Combs exit the lecture hall portion of the Dandilion Club.   
She raced out of the Dandilion Club and accidently bumbed into Dumbass Man while the Illinois River Guy stood nearby.
Charisma said, "Pardon you.  Rude much.  Dear GOD, what the fuck is wrong with you."
Dumbass Man said, "You're the one who bumbed into me."
Charisma replied, "Well if that's the way you want it, then I guess you deserve to be fucked up looking you goddamn reject."
Charisma walked away from Dumbass Man.
 Charisma walked towards Holly Marie Combs before saying, "Oh yes, there were some guys nearby the left window nearby the front door who was trying to put the moves.  Can you kick the shit out of them for me?"
Holly Marie replied, "Oh yes, it will be my pleasure."
And so Holly Marie dissapeared down the street and away from Charisma.
 Charisma Carpenter looked at Alexandra Chando and Allie Gonim before saying, "Can you two please kill Dumbass Man and Illinois River Guy for me?"
Alexandra said, "Oh yes, we can do that."
Allie replied, "I was hoping that you would ask us that."
Alexandra watched Charisma Carpenter reenter the Dandilion Club before she turned around.  She unknowingly walked into a knife held by Dumbass Man.  Alexandra winced with pain before she lay down on the ground legally dead.  Allie got Dumbass Man held in a strangle hold before she was stabbed from behind by Illinois River Guy.  And the Illinois River Guy stabbed Allie from behind five more times before she too lay down on the ground dead.
 Meanwhile, acting on a hunch, Holy Marie Combs wandered away from the Dandilion Club before she turned the corner.  She walked closer to the Женоненавистничество Таверна Barroom.
Holly Marie Combs entered the  Женоненавистничество Таверна Barroom.  She entered the tavern with a proud expression on her face.  She felt that she could do no wrong.  She saw the slides that Charisma Carpenter left behind and she walked towards the window located table.
 Dumbass Man stood between Holly Marie and the table she was heading towards.
Holly Marie said, "Please step aside so I could grab the slides."
Dumbass Man said, "The only way I could ruin Charisma Carpenter's lecture on how to survive a rape and sexual assault will be ruined forever if she never gets to use the slides.  If the only way to prevent those slides from reaching Charisma is to murder you, then so be it."
Holly Marie pulled out a knife from a scabbard strapped to her left leg and she said, "You're going to wish that you never said that to me."
Holly Marie said, "I'm giving you one last chance to step aside.  If you don't step aside, then I'll be forced to murder you."
Dumbass man said, "And if you try to grab those slides from the table, then I'll be forced to murder you in self defence before you can get the chance to kill me first."
Holly Marie said, "Then one of us is about to die and stay dead forever."
Dumbass man said, "Yeah, I guess that's the way it's going to be.  Such a shame that you must die now, but I have no choice but to kill you.  But then again, the Dandilion Girls can't be driven 100% to extinction without first killing you."




 Holly Marie Combs didn't dare move a muscle nor did she dare to take a breath of any sort as the knife rested almost casually on her throat.  One swift stroke of the knife and her life would be over.  Dumbass Man knew that and he celebrated finally having the power of life and death over Holly Marie Combs.  She would've begged for her life if the knife wasn't on her throat, but she didn't dare speak a word for fear that the knife would cut into her throat if it moved even a micro inch.
 Dumbass Man lovingly kissed Holly Marie Combs as he sliced open her throat.  And he lovingly kissed her again as she slowly died in his loving arms.  And he lowered the dead girl to the ground.  Holly Marie Combs is legally dead.  She lay before her murderer in a submissive pose as he walked over her dead body and straight towards the doorway.
Yulia Volkova was a Russian born girl who was very proud of all the photographs she ever had in her photograph gallery.  She was proud of all the accomplishments that her photographs in her photograph gallary represented.
 And Yulia rested before the big concert.
 Yulia loved to rest.  She was good at rest and relaxation.  And she was proud of the fact that she kept her hands smooth and soft by relaxing as often as possible.
 She heard a sound as she tried to rest and chose to investigate the strange sound.
 Yes, Yulia knew that strange sounds only happen whe there are serial killers are around.  And she knew that checking out strange sounds was a bad idea, but she found herself doing so anyway.
 And she checked the forest nearby the hotel she was staying at (Not the Dandilion Hotel because it fell to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse forever).  And she saw nothing.
 So she sat down in the forest and waited in case a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer was standing nearby.
 Casino Killer #1 attacked Yulia, but he only managed to knock her to the ground with a solid punch to her stomach.  He was forced to flee when she recovered and reached for her cell phone.
 Meanwhile, Lena Katina was inside the hotel room that she was sharing with Yulia Volkova.
 And she waited for Yulia to return.  And it took forever for Yulia to return.  Lena found herself asking if she should check the forest in case Yulia fails to return.
 And after waiting in futility, Lena walked down the stairs to the lobby of the hotel she was staying at.  She walked towards the front door of the hotel.
 Lena sotted Casino Killer #2, but a huge mob of autograph seeks stood between Lena and Casino Killer #2.  And when Lena was finished signing all of the autographs, she walked out of the door.  Casino Killer #2 missed a chance to kill her.
Yulia was in good shape and she made it in time for the concert to begin.  Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina performed another successful concert before a huge crowd.  And having made lots of money, the two Russian born women were on the verge of huge success.  The two women were unstopable and they enjoyed every minute of it.
 And there was the required encoure number than Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina were called upon to perform.  And the encoure number brought the house down.
 And after the concert, Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova rode a limousine to their hotel.  Not the Dandilion Hotel because that's gone forever.  They had to rent a hotel room somewhere else and after losing all of their possessions when the Dandilion Hotel fell at the hands of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  The two women wasn't discouraged.
Lena Katin said, "I know it's getting late, but I'm not in the mood for sleeping."
Yulia Volkova said, "I'm not sure what we can do except just stand nearby the beach."
Casino Killer #1 and Casino Killer #2 approached Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova. 
Casino Killer #1 said, "I got an idea.  You two girls can die on the beach instead of looking at it."
Casino Killer #2 said, "Oh yes, I like that idea better."
Yulia said, "I'd rather murder you than allow that to happen."
Lena said, "Let's not argue with those sick assholes.  Let's murder them both instead."
Casino Killer #2 said, "Don't force me to murder you both in self defence."
Yulia said, "It's too late for warning us both."
 And so Yulia attacked Casino Killer #1 while Lena attacked Casino Killer #2.  And while Yulia held Casino Killer #1 in a strangulation grip, Lena was about to stab Casino Killer #2 to death with her knife.  And Casino Killer #1 can't save Casino Killer #2 by killing Lena.  And Casino Killer #2 can't save Casino Killer #1 by killing Yulia.  It looked as if Lena and Yulia was going to kill off both Casino Killer #1 and Casino Killer #2.
 Casino Killer #1 said, "Perhaps we started off on the wrong way.  Let's not fight each other anymore.  We can be friends instead."
Casino Killer #2 said, "Are you nuts?"
Casino Killer #1 said, "Casino Killer #2 also wants to be friends with you both too."
Lena said, "I don't know.  Yulia and I are very close to killing you both."
Yulia said, "I don't know what Casino Killer #1 is up to, but let's go along with it."
 Casino Killer #1 said, "Let's start our friendship by hugging each other. 
And so Casino Killer #1 hugged Yulia Volkova while Casino Killer #2 hugged Lena Katina.
 Casino Killer #1 said, "Now I want you two girls to hug each other."
Lena said, "Yulia and I isn't fighting with each other."
Yulia said, "If Casino Killer #1 and Casino Killer #2 hugs each other before we do, then we can tie them up and stab them to death."
Lena said, "I don't know, but let's do it."
 Casino Killer #1 and Casino Killer #2 hugged each other the same time that Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina.  Yulia and Lena failed to seperate in time to tie up and stab Casino Killer #1 and Casino Killer #2.  But rather, Casino Killer #1 and Casino Killer #2 seperated and tied up both  Yulia Volkova and Lena Katin several times in ropes and impossible to untie knots.
A machette went through Yulia Volkova's breasts, through most of her vital organs, out nearby her spine, went nearby Lena Katina's spine, through most of her vital organs and out between her breasts.  Both Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina were killed instantly.  Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova are legally dead forever.  Casino Killer #1 and Casino Killer #2 skipped down the beach with happiness and joy.  Two more Dandilion Girls are legally dead and defeated. 
Extreme Universe Edition Anteater Man punched five Dandelion Girls who are eight years old, kicked three Dandelion Girls who are eight years old, punched five Dandelion Girls who are twelve years old, punched five Dandelion Girls who are eight years old and kicked three Dandelion Girls who are eight years old.  Extreme Universe Edition Anteater Man punched five Dandelion Girls who are twelve years old, kicked three Dandelion Girls who are eight years old, kicked three Dandelion Girls who are twelve years old before punching ten Dandelion Girls who are eight years old.  Extreme Universe Edition Anteater Man was surrounded by forty-two legally dead Dandelion Girls before walking down the alley in search for more Dandelion Girls for him to murder. 
 Jane Levy woke up in Dandilion Manor.  She felt refreshed and ready to take on the world.  Never mind the fact that it was somewhat close to Midnight.  She was excited.  It looked as if Jane Levy was going to live long enough to see the sunrise once again.
 She ate a dinner that consisted of candy canes and soda pop.  And with her favorite dinner entre inside her stomach, she was ready to face the day on her own terms.
 But first a telephone call.
Liv Tyler was on the other side of the telephone line.
Liv said over the telephone, "I need you to help me out at the Dandilion Club.  It looks as if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse are trying to destroy in their efforts to wipe out every single girl employed by the Dandilion Club.  I'm trying to prevent that from happening."
Jane said, "I'll be right here in a few seonds." 
 And so Jane Levy drove her car from the Dandilion Manor to the Dandilion Club.
The car ride was both soothing and elaxing.
But she felt tense and anxious that she always felt before she was about to be attacked in a messy death scene.  However, she always tried to be as focused on surviving as a the number of dead Dandilion Girls was slowly getting larger  as the number of surviving Dandilion Girls is forcing Jane Levy from the sidelines to the to the center of the story.
 Jane Levy walked towards the vending machines in the secret room.  More like a panic room with vending machines, a few tables, a few chairs
 Jane Levy considered purchasing something from the vending machines.
Jane Levy found a few coins in her purse.
Jane Levy dropped the coins into the vending machine.
Dwayne Humpty said, "Give me a bag of potato chips."
Jane said, "Excuse me, but this is my coin.  I'm going to get a snack food that I would rather be eating.  Sorry for the disappointment."
Dwayne Humpty said, "Oh you're going to wish you never done that."
And so he stabbed Jane Levy between her breasts.  He watched Jane as she lay down on the ground dead with perverted delight.  Jane Levy is legally dead.  And Dwayne Humpty purchased a bag of potato chips using money from Jane's purse.
Eliza Dushku entered her apartment suite at the Dandelion Hotel with the need to change blouses.  Eliza wasn't aware that Captain Kite (He's Higher Than A...) had followed her into her apartment suite at the Dandelion Hotel.  Captain Kite (He's Higher Than A...) remained hidden as he viewed Eliza from a safe distance.
Eliza proceeded to remove her blouse with Captain Kite (He's Higher Than A...) still hidden and watching the doomed girl from a safe distance.  If Eliza knew that Captain Kite (He's Higher Than A...) was watching her from a safe distance, then she'd be motivated to violently attack him and then he'd be forced to kill her in self defense.  And Eliza was much too pretty for Captain Kite (He's Higher Than A...) to attack and murder.  So he merely watched her from a safe distance without attempting to approach and attack her. 

 Eliza Dushku removed her slacks and stood stark naked before changing into a new recently washed blue jeans and blouse combo.
Eliza Dushku was now dressed in a new blouse and blue jeans combo walked right past the spot where Captain Kite (He's Higher Than A...) was hiding in.  And if Eliza searched the area she just walked past in greater detail, then Captain Kite (He's Higher Than A...) would be forced to murder the girl.  However, Eliza never carefully searched the area of her apartment suite at the Dandelion Hotel carefully enough, so the doomed girl got to live a bit longer than Captain Kite (He's Higher Than A...) would've preferred.
Eliza Dushku exited her apartment suite at the Dandelion Hotel with Captain Kite (He's Higher Than A...) in close pursuit.  Sooner or later, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than A...) would be forced to kill the girl.  That moment hasn't arrived yet though.
Laura Prepon walked in comfort and satisfaction in the first floor of the Dandilion Club.
Floor one, floor two, floor three and the basement are still controlled by the Dandilion Girls.  Laura was proud of that fact.
 Laura was so proud of the Dandilion Girls having control over 100% of the Dandilion Club, she never thought what would happen if so many Dandilion Girls died, that losing control of the Dandilion Club was made possible.
 And perhaps her refusal to plan for a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse invasion would be her deadliest mistake that will lead to her death.
 But somebody will need to kill Laura Prepon before that was possible.
 Laura Prepon knew that she must die in order for the Dandilion Club to fall into the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, but she didn't escape justice regardless.
 And her arrogance will be her biggest fatal mistake.
 It isn't a manner of if Laura Prepon will die....'s a matter of when she'll die and who will kill her.
 Laura Prepon doesn't get to chose the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse member who will kill her.
 Laura Prepon's assigned murderer will be chosen for her.
 And Laura Prepon must be satisfied with the chose given to her forcefully.
 All Laura Prepon has to worry about is dying on cue when the time for her to die arrives.
 And not knowing that she's about to die, Laura Prepon continued to enjoy herself in the Dandilion Club.  Not to worry, she'll get the chance to die soon.
 Because Laura Prepon is a very guilty woman...
...And everybody knows that guilty women must die in a murder attack sooner rather than later.
Dwayne Humpty walked down an alley towards the Dandilion Club when he encountered a Hispanic born girl.  He approached her with a wide smile on his face.
He said, "My name is Dwayne Humpty.  And what's your name young lady?"
The Hispanic girl replied, "My name is Selena Gomez."
 Selena continued, "I'm feeling rather horny.  I want to make out with you."
And Dwayne Humpty was in so much love with Selena that he replied, "I would love to make out with you too, but your my enemy.  I have to kill you instead."
Selena replied, "Forget about our expected battle to the death.  We can fall in love with each other instead."  And she lovingly kissed him.  And he almost felt himself slipping into a coma.  And as he stepped backwards, Selena stepped forward until her breasts brushed against his chest.  She was about to lovingly kiss him again.  One more kiss from Selena and Dwayne Humpty will slip into a coma that he'll never escape from.  He may be forced to kill her in self defence.
 Dwayne Dumpty ran towards Selena Gomez with intent to kill her as she lovingly held Dwayne Humpty's hand with a flirty smile on her face.
Selena said, "Don't be shy.  You know you want me."
Dwayne Dumpty reached Dwayne Humpty as the later Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse member tossed Selena against a brick wall.
Selena said, "You're going to wish you never rejected me.  The next time we might, I'll kill you for certain or I'll die trying."
And Selena Gomez escaped justice without a scratch.
Dwayne Dumpty asked, "Are you allright."
Dwayne Humpty said, "I'm allright.  I'm sorry I never redeemed myself by killing Selena.  I'll make sure that she's dead the next time I fight against her."
Selena Gomez kept running until she collided into Demi Lovato.  Both Hispanic born girls came crashing to the ground on top of each other.  They stood up before a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse could take advantage of the situation and kill them both off.
 Demi asked, "Where is everybody.  It's as if most of the Dandilion Girls either quit the group or the missing girls are legally dead."
Selena said, "If the missing Dandilion Girls are legally dead, does that mean that we're going to be the next to die or the last two girls standing."
Demi said, "There isn't going to be any cash prizes for surviving.  It shouldn't be this easy for us Dandilion Girls to get killed off one by one all the way down to zero membership."
Both Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato saw Daniel Moder smash apart a dead girl's car with a baseball bat.  Selena looked at Demi.
 Selena said, "Why don't you murder Daniel Moder or die trying.  I'll get some Dandilion Girls to help you murder Daniel Moder."
Demi said, "Sounds like a good plan."
And so Selena Gomez ran towards the Dandilion Club as Demi Lovato walked towards  Daniel Moder with intent to murder him or get killed by him.
Demi asked, "Excuse me sir, but is there a problem with the car?" 
 No answer.  He continued to demolish the car with the baseball bat.  Demi continued, "Because if there's a problem with the car, maybe you could share with me what that problem is."
No answer.  He just continued to smash the car apart with the baseball bat.  Demi continued, "I don't want to fight against you to the death, but I'll attempt to murder you or die trying if you don't start answering me." 
No answer.  He just continued to smash the car apart with the baseball bat.  Demi continued, "You look like somebody who badly needs therepy." 
And so Demi walked closer.
 And she walked closer.
 And soon she was standing so close, that the only way Daniel Moder can continue to smash the car apart without interruption is to murder Demi Lovato.
 Demi said, "I'll give you one second to start talking to me or else I'm going to attack you with intent to murder or be murdered."
Demi said, "Fine, I guess it's time for me to murder you before you murder me first." 
Daniel Moder attacked Demi Lovato with a baseball bat until she was lying down on the ground legally dead.  And when he was finished killing Demi Lovato, he continued to smash the dead girl's car apart with a baseball bat.
Auttumn Reeser was enjoying herself inside the Dandilion Club.  She heard rumors that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was going to try to wipe out all the Dandilion Girls inside the Dandilion Club, but she was confident that she was going to survive.  And with that in mind, Auttumn made sure that she had no survival plans in place in case the Dandilion Club truly was attacked by members of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
Auttumn was in the third floor of the Dandilion Club looking out of the window at the sidewalk below.  She took a deep breath as she rested her right hand on the window glass.
 She turned and slowly walked towards the staircase.
 She reached the staircase.  Auttumn walked down the staircase.  She walked slowly and carefully as if she was expecting to be attacked at killed without warning.
However, a homicidal murder attack never took place.  And Auttumn became convinced that she might actually succeed in surviving the night. 
 And she finally reached the second floor and no, it was close to the first floor, but isolated enough to be attacked and killed without warning.  However, Auttumn wasn't bothered because she had pepper spray tucked away in her purse.
And she was convinced that nobody would try to kill a girl who wore really great shoes like the shes that she wore that night.
And with that in mind, Auttumn lingered in the second floor of the Dandilion Club just a tiny bit longer.  And she walked towards a bench nearby a coffee table. 
And she just stood there looking at the coffee table, as if she was expecting a quiz about the appearance of the coffee tabe and it's presence in the room she was in on the second floor. 
And she wasn't sure if she should continue to stand up or if she should sit on the bench directly in front of the coffee table.  Yeah, these are deep issues that Auttumn was concerned with that night. 
And perhaps she should sit down and relax.  Because there's a chance that Auttumn will survive long enough to see the sunrise when morning returns yet again.  And she thought about the wonderful breakfast that she'll have that she survived a night against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. 
And that's when Auttumn Reeser chose to sit down instead of standing up.
Charisma Carpenter was giving a lecture at one of the lecture halls at the Dandilion Club.  There was a lower than expected attendence because so much Dandilion Girls were legally dead and rumors was that the Dandilion Girls won't survive beyond the night.  Not giving up on the Dandilion Girls, Charisma Carpenter gave her lecture anyway despite threats to kill her if she dared to do such a thing.  Charisma Carpenter obviously didn't want to be murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, but she didn't want to be a coward who chickened out either.
She spent long and hard on her lecture and she wasn't about to let the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse and their systematic elimination of large numbers of Dandilion Girls disrupt her lecture.
And so she started her lecture even though the Dandilion Girls in attendence wasn't as large as she was expecting.  That's to be expected since most of the Dandilion Girls who were supposed to show up are legally dead forever.
And she did her best, however her lecture was a failure when members of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse kept jeering her off the stage. 
And when Illinois River Guy tried to stab her when she climbed off the stage, Charisma Carpenter ran for her life and she grabbed Dumbass Man as a hostage to guarantee a clean escape.
However, Dumbass Man stabbed her between her breasts when she failed to tie his arms behind his back.  She was losing lots of blood.
Forced to escape from Dumbass Man in retreat, Illinois River Guy had Charisma Carpenter cornered in a dead end portion of an alley.  Charisma pulled out a knife from her purse.
Charisma said, "Go ahead and try to kill me.  I promise that I won't go down easily."
Illinois River Guy pulled Charisma's knife away from her hands and stabbed her between her breasts with her own weapon.
Charisma said, "Ouch, I wasn't expecting that to happen."
Charisma lay down on the ground...
And she died in a puddle of blood in front of Illinois River Guy.  Illinois River Guy walked over Charisma Carpenter's dead body as he walked back towards the Dandilion Club.
Extreme Universe Edition Anteater Man punched Dandelion Girl #43, kicked Dandelion Girl #44, punched Dandelion Girl #45, kicked Dandelion Girl #46, kicked Dandelion Girl #47, kicked Dandelion Girl #48, punched Dandelion Girl #49 and kicked Dandelion Girl #50 before punching ten more Dandelion Girls who were eight years old.  Extreme Universe Edition Anteater Man stood in a dark alley surrounded by eighteen legally dead Dandelion Girls lying scattered around him before walking over some of the dead bodies towards an unknown destination.  He punched two more Dandelion Girls and watched as both girls lay down on the ground legally dead.
Dwayne Humpty somehow managed to crawl up the fire escape to the second floor.  And his hopes of sneaking from the second floor, down to the first floor and then the basement was ruined when Auttumn Reeser spotted him.  And Dwayne Humpty knew that he must kill Auttumn to prevent her from telling the rest of the Dandilion Girls that he's inside the Dandilion Club.  And Dwayne wasn't sure if he wanted to kill Auttumn because she was so pretty to look at.
 Auttumn faced Dwayne Humpty and she asked, "What are you doing here?"
Dwayne Humpty said, "I was hoping that you and I will have the chance to make love to each other.  I could see myself falling in love with you."
Auttumn replied, "Come closer and we'll see what type of magic we can have together."
And Dwayne Humpty walked closer to Auttumn.
 Dwayne Humpty lovingly kissed Auttumn.  Auttumn lovingly kissed him five times in return.  And they lovingly kissed six more times as he started to caress her sexually seductive body.  Ah yes, Auttumn was so adorable.  Dwayne Humpty couldn't resist.
 Auttumn said with a sweet smile, "There's a private room that we can have sex in."
Dwayne said, "But I'm supposed to kill you."
Auttumn replied, "I want to be your friend instead."
And Dwayne Humpty found himself wanting to be friends with Auttumn Reeser as they lovingly kissed once more and five times in addition. 
 And just as Auttumn reached for a secret knife hidden in her purse, Dwayne Dumpty entered the room through the fire escape.  He stabbed Auttumn Reeser from behind.
 Auttumn Reeser dropped the knife she hid in her purse.  Dwayne Humpty stabbed Auttumn between her breasts with her own knife eighteen times. 
Auttumn Reeser looked at Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty with a blank expression on her face before she lay down on the floor dead.  Auttumn Reeser is no longer alive.  Auttumn Reeser is legally dead.  Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty walked over her dead body on their way to the staircase leading from the second floor to the first floor and from the first floor to the basement.
Anne Hathaway lost track of Amanda Seyfried after the movie.  Anne looked all over the movie theater without success.  And with a deep breath of frustration and her left hand resting on her left hip, she chose to check out the parking lot of the movie theater in case Amanda Seyfried happened to be hanging out in that area.
She wasn't sure if she made the last mistake of her young life that would lead to a murder attack.  Any moment she spent in the parking lot could be the exact second before she got to be attacked by her assigned murderer. 
And yet, it appeared as if Anne Hathaway hasn't been assigned a murderer yet.  So she got to survive and roam the parking lot looking for Amanda Seyfried.  And there were moments when Anne was afraid that she would have to die before she ever found Amanda Seyfried because her continuing to live would disrupt Amanda Seyfried's assigned murderer and such a crime is punishable by the death penalty to be delivered in a serial killing murder attack. 
And when she didn't see Amanda Seyfried inside or outside the movie theater (Women and mens bathroom included), she walked towards the Dandilion Club in hope of finding Amanda Seyfried there instead.  And the Dandilion Club hasn't fallen yet.   However, Anne Hathaway failed to get the point that Liv Tyler and Kate Hudson can't die until she dies. And Anne is about to die in a murder attack any second now.
 Anne Hathaway saw somebody familiar.
 Anne Hathaway and Eliza Dushku greeted each other warmly.
Anne asked, "Have you seen Amanda Seyfried yet?"
Eliza replied, "I thought Amanda was at the movie theater with you."
Anne replied, "Amanda was at the movie theater with me, but she vanished and I can't find her anywhere.  I'm concerned.  Too many Dandilion Girls have been vanishing without a trace."
Eliza replied, "Some Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members survived.  Us girls all need to die so that all the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members that us women killed can be ressurrected again.  The whole thing is sick and disturbing if you ask me."
 Anne said, "Then the two of us needs to wipe out what's left of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse before the two of us ends up getting murdered too."
Eliza replied, "Chances are, the two of us girls might be the next to be attacked by a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse murderer.  Our assigned Murderer could be standing behind us ready to kill right now.  We should be ready for anything."
 Liv Tyler approached Anne Hathaway and Eliza Dushku.  Liv said, "Step by step instructions for ressurrecting Dandilion Girls are in the safe in the basement of the Dandilion Club.  I never remembered the step by step directions and if it's destroyed, no more Dandilion Girls will ever be resurrected and a dead Dandilion Girl must remain dead forever.  I want to stop that from happening.  Get the step by step instructions for resurrecting Dandilion Girls from the safe and return it to me without getting killed and the step by step instructions being destroyed once you die."
Eliza said, "I'll protect the step by step directions with my life."
 Anne Hathaway said, "I think I know where Amanda Seyfried is.  I'm off to disrupt her death scene so that her appointed murderer will never get the chance to end her life or I'll die trying."
Liv said, "Good luck, don't get yourself murdered before you succeed."
Eliza said, "I'd love to help, but I need to get the step by step instructions for resurrecting dead Dandilin Girls without getting myself murdered and the step by step instructions getting destroyed."
And so Anne Hathaway walked away from Liv Tyler and Eliza Dushku towards Amanda Seyfried.
Illinois River Man only has fourteen seconds before he's forced to murder Anne Hathaway to prevent her from disrupting Amanda's assigned murerer.
Illinois River Man only has thirteen seconds before he's forced to murder Anne Hathaway to prevent her from disrupting Amanda's assigned murerer.
Illinois River Man only has ftwelve seconds before he's forced to murder Anne Hathaway to prevent her from disrupting Amanda's assigned murerer.
Illinois River Man only has eleven seconds before he's forced to murder Anne Hathaway to prevent her from disrupting Amanda's assigned murerer.
Illinois River Man only has ten seconds before he's forced to murder Anne Hathaway to prevent her from disrupting Amanda's assigned murerer.
Illinois River Man only has nine seconds before he's forced to murder Anne Hathaway to prevent her from disrupting Amanda's assigned murerer.
Illinois River Man only has eight seconds before he's forced to murder Anne Hathaway to prevent her from disrupting Amanda's assigned murerer.
Illinois River Man only has seven seconds before he's forced to murder Anne Hathaway to prevent her from disrupting Amanda's assigned murerer.
Illinois River Man only has six seconds before he's forced to murder Anne Hathaway to prevent her from disrupting Amanda's assigned murerer.
Illinois River Man only has five seconds before he's forced to murder Anne Hathaway to prevent her from disrupting Amanda's assigned murerer.
Anne Hathaway exited the Dandilion Club. Illinois River Man only has four seconds before he's forced to murder Anne Hathaway to prevent her from disrupting Amanda's assigned murerer.
Illinois River Man only has three seconds before he's forced to murder Anne Hathaway to prevent her from disrupting Amanda's assigned murerer.
Illinois River Man only has two seconds before he's forced to murder Anne Hathaway to prevent her from disrupting Amanda's assigned murerer.
Anne Hathaway spotted Amanda Seyfried being followed by her assigned murderer.  Before Anne could reach her best friend, Illinois River Man sliced open Anne Hathaway's throat and watched as she fell to the ground in a splatter of blood.  Anne Hathaway died violently in a submissive pose directly in front her assigned murderer---The Illinois River Man.
Anne Hathaway is no longer alive.  Anne Hathaway is legally dead.
Eliza Dushku seperated from Liv Tyler and she walked down a flight of stairs.
 Eliza wasn't sure if she was being followed, so she spun around.  Nothing.  She was releaved as she continued to walk dwn the flight of stairs.
She reached the bottom of th staircase.  Her assigned murderer reached the bottom of the staircase too.  Eliza Dushku was vaguely aware that she was being followed by her assigned murderer, but she couldn't see him because he kept hiding everytime she looked behind her. 
 Eliza needed a smoke, she she walked up the stairs and to the parking lot to the Dandilion Club.
 And she smoked her cigarette until she was certain that she had enough nicotine for the day.
 And she walked towards the Dandilion Club once again.
And she walked down the flight of stairs again.
 And she reached the bottom of the staircase.
It took a while to find the safe. 
It took Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) a while to find Eliza Dushku. 
 Eliza Dushku looked behind her.  Nothing.  She took a deep breath as she walked closer to the safe.
 Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) wasn't sure if he wanted to murder Eliza Dushku.   The girl was so cute and pretty.  Perhaps he should allow her to survive. 
 Then he remembered that she's about to resurrect dead Dandilion Girls.  For that reason alone, Eliza Dushku must die.
 Eliza Dushku turned to face her assigned murderer.  She said, "It's too late, you can't stop me from resurrecting dead Dandilion Girls.  You'll never get the chance to kill me in time."
Eliza Dushku activated the force field as she reached the safe. 
Eliza Dushku stood behnd the force field as she unlocked the safe. 
Eliza Dushku stood behind the force field as she was about to open the safe. 
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) reversed the force field so that it's working for him and she got fried by her own force field in the process.  And Eliza Dushku was electricuted by the force field for a few seconds before she lay down on the ground dead.  And the step by step instructions for resurrecting dead Dandilion Girls was destroyed forever.  And Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) walked over Eliza Dushku's dead body as he walked towards the staircase.
Extreme Universe Edition Anteater Man continued to walk down the alley.  He punched Dandelion Girl #63, kicked Dandelion Girl #64, kicked Dandelion Girl #65, punched five Dandelion Girls who were eight years old, punched Dandelion Girl #71, punched Dandelion Girl #72, kicked Dandelion Girl #73, punched five Dandelion Girls who were twelve years old before punching four more Dandelion Girls.  Extreme Universe Edition Anteater Man expressed no emotion as he stood surrounded by twenty legally dead Dandelion Girls.  He continued to walk forward down the alley without concern nor worry.
Daniel Moder continued to smash a legally dead girl's car apart with a baseball bat while screaming with anger and rage.  He wouldn't compromise nor negotiate his rage for anything
Bar Refaeli stood outside the Dandilion Club.  The girl knew that the Dandilion Club was one of the last Dandilion Girl owned properties that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse hasn't taken over yet.  And not discouraged the unexplanable number of Dandilion Girl deaths, Bar Refaeli walked outside the Dandilion Club with a close girlfriend.
 The Dandilion Girl said, "The collapse of the Dandilion Hotel and Ice Skating Rink will be disasterous for the Dandilion Girls.  Then the Dandilion Club will be the next to attack.  And if it falls too, nothing will stop the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse from attacking Dandilion Manor and killing the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls."
 Bar Refaeli replied, "But we're not going to let that happen.  The two of us will fight for the Dandilion Club all the way to the very last girl death."
 The Dandilion Girl replied, "Fighting to the very last girl death is what concerns me the most."
 Bar Refaeli replied, "Don't worry about anything.  There's still too many Dandilion Girls left alive for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to attack and take over the Dandilion Manor.  The Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls is safe."
 The Dandilion Girl replied, "Then that means that the two of us must die in order for the Dandilion Club and Dandilion Manor to fall and the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls to die forever. That's the part that scares me the most."
 Sidewalk Man sliced open the throat of the Dandilion Girl as the Suspicious Guy started to stab her between her breasts until she died.  Bar Refaeli ran down the alley until she was certain that the two Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members stopped chasing after her with intent to murder.
 Bar Refaeli saw from the left side that Captain Parakeet and Potato Pal was now chasing after her with intent to kill with the assistance of the Fountain Fiend. 
 And so Bar Refaeli turned left in the alley until she lost the three Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members forever.
 A Friendly Person tried to stab Bar Refaeli from behind and she gave him the roundhouse kick.  And she punched him when he tried to rise.  Bar Refaeli ran before she could check to see if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse member could recover.  She heard the words, "what did she do to you" and "let's kill her before she enters the Dandilion Club" was heard from the distance, but she had no idea who said those words.
 She nearly ran into Thug #1, Thug #2, Thug #3 and Untied Shoelace Lad.  She turned left and nearly ran into Lame Lad.  She turned right and escaped them all.
 Magician #1 and Magician #2 tried to perform the miracle dying trick against her.  Bar Refaeli grabbed Magician #2 and tossed him against Magician #1 before she jumped over them both and vanished down the alley.  She heard the words, "Don't worry about me, just kill her before she reaches the Dandilion Club.  That woman must die now."  Ringing from behind her, but she had no idea who said those words.  She just kept running for her life.
 The Unknown Third Person failed to murder her.
 The Liason and Vodka Viceroy failed to kill her too.
 And then she saw nobody.  Bar Refaeli wasn't sure if she survived without a scratch after all.
 That was then the Party Animal launched into an attack.  She kicked him in the stomach and jumped over him and ran as fast as possible.
 Driveway Guy #3 failed to kill Bar Refaeli.  She escaped him easily.
 The Driveway Guy #1 tried to kill Bar Refaeli and she escaped him easily.
 The Driveway Guy #2 tried to kill Bar Refaeli and she escaped him easily.
 Bar Refaeli was grabbed from behind by Mustard Man.
 Mustard Man said, "I don't want to kill you.  I want to give you flowers."
Bar Refaeli was confused.  She didn't know what to do.  And after a pause, the Dandilion Girl finally said with a flirty smile, "Thanks for the flowers.  It's so sweet of you."
 Mustard Man said, "We should go on a date.  Let's go on a date now."
Bar Refaeli said with a flirty smile as she checked her hidden knife inside her purse, "Oh yes, we should go on a date."
 Bar Refaeli was about to stab Mustard man as his back was turned to her. 
Forrest Path Guy said, "No, those flowers were supposed to go to me and she's about to kill Mustard Man.  She must die now."
Archery Guy said, "Don't worry, I'll stop that evil woman."
And so Archery Guy fired an arrow into Bar Refaeli from behind.  The Dandilion Girl gasped with pain as Mustard Man woke up from his trace and grabbed Bar Refaeli's knife from the dying woman.  Mustard Man stabbed  Bar Refaeli between her breasts over and over again until she lay down on the ground dead.  And that's the moment when Bar Refaeli was finally defeated and killed.  And she never lived to enter the Dandilion Club.  Bar Refaeli is legally dead.
Billie Piper was born under the name  Leian Piper.  However, nobody calls her Leian Piper.  Or rather, nobody ever called her Leian Piper without getting killed in the process.  You see, Billie Piper is considered to be one of the best assasins the Dandilion Girls has on their payroll.  She never misses a target and all her seductions always results in an unending coma.  Her death would reverse close to two hundred successfull hits.  However, Billie wasn't worried that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was going to kill her.  She was to confident to allow that to happen. 
And Billie Piper moved across the Dandilion Club like she owned the place.   She was in the Dandilion Club for Charisma Carpenter's How to Survive an Unplanned Sexual Assault Lecture and Self Defence Class.  However, when Charisma Carpenter died in what appeared to be a sexual assault,  that sort of threw the evening into a free for all.  Now Billie Piper has been ordered by Liv Tayler and Kate Hudson to make sure that all the Dandilion Girls attending the How to Survive an Unplanned Sexual Assault Lecture and Self Defence Class doesn't get murdered in a sexual assault afflicted by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating PosseBillie Piper brought along four Dandilion Girls to help her out with the attempt to wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  Thug #4 accidently caused Dandilion Girl #1 to fall down a sewer manhole by accident and broke her neck before drowning in sewage.  Billie walked on with three Dandilion Girls.
 Thug #4 accidently caused Dandilion Girl #2 to be hung on a freak garden hose accident and she died.  Billie Piper looked behind her, but Thug #4 vanished.
 Thug #4 walked backwards and accidently bumped into Dandilion Girl #3 with her voluptuous breasts resting on his spine.  He kept walking backwards until he accidently caused her to fall down the same sewege manhole that killed Dandilion Girl#1.  Dandilion Girl #3 broke her neck and drowned to death in sewege.  Billie Piper lead the remaining Dandilion Girl against Thug #4.
 Thug #4 pulled out a ball point pen and he tried to write something down on a piece of paper.  He accidently shoved his ballpoint pen through Dandilion Girl #4's throat and she died from a broken trachea.  Billie Piper grabbed the ball point pen.
Billie said, "What the fuck are you doing?"
Thug #4 said, "I forgot my favorite song and then I remembered it.  I want to write it down before you forgot it again."
Billie said, "Perfectly good girls has died because of you."
Thug #4 said, "I'm sorry, I won't do it again."
Billie said, "Of course you won't do it again because I'm going to kill you."
 The Suspicious Guy said, "Forget my friend.  Drink coffee with me instead."
Billie said, "Are you on drugs.  I've been ordered to murder you."
The Suspicious Guy said, "I want to have sex with you instead."
 Billie said, "Ok, let's go on a date.  However, I still reserve the right to murder Thug #4."
She spun around to discover that Thug #4 has vanished.
Billie continued, "Well that's inconvenient."
The Suspicious Guy said, "You won't have to murder anybody.  I'll punish Thug #4 myself."
Billie said, "That may not be enough, but I'll go along with it for now."
 Billie said, "There's a Starbuck's nearby.  I'll get the coffee.  You get the car started."
The Suspicious Guy said, "You got yourself a date."
 Billie Piper lovingly kissed The Suspicious Guy as she walked towards Starbucks to order and purchase to cappuccino to go.
 And she walked towards The Suspicious Guy's car. 
 Thug #4 said, "I need to follow them both to make sure Billie doesn't kill my buddy The Suspicious Guy."  And he got inside his car to do exactly that.  Billie walked closer to  The Suspicious Guy's car.  She was smiling.  She's about to seduce another victim into a coma. 
 Thug #4 started the car ignition as Billie walked closer to The Suspicious Guy's car. 
 Only one more step to The Suspicious Guy and the chance to kill Billie Piper will be lost.
 Too late, Billie reached the car and now she can't be killed.
 Billie said, "We can't use the Dandilion Hotel because your people took it away from me.  We'll need to have sex in your place instead."
The Suspicious Guy said, "Sounds like a good idea to me."
 The Suspicious Guy asked, "Can I borrow a dollar?"
Billie said with a baffled expression on her face, "Yeah sure, wait a second."
Thug #4 decided to drive his brand new car (Which happened to be nearby).  Billie Piper reached into her purse to pull out a dollar.  It blew away.  Billie placed both carry out cups of cappuccino into the car.  Her lipstick sparkled in the sunlight as she smiled with pride.  Her volutuous breasts brushed against The Suspicious Guy's right arm before she exited the safety of the car to get the dollar bill that's blowing away from her.  The sexually seductive girl could die at anytime without warning, but getting that dollar bill was more important than the unexpected possibility of a murder attack that she'll never survive.
Billie Piper bent over and successfully grabbed the dollar bill. Thug #4 accidently ran Billie Piper over with his car and parked his second car with the rear car wheels still on the dead girl's corpse.  Billie Piper is legally dead.  All the Girl Killing,Woman Hating Posse murderers she has killed rose from the grave.
Thug #4 said, "Oh no, I killed another girl and the car won't start."
The Suspicious Guy said, "That's ok.  Get into my car and drink cappuccino with me."
And that's exactly what Thug #4 has done.
Heather Graham was late and she knew it.  She was supposed to be at the Dandilion Club an hour ago and she overslept.  She was at the movie theater and walked away from it without a scratch.  And now she was on the way to the Dandilion Club.  She was reminded about her duties through a frantic telephone call made to her by Liv Tyler. 
 Clock Clerk felt that Heather Graham was much cuter when she was asleep.
 Heather Graham looked like a dead body when she slept.
 But now that Heather Graham was awake, she could cause a danger to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse if she isn't killed soon.
 She hasn't been killed soon yet.
 And so Heather Graham raced as quickly as possible to the Dandilion Club.
 Heather Graham was almost nearly there.  Just one more block to go.
 Clock Clerk only had a few scants minutes left to kill Heather Graham before the opportunity is lost to him forever. 
 And Clock Clerk walked behind Heather Graham, but she was much faster.
 And he finally caught up to Heather Graham...
 And she faced Clock Clerk and asked, "Do you have a problem?"
 Clock Clerk said, "I can't allow you to enter the Dandilion Club."
Heather Graham said, "You don't have much of an option."
 Clock Clerk said, "I do have an option.  I can kill you."
Heather Graham said, "I'm not worried.  It's all talk and no action.  You don't have the courage to kill me and you never will.  You're going to end up losing all your friends before you actually get around to killing me off."
 Clock Clerk stabbed Heather Graham between her breasts. 
Heather Graham sputtered, "Holy Shit, you really are planning to kill me."
Clock Clerk said, "If you were expecting me to be a winp, you're sorely mistaken."
Clock Clerk grabbed Heather Graham and he dragged the dying Dandilion Girl into the back seat of the car that has it's rear wheels parked on top of Billie Piper's dead body.  And Clock Clerk proceeded to stab Heather Graham.  She struggled out of the car, only to be roughly pushed back to the back seat and stabbed between her breasts again.
Heather Graham said, "You may have killed me, but my death will be avenged."
Clock Clerk said, "I seriously doubt it."
Heather Graham said, "You have defeated me."
 Heather Graham closed her eyes and she died.  Heather Graham is legally dead.
Jennifer Lawrence had trouble believing that she stayed alive for this long.   And she became confident that she would make it all the way to the last girl standing.  And that there was nothing to stop her from wiping out all the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members while in the process of being the last girl standing.  Why should it fail to be so.  And so she continued to walk down the street.  She wasn't heading towards anywhere in particular.  She simply needed to go for a walk to clear out her head for a little bit. 

And so she continued her stroll down the street.  She wasn't sure if she was being followed by a Girl Killing, Woman hating Posse member.  She didn't much care if she was being followed.  Because she knew she had the skills to survive any threat to her life.  And with that in mind, Jennifer Lawrence continued to go for a walk down the street.

Jennifer Lawrence approached Basketball Lord as he was playing basketball.  Basketball Lord looked at Jennifer Lawrence and he said, "Let's play a game of basketball.  If I win the basketball game, then you must die in a murder attack and stay dead.  If you win the basketball game, then you get immunity from any and all murder attacks forever.  None of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members will be able to end your life."
Jennifer Lawrence said, "I'm a genius when it comes to playing basketball.  You're going to get yourself killed and I'll get immunity.  Are you sure that's what you want from our battle to the death?  I'm ready if you're ready."
Basketball Lord said, "I need to fullfill my quota of dead Dandilion Girls and you're just the perfect girl to start off the Dandilion Girl murder spree starting at midnight."
Jennifer Lawrence threw up her arms in frustration and she said, "Ok fine, let's get our battle to the death over with."  And Jennifer Lawrence was confident that she was going to win as she prepared for her basketball game against the Basketball Lord.
Because the chance to win immunity from ever being killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was much too good of an opportunity to possibly turn down.
Basketball Lord said, "Remember that you need to win sixteen points in order to win immunity from ever being killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk.  Girls 1, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 2, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 3, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 4, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 5, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 6, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 7, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 8, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 9, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 10, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 11, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 12, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 13, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 14, Guys 0.
Jennifer Lawrence scored a slum dunk. Girls 15, Guys 0.
 Jennifer Lawrence said, "I need one more point in order to win immunity from ever being killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  And when I get immunity, I'll be invincible.  Nobody will ever be able to kill me.  You'll have to face me in battle non-stop forever."
Archery Guy said, "No, I can't allow you to get away with it.  I must defeat your evil scheme by killing you.  I must save Basketball Lord from making the biggest mistake by killing Jennifer."
Jennifer said, "Go ahead and try to kill me, but I'm going to get that slum dunk before you can kill me with your bow and arrow."
And Archer Guy fired an arrow between her breasts as she was making the leap towards the basketball net.  And the dying girl fell to the outdoor basketball court cement with a thud.  And she died in the middle of a puddle of blood as it flowed from her mortal wounds.  Jennifer Lawrence died and she never won immunity from being killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
Jennifer Lawrence failed to score a slam dunk.  Girls 0, Guys 16
Basketball Lord said, "Thanks for saving me from that horrible woman.  She nearly got immunity from getting killed and succeeded in destroying us all."
Archery Guy said, "I'm always willing to help out a friend."
It was supposed to be a pleasent drive through the country.  How was Danneel Harris supposed to know that her car was going to break down. 

Danneel said with a frustrated scowl, "Oh darn, the cell phone is broken.  I guess I won't be using that to dial 911."
Her head was still buzzing from all the drugs and alcohol that she drank.  And she loves to have premarital sex without limits.  Film and television actress Danneel Harris' car ran out of gasoline and the nearest gas station is twenty-five miles away.  Plus, there are chainsaw carrying woman hating cannibals all over the place.  Danneel Harris is still confident that she can walk to the gas station and back again without getting attacked, killed and eaten for dinner.  Too bad she flunked self defence class though.  Still, she's overflowing with hope in a rather hopeless predicament.  After all, Daneel Harris survived worse crises and survived.  All she has to do to survive is exxagerate her sexiness.  That's something that's easy for her to do. 
Oh wow, there's a run down dilapidated house that's easy to enter and impossible to exit just down the street over there.  And there's twenty impossible to survive against cannibals inside the dilapidated house.  Danneel Harris decided to enter the dilapidated house that's easy to enter, but impossible to exit (Without being carried out in a body bag) and ask to use the telephone.  Surely there would have to be a telephone that's still plugged into a wall in this rural farm town with one stop light, no police and isolated from any hope of rescue or escape.  Oh darn, where did her shirt go.  Oh well, there's nothing wrong with entering a house filled with twenty impossible to survive against woman hating cannibals wearing only pants and her underwear straight into a house that's easy to enter and impossible to exit.  Just don't forget to smile frequently.

Danneel Harris' left hand was shaking and she didn't know why.  She used her left hand to knock on the door.  Still time to run away.  Still time for the twenty-five mile walk to the nearest gas station.  She doesn't need to do this.  Footsteps.  Male footsteps.  A guy is moving closer towards the door.  Too late to run off.  Not when he could run after her and possibly kill her.  Now she has no choice but to ask for the phone, fight her way out or die.  Hopefull, the first two options, but it's hard to know for certain.  Danneel took a deep breath.  All she needs is to ask to use the phone.  What can be so hard about that.  Lots of women have asked to use the phone without getting killed.  Why would she be any different.  The footsteps are getting closer.  Time for her to take another deep breath.  It's now or never.  There's no backing off now.  Her left hand was still shaking as she knocked again.  Stop shaking hand.  This isn't a life ending mistake.  Forget the possibly life ending truth that any girl who discovers this town always ends up dead because no woman is supposed to know that this town ever existed in the first place.  This isn't a life ending mistake.  This is the first step towards her salvation.  Farmer Frank opened the door and stabbed Danneel between her breasts.  Danneel released a gasp as she lay down on the ground dead in a crumpled heap. 
Farmer Frank said to the dead girl's corpse, "You only needed to knock on the door once goddamn it.  Some people are impatient to die." 
Michelle Rodriguez lost track of Kristanna Loken.  And she looked all over the parking lot, the surrounding streets, the surrounding sidewalks and the surrounding alleys.  No such luck.
 And Michelle Rodriguez refused to give up.  This Hispanic born girl was born with a firey spirit and only a murder attack against her could possibly stop her.
 And Michelle Rodriguez wasn't counting on a murder attack to defeat her anytime soon.
 Even though she was being followed by Captain Parakeet, Giraffe Man and Skunk Lord.
 You would've figured that at least, Skunk Lord would be easy to smell, but he wore more cologne than usual that day.  Still with each girl Skunk Lord murders, the horrific stench he produces gets smellier.  And the more cologne he'll need just to smell presentable.
 And Michelle Rodriguez wasn't counting on being killed by Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members with names like Captain Parakeet, Giraffe Man and Skunk Lord.
 But Michelle doesn't always gets what she wants.  She doesn't want to die and she isn't going to get that either.  Some girls are born for the sole exclusive purpose of being murdered and she's one of those unlucky ladies born into the task.
 Perhaps she'll find Kristanna Loken if she drove her car around a few times.
 But she left her car keys inside the Dandilion Club.  So she exited her car and entered the Dandilion Club.  She probably secretly wanted Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) to murder her instead.
 She looked for her car keys in the third floor of the Dandilion Club.
 She stepped outside of the Dandilin Club to talk to some people that she knew.
 Michelle Rodriguez searched the second floor of the Dandilion Club.
 She searched the first floor of the Dandilion Club.
 That only left the basement of the Dandilion Club.
 She saw Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) about to escape from the basement.  Michelle said, "Excuse me, but what are you doing here?"
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "I murdered a Dandilion Girl and I'm robbing the safe."
Michelle said, "At least you're honest, but I still need to murder you or die trying."
 Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "Please don't force me to murder you in self defence.  You're way too beautiful of a woman to murder this quickly and this effortlessly."
 And Michelle Rodriguez activated the force field around Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and started it to reduce in size.
 Michelle Rodriguez said, "The only way to save yourself is to murder me and you can't kill me because the force field is in the way.  Time for me to escape punishment to live and fight another day.  You'll never get the chance to kill me."
 And Michelle Rodriguez escaped the Dandilion Club without getting herself killed.
 But then she remembered seeing her car keys in the floor of the basement of the Dandilion Club.
 So she reentered the Dandilion Club and walked down the stairs again.
 Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "Here she is again.  Kill her before she escapes again."
Dwayne Humpty stabbed Michelle Rodriguez between her breast while Dwayne Dumpty strangled her from behind.  It only took a few minutes for Michelle Rodriguez to slam against the computer terminal as the force field around Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) to return to normal, but still be in place.  She programmed more conditions before she was stabbed from behind by Dwayne Dumpty.  Michelle Rodriguez gargled blood before she lay down on the ground dead.  Michelle Rodriguez is legally dead, but Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) is still trapped by the force field.  Five Dandilion Girls needs to die before Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) can be free once again.
Haylie Duff and Ashley Tisdale was enjoying their bike ride.  It was midnight and the street and sidewalk was deserted and mostly unlit.  It was hard to see any possible murderers and it was hard to see any Dandilion Girls getting murdered.  And knowing that, Haylie Duff and Ashley Tisdale went for a bike ride anyway.  Both women were confident that they will survive to see the next day.  Haylie peddled her bike ahead until she lost track of Ashley Tisdale.  She wasn't sure if she was being followed.  Every second could be her last second on Earth.  Every second could be the second of her death.  And knowing that, she kept peddling her bike.

 Ashley Tisdale knew that she was peddling her bike slower than usual.  And one moment, Haylie Duff was in front of her and the next moment, Haylie was gone.  And with Haylie Duff riding her bike alongside her, Ashley Tisdale might have a chance to survive.  And without Haylie Duff riding her bike alongside her, Ashley Tisdale might end up getting murdered.  For killing Dandilion Girls are always murders without consequences.

 Haylie Duff stopped by a small liquor store to grab herself some Coca Cola.  She was thirsty.

 And when Haylie Duff and Ashley Tisdale reunited, the two women hugged so closely and so long, that the Football Guy and the Party Animal could've rammed a machete through both women.  But they seperated before the killing stroke could be made.  Haylie Duff and Ashley Tisdale was standing in front of an abandoned house.  Both women entered the house thinking it was a safehouse being used by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  It might have clues to destroy their murderers.
 Haylie Duff faced Ashley Tisdale and said, "Why don't you go outside and stand guard while I look through the house."
Ashley said, "And what happens if a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse member walks towards the house with intention to kill us both?"
Haylie replied, "Then you fight the murderer and keep fighting until either he dies or you die."
Ashley replied, "That's an optimistic thought to consider."
 And so Ashley Tisdale walked outside to stand guard.  And the only way to murder Haylie Duff inside the house was to murder Ashley Tisdale as she stood guard outside the house.
 And Forest Path Guy was tempted by her beauty.  He wanted to make love to her.
 But he knew that he had to kill her instead.
 But Ashley Tisdale was so inviting.  And she clearly secretly wanted to die.  Because why would she be here if she wasn't setting up her death scene.
 And Ashley looked to her left and she saw some birds flying nearby.  She wanted to examine the birds more closely, but that would take her away from the house.  It might be easier for her to die if she wasn't within eyesight of Haylie Duff and for that reason she hesitated.
 But those pretty birds really needed to be checkedout, so she walked from the front door that she was standing guard over to check out the pretty birds.  And she was followed by the Forest Path Guy, Football Guy and Party Animal.
 Meanwhile, Haylie Duff checked outside the house to see how Ashley Tisdale was doing, but she didn't find anybody.
 So she walked back inside the house to check her purse for a cell phone.
 The cell phone ran out of battery juice so she recharged it while she walked towards the staircase.
 She paused before reaching the staircase.  It would be harder for her to escape if she was in the second floor and a murderer was attacking her.
 She walked upstairs anyway.
 Hilary Duff had the same idea and the two women greeted each other warmly.
 Haylie Duff looked at her younger sister Hilary and said, "What are you doing here?"
Hilary Duff replied, "I'm checking this Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse safehouse for evidence that could be used to kill them all forever.  I'm doing so under orders from Kate Hudson."
Haylie Duff said, "I could use a flashlight.  She looked through her purse and she didn't find any.
Haylie Duff said, "Oh darn, I left my flashlight on the counter in the nearby liquore store.  Can you go back to The Liquor Store and get it for me?"
Hilary Duff said, "Oh sure, I'll be more than happy to."
And so Hilary Duff exited the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse safehouse leaving Haylie Duff inside the building alone in the dark.
 She walked outside the building to the beach.
 She had no idea that the Driftwood Assasin was following close behind.  And if Haylie Duff tries to kill the Driftwood Assasin, then he'll be forced to kill her in self defence.
 Hilary Duff walked closer to The Liquor Store.
 It was only a few feet away.
 Hilary Duff thought she was being followed.
 She turned around and didn't see anybody.
 So she kept walking to The Liquor Store.
 She was happy and confident.  Today is the day that she scores a victory against her murderers.
 She failed to realize that Kate Hudson can't die until she dies....
 ...And her death could happen any second.
 So she walked towards The Liquor Store.
 She checked her saving account balance at the ATM.
 She finally was within reach of The Liquor Store.
 And she entered The Liquor Store.  She was the only female customer.  She didn't see the flashlight on the counter, but she saw it near one of the shelves instead.
 So she walked towards the shelf that the flashlight was perched on.
 She thought she was being followed so she turned around.  Again, there was nothing except the usual assortment of guys who would rather see her dead.  She ignored them all with confidence.
 She reached the shelf that the flashlight was perched on.
 It was a very low shelf.  She had to bend over to reach it.
 So she knelt on the floor and picked up the flashlight.
 And she was stabbed from behind by Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad.  Hilary looked at the floor with a blank expression on her face before she fell to the floor face down.  A puddle of blood appeared under the girl as she slowly started dying in pain and humiliated misery.
It turned out that Hilary Duff was being followed.  And Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad watched with happiness as Hilary Duff lay down on the floor dead.  Hilary Duff is no longer alive.  Hilary Duff is legally dead.  Time to kill Ashley Tisdale because Haylie Duff can't die until Ashley Tisdale dies.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad exited The Liquor Store to face Lauren Holly.
Lauren Holly asked, "Where do you think you're going?"
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "It's none of your business."
Lauren replied, "Quite to the contrary, I do believe that it's my business.  I think you need to think long and hard before you consider your next move."
 Arm Fall Off Plaid Laid punched Lauren and she winced in pain before she fell to the floor face down.  Lauren pressed her breasts and her vagina to the ground as she died.  It took only mere seconds for Lauren to die in front of her murderer.  Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad walked over Lauren's dead body once he succeeded in killing the girl.
Lauren Holly is no longer alive.  Lauren is legally dead.
Ashley Tisdale walked towards a flock of birds she wanted to examine closer in the forest.  In order to do so, she had to walk away from the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse owned safehouse she was guarding the front door of.  And if Forest Path Guy, Football Guy and Party Animal kills Ashley Tisdale and defeats her efforts to guard the front door, then it will be easier to murder Haylie Duff if she should reenter the safehouse---Assuming the Driftwood Assasin kills her first.  But still, Ashley Tisdale might try to rescue Haylie from being drowned.  Therefore, Ashley Tisdale must die first.
 Ashley Tisdale had no idea that she was being followed by Forest Path Guy, Football Guy and Party Animal. The three Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse murders wasn't sure who should attack Ashley first, who should attack Ashley second and who should attack Ashley third.
 Ashley Tisdale realized that she was being followed by her murderers and she made a plan to kill all three of them.  The only way to defeat Ashley Tisdale's plan to kill all three of them is to kill her first.
 And because she knew that she was being followed and she had a plan to attack and kill Forest Path Guy, Football Guy and Party Animal, killing her was now an act of self defence.
 Of course, the death of woman never carries any harmful consequences so that helps a great deal.
 Ashley Tisdale has six seconds left before she must be murdered.
 Ashley Tisdale has five seconds left before she must be murdered.
 Ashley Tisdale has four seconds left before she must be murdered.
 Ashley Tisdale has three seconds left before she must be murdered.
 Ashley Tisdale has two seconds left before she must be murdered.
 Ashley Tisdale has one second left before she must be murdered.
 Time for Ashley Tisdale to be killed by all three of her murderers. 
Forest Path Guy grabbed Ashley Tisdale from behind and restrained her.  Football Guy and Party Animal took turns stabbing Ashley Tisdale to death until she died.  And this was the moment that Ashley Tisdale died. Ashley Tisdale is no longer alive.  Ashley Tisdale is legally dead.  
Football Guy said, "Well that was easy.  Perhaps it was too easy."
Party Animal said, "We can always stab her to death if she tries to stand up again."
Forest Path Guy said, "The Dandilion Girl is dead.  We have nothing to worry about."
And as she lay down on the ground dead, Forest Path Guy, Football Guy and Party Animal felt comforting relief.  For another Dandilion Girl is legally dead.  Time for Haylie Duff to die.
Chosing not to be murdered by the Driftwood Assasin, Haylie Duff returned to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse safehouse.  And Ashley Tisdale can't stand guard anymore because she's legally dead.  And Hilary Duff can't find a flashlight for her because Hilary is legally dead. 
 And Haylie Duff looked around in the dark looking for evidence to use against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
 And she must die before she can find such evidence.
 But as Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad, Forest Path Guy, Football Guy and Party Animal entered the house, there was never a good chance to murder the girl because she kept looking behind her. 
 And all four of her murderers wasn't discouraged.  It was only a moment of time before Haylie lets down her guard long enough to become a murder victim.
 And she was detailed in her search, but she never found anything.  And she wondered why call it a safehouse if there was nothing to hide inside it.
 However, she didn't give up.  There had to be evidence somewhere if she looked closely enough.
 There has to be evidence to use against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse in a courtroom trial.
 Because setting a courtroom trial against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was all that Haylie Duff lived for.  There was no other reason to interact with the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse beyond attacking, being attacked or finding evidence in a courtroom trial against her murderers.
 Perhaps there was a hidden door that lead to a secret room in the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse safehouse that Haylie didn't find yet.
 Discouraged by her futile search, Haylie Duff sat down to rest.
 And as she rested, she saw that wall in front of her looked sort of funny.
 Perhaps she found the hidden door that she was looking for.
 Things are looking up.  Now if only she knew how to open the hidden door.
 She figured out how to open the secret door.
 And she walked through the hidden door, down a secret magic hallway to a diffrent building ten miles away in a city that she's not familiar with.
 But a force field prevented her from walking very far.
 Then she remembered something that looked like a key nearby the bed.
 Perhaps she needs to return down the tunnel to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse safehouse and find the key to unlock the force field.
 Yes, that's what needs to be done.
 So she walked down the magic hallway from the Hidden Magic City of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse and back to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse safehouse.
 She sat down on the bed and tried to remove the key from the nighttable.  The key won't move off the table---As if it were glued to it.
 Haylie was baffled.
 She didn't know what to do.
 Haylie was tired, but this wasn't the place to rest...
 ...But she felt like resting anyway.
 So she chose to lie down to rest.
 And the key slowly came off the nighttable when she lay down.
 And the key came off the night table a little bit more when she lay down and wiggled on the bed.
 So she lay down and wiggled on the bed as she tried to remove the key.
 And Christmas Man stabbed Haylie Duff from behind as she lay on the bed wiggling and finally removed the key.  And the moment she had a masturbation orgasm was the moment that she died in a murder attack.  And the reason for that is simple.  Girl death and girl masturbation is the same thing. And her blood flowed all over the bed as Christmas Man kept stabbing over and over again until the Dandilion Girl finally died.
 Haylie Duff was no longer alive.  Haylie Duff is legally dead.  Christmas Man got to be her murderer.  And Christmas Man never had guilt or fear because the death of Dandilion Girls never carried any harmful or tragic consequences.
Haylie Duff's evil scheme to destroy the Hidden Magic City of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was defeated by a successful murder attack against her.
Untied Shoelace Lad and Christmas Man finally reached the Dandelion Safehouse.  However, the Dandelion Safehouse was being guarded by Janeane Garofalo.  The only way to enter the Dandelion Safehouse and kill all the evil Dandelion Girls inside the Dandelion Safehouse is to first defeat and kill  Janeane Garofalo.  The only way to defeat a criminal is to kill the criminal.  Janeane Garofalo is a criminal.  Therefore, Janeane Garofalo needs to die.
 Janeane approached Christmas Man while holding a sledgehammer. 
Janeane said, "I got a weapon that will kill you.  What do you have to kill me with."
Christmas Man said, "I have a dart used in playing a game of darts."
Janeane said, "Oh scary, I'm threatened already."
Janeane struck Untied Shoelace Lad with her sledgehammer and killed him.  Christmas Man tossed a dart used in a game of darts between her breasts.  The dart used in a game of darts was dipped in fast acting poison.  Janeane looked at him with a blank expression before she fell backwards face up.
 Janeane tried to stand up, but efforts was in vain and futility.  She gave up when it became obvious that the girl was dying and nothing can save her from dying.  The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse can't enter the Dandelion Safehouse to kill all the girls inside the Dandelion Safehouse until Janeane's evil effort to guard to Dandelion Safehouse is defeated with a successful murder attack against her.  Now there has been a successful murder attack against Janeane Garofalo.  Now it's time to kill Lisa Loeb before it's too late.
Janeane Garofalo is no longer alive.  Janeane is legally dead.
Lisa Loeb looked at Ingrid Michaelson with a baffled expression on her face.  The two women sat next to each other in the computer room of the Dandilion Safehouse. 
Lisa said, "Isn't it weird that the same background can be used as a haunted house, a carnival, a cruice ship and a space ship.  I mean, I know I was supposed to use my imagination, but sometimes you have to wonder if the person writing this Internet blog possibly may have lost it."
Ingrid said, "Never mind that, Haylie Duff sent the coordinates for the Hidden Magic City of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  The only problem is that Haylie died before she could send the complete transmission.  So now we have to figure out the missing half with the computer."
Lisa Loeb said, "That sounds simple enough.  This looks like a long evening and we may not get to reach the Dandilion Club in time.  I'm going to get some coffee.  You want some?"
Ingrid Michael said, "That would be great.  Thanks."
Lisa said, "It's no problem.  Give me a shout out if you get a better idea where the Hidden Magic City of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  That way, we can sent an army of Dandilion Girls to destroy it forever."
Ingrid said, "No problem."
And so Lisa Loeb walked away from the computer room and towards the main portion of the Dandilion Safehouse.  Both Lisa Loeb and Ingrid Michaelson are the only people inside the Dandilion Safehouse.  And any Dandilion Girl activities are transmitted to the comuter room in case computer access for this and that is needed.   And Lisa was confident that nobody figured out where the Dandilion Safehouse was located.
However, Lisa Loeb heard footsteps behind her and the footsteps didn't belong to Ingrid.
And when Lisa turned around, the person causing the mysterious footsteps vanished.
And with a frown, Lisa kept walking forward....
...Only to have the footsteps continue.
And Lisa had no idea what was going on.  And she was prepared to kill anybody who wasn't authorized to enter the Dandilion Safehouse.
And she made sure there was a knife placed inside a knife scabbard strapped to her left leg.
And the weird footsteps continued behind her.
And she looked behind her and found nothing.
So Lisa continued to walk towards the kitchen of the Dandilion Safehouse.
She entered the kitchen of the Dandilion Safehouse.
Lisa started to brew the coffee.
It took only a few minutes for the coffee to finish brewing.
And she took two cups from the cupboard.
She poured coffee in the coffee cups.  She walked towards the pantry.  She found a bottle of whisky on the shelf of the pantry.
And when she poured whisky all over her pants, she needed to make use of the washing machine.
 So Lisa unstrapped the knife scabbard from her left leg and removed her pants.  She strapped her knife scabbard to her left leg.  She walked towards the washing machine with her soiled pants in her hand.  The weird footsteps continued behind her.
Lisa turned around and saw Untied Shoelace Lad. 
Lisa said, "Oh hi, what are you doing here?"
Untied Shoelace Lad said, "I'm giving you one chance to surrender before I murder you."
Lisa removed her knife from her knife scabbard and she pointed her knife at Untied Shoelace Lad.
Lisa said, "I'd rather murder you instead."
Untied Shoelace Lad said, "I was hoping that killing you wasn't necessary, but we don't always get what we want."
Lisa said, "Life isn't always fair."
Untied Shoelace Lad stabbed Lisa Loeb between her breasts.  Lisa winced in pain and after a groan of defeat, she lay down on the floor dead.  Lisa Loeb is legally dead.
Meanwhile, Ingrid Michaelson thought she made a breakthrough in figuring out the the Hidden Magic City of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse on the computer perched on the desk in front of her.  She only had to type a few more things in her computer and the task was complete.
 Ingrid paused in her computer typing when she realized that Lisa Loeb never came back with the coffee.  In fact, there wasn't any sound in the Dandilion Safehouse aside from the tapping that she was making on the computer in front of her.
 And that worried her.  So she hurried in her quest to complete the e-mail that Haylie Duff sent Ingrid before dying that was only half finished.
 And she finally completed the half finished e-mail that Haylie Duff sent Ingrid before dying.  Ingrid Michaelson finally knows the location for the  Hidden Magic City of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  That alone made Ingrid Michaelson overflowing with excitement.
 And she was so excited, that she didn't see Untied Shoelace Lad standing behind her as she sat on her chair in front of her computer perched on a desk.  There were one computer to the left of her and another computer to the right of her.  And only one had information that no other Dandilion Girl is allowed to ever see.
 Ingrid said, "You realize that I must murder you now."
Untied Shoelace Lad said, "I was hoping that you would say that to me."
 Ingrid Michaelson lept up from her desk and she attacked Untied Shoelace Lad with her knife.
 Untied Shoelace Lad stabbed Ingrid Michaelson between her breasts first with his knife before wrestling her knife from her hands.  He stabbed her between her breasts with her knife too. 
Ingrid Michaelson said, "You have defeated me."
Ingrid looked at her murderer with a blank expression on her face before she lay down on the floor dead.  Ingrid Michaelson is legally dead.  Untied Shoelace Lad erased the information that was on the computer that Ingrid Michaelson was working on before she died.

Renee Zellweger looked at Englishwoman Emily Blunt with a confused expression on her face. 
Renee asked, "Is it a good thing if the Crystal Alligator has been stolen from the hidden vault in the basement of the Dandelion Club?"
Emily Blunt said, "When you consider that those damn Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse blokes pray to the goddamn thing, I would say that it's disastrous for us girls."
Renee said, "We should steal the damn Crystal Alligator back again.  Or best yet, we should've shattered that damn thing when we still had the chance."
Emily Blunt said, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse employed thieves who killed Eliza Dushku and stole the contents of the hidden vault are still in the Dandilion Club.  We should gather a group of girls together and murder them or die trying."
Saoirse Ronan and Carey Mulligan approached Emily Blunt.
 Emily said, "Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) killed Eliza Dushku and stole the content of the hidden vault below the Dandilion Club including the Crystal Alligator.  The four of us girls needs to ambush and kill Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) before he kills and wipes us out one by one."
Carey faced Emily before saying, "Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) used the force field to murder Eliza Dushku, but now he's stuck behind it.  He needs to murder five girls with the force field in order to break free.  However, if we kill him with the force field before he murders all four of us Dandelion Girls with the force field one by one, we might get the Crystal Alligator and other stolen objects back.  It's a suicide task, but it just might work."
Saoirse said, "It's a great idea.  Let's all attack him all at once."
Emily said, "Renee should attack Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) first and then I shall attack him second, Carey shall attack him third and Saoirse shall attack him fourth."
Renee asked, "And what happens if I murder Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) all by myself?"
Emily said, "Then Carey, Saoirse and I won't need to risk our lives trying to kill Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) because you did the impossible and survived."
Renee said, "You sold me on it.  I shall attack Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) with intent to kill or be killed first."
Carey said, "Good luck and don't get yourself murdered."
Saoirse said, "For Goddess sake, be careful.  I don't want to be the fourth girl to die and allow Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) to break free of the force field trap."
Emily said, "Don't worry, Renee is a tough girl to murder.  She'll be the first girl to attack a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse member without getting herself murdered."
Renee Zellweger felt a mixture of dread and vague sexual anticipation as she walked towards the staircase to challenge Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) in mortal combat she's not likely to survive against because no girl ever challenged Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) without dying in a violent irreversible murder attack.
And so Renee Zellweger took a deep breath as she waked down a flight of stairs towards the basement.  She walked towards the hidden vault.
 She walked closer to Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...).
 She was convinced that nobody employed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was following her.  She was convinced that it would be a battle to the death only between herself and Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...).
 She was convinced that she was going to win the battle to the death against Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...).  She thought nothing about what would happen if she lost the battle to the death against Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and ended up dead.
 Such a thought never entered her mind because she was too proud to think such thoughts.
 That's not saying that she wasn't worred that she might die any second.
 However, when such thoughts entered her mind, she repressed such thoughts because she needed to have the winning attitude before challenging Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) to a battle to the death.  The wrong attitude might give him the murderous advantage over her.
 It never crossed Renee Zellweger's mind that she's doomed.
 But Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) knew better.  He knew that Renee Zellweger was doomed.
 And he never repressed his arrogance that he's going to be the person who will murder Renee Zellweger a few seconds from now.
 Nine seconds before Renee Zellweger dies.
 Eight seconds before Renee Zellweger dies.
 Seven seconds before Renee Zellweger dies.
 Six seconds before Renee Zellweger dies.
 Five seconds before Renee Zellweger dies.
 Four seconds before Renee Zellweger dies.
 Three seconds before Renee Zellweger dies.
 Two seconds before Renee Zellweger dies.
 Time for Renee Zellweger to die in mortal combat against her assigned murderer.
 Renee Zellweger faced Captain Kite as he was trapped behind the force field.  Renee Zellweger needs to be electricuted by the force field in order for him to be freed.  However, he can't push her into the force field where he's standing.  Renee walked towards the girls version of the control panel and programmed the force field to grow smaller around Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...).
Renee said, "I won.  I won. I won.  Thank GODDESS that's done.  Get out of that one you jerk."
Dwayne Humpty stabbed Renee from behind.  Dwayne Dumpty stabbed Renee from behind.
Both Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty shoved Renee Zellweger into the force field.  Renee was electricuted to death by the force field.  Renee Zellweger fell to the floor dead after she was electricuted by the force field.  Renee Zellweger is legally dead.  Four more girls needs to be electricuted to death by the force field in order for Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) to be freed.  Dwayne Humpty reprogrammed the force field back to normal.
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "Thanks for helping me to kill that woman, but we have three more to kill."
Dwayne Humpty said, "Don't worry, Dwayne and I will stay hidden until the next one arrives."
Dwayne Dumpty said, "Yeah, we're going to clobber that next Dandilion Girl really good."
Emily Blunt realized that Renee Zellweger never returned and she knew what that meant.  Now it's time for Emily to challenge Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) in a battle to the death that already killed Renee and now needs to kill her second in order for the force field to be lifted.  Emily Blunt faced Saoirse Ronan and Carey Mulligan.  The quartet of Dandilion Girls is now a trio. 
Saoirse said, "You don't have to face Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) alone.  You can take Carey and I along for extra protection."
Emily said, "I'm a strong confident girl.  I can handle this problem single handed."
Carey said, "Don't forget that Saoirse and I are at the top of the staircase in case the two of us girls are needed to help you out."
Emily said, "Don't worry, I'll keep that in mind.  Wish me luck."
Carey said, "Good luck and don't get yourself killed.  I'm too young and innocent to be the next girl to die if you get yourself killed."
Saoirse said, "I have a bad feeling about this.  We should do this together.  But I understand if this needs to be done alone.  Good luck."
Emily said, "Don't worry, I'll return back upstairs alive and with the task completed.  I'd rather die in battlle than allow that creep to escape justice."

And so Emily Blunt took a deep breath as the Englishwoman walked down a flight of stairs towards the basement. She walked towards the hidden vault.  Selena Gomez was also on her way to the basement, but she was entering through the hidden door that bypassed the staircase and lead directly behind Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty.  And only Dandilion Girls know the location of the hidden door.  And if Selena Gomez isn't killed immediently, she's going to murder Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty and make it easy for Emily Blunt to kill Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) with the force field and become the only girl to challenge the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to a battle to the death without getting killed off herself.  And there's nobody standing behind Selena Gomez to kill her before she can kill Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty.  It looks as if the Dandilion Girls might actually succeed if Emily Blunt and Selena Gomez isn't killed nine seconds from now.  And that looks impossible right now.

 Dwayne Humpty walked backwards until he felt female breasts pressed against his spine. 
Selena said, "Pardon me pervert, but I'm standing here.  Can you give me some room?"
Emily said, "Those perverts are to fixated on their perversion to be of any use to anybody decent."
Dwayne Humpty stabbed Selena pressed behind him and she released a groan of defeat.  Dwayne Humpty walked forward and allowed Selena to fall to the ground.  Dwayne Dumpty stabbed Emily Blunt and tossed her into the force field and she died from electricution.  And when Selena's left arm moved, Dwayne Humpty tossed Selena Gomez into the force field and she was electricuted to death.  Emily Blunt and Selena Gomez are legally dead.


Carey Mulligan realized that Renee Zellweger, Emily Blunt and Selena Gomez never returned and she knew what that meant. Now it's time for Carey to challenge Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) in a battle to the death that already killed Renee, Emily and Selena and now needs to kill her second in order for the force field to be lifted.  Carey Mulligan faced Saoirse Ronan. The quartet of Dandilion Girls is now a duet.
Saoirse said, "We don't have to challenge Captain Kite, (He's Higher Than a...) one by one since the two girls who insisted on it are now legally dead.  We can challenge Captain Kite together as a team."
Carey said, "And if both of us girls die, than Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) will be free to wipe out the last surviving Dandilion Girls one by one all the way down to zero.  If only I attack with intent to kill or be killed, then Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) will still be trapped with no way out if I die in battle.  Of course, I don't want to die.  But it's better to be safe than sorry."
Saoirse said, "I don't agree with this, but I'll go along with it anyway."
Carey said, "Don't forget to walk downstairs to avenge my death if I'm killed in battle."
And Carey felt a mixture of sexual anticipation and horrified dread as she walked down the flight of stairs to the basement level.  And Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) will be trapped forever if Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty doesn't murder the girl immidently.


Carey Mulligan reached the safe and she saw Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) trapped behind a force field.  She smiled with arrogance.
Carey said, "You're not so tough if you're not able to murder me."
Dwayne Humpty said, "I can still murder you."
Carey grabbed Dwayne Humpty and she nearly succeeded in tying his hands behind his back.
Dwayne Humpty said, "Help me.  Somebody.  Kill Carey before she succeeds in tying my hands behind my back."
Carey said, "You'll never stop me from tying Dwayne Humpty.  I'm a strong invicible girl who's impossible to murder in self defence."
Dwayne Dumpty said, "I must try to murder you anyway."
Dwayne Dumpty stabbed Carey five times.  And when that failed to murder her, Dwayne Dumpty kicked her sideways into the forcefield.  Carey Mulligan was electricuted by the force field and she died instantly.  Carey Mulligan is legally dead.
Dwayne Humpty said, "Thanks for saving me from that Dandilion Girl."
Dwayne Dumpty said, "It's my pleasure."
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "Only one more girl to murder and then I'm free."
Saoirse Ronen realized that Renee Zellweger, Emily Blunt, Selena Gomez and Carey Mulligan never returned and she knew what that meant. Now it's time for Saoirse to challenge Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) in a battle to the death that already killed Renee, Emily, Selena and Carey and now needs to kill her second in order for the force field to be lifted.  Saoirse Ronan is all alone. The quartet of Dandilion Girls is now a solitary girl.  She deeply wanted to attack Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) as part of a multi-girl group.  Now she has two choices---Escape justice to live and fight another day or attack with intent to kill or be killed.  So what will be her choice.  And she knew it was foolish, possibly tragic and fatal, but she did so after taking a deep breath.  She walked down the flight of stairs slowly and with steady determination.  Saoirse knew that she was about to force the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to murder her in self-defence, but she found herself doing so anyway without regard for the possiblity of actually surviving.   



And she reached the basement.  And she saw Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) trapped behind a force field.  And she typed some information into the nearby computer terminal before facing Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) with a smug expression on her face.
Saoirse said, "It won't matter if you kill me anymore.  You now need three dead girls electricuted into the force field in order to break free."
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "Please change the computer program back to normal.  I'll kill you too if it's necessary, but I'd rather give you the chance to escape to fight another day."
Saoirse said, "It's too late, the computer program will stay the same until two unknown Dandilion Girls and I are killed in battle against you."
Dwayne Humpty said, "Then I better get started by ending your life."
Dwayne Humpty stabbed Saoirse Ronen in the stomach before strangling her to death.  Saoirse's dead body was tossed into the force field and caused it to be shorted out.  However, now two more Dandilion girls needs to die in order for Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) to break free from his force field imprisonment.  But where will two Dandilion Girls be found to play the role of the murdered girls so that the force field can be destroyed.
Not aware of the fate that befell Saoirse Ronen, Bijou Phillips talked to Laura Prepon in the first floor of the Dandilion Club.  Bijou Phillips and Laura Prepon isn't aware that they both need to die so that Captain Kite (He's Higher than a...) can break free from his force field imprisonment nearby the safe in the basement level of the Dandilion Club.
Laura asked, "Where is everybody.  I'm sorry for being morbid, but there were a lot more Dandilion Girls in the movie theater complex earlier tonight.  But now, it's as if most of the Dandilion Girls has been killed one by one."
Bijou said, "Maybe the missing girls have been caled off to a secret mission that we're not allowed to be a part of."
Laura said, "Why would the Dandilion Girls have a secret mission involving so many girls and not include me?  I'm convinced those missing Dandilion Girls are legally dead.  The contents of the safe in the bottom level needs to be cleared out and hidden before somebody gets to them.  I'll need to kill anybody who's trying to rob from the safe or die trying.  Want to help me attack and kill?"
Bijou said, "I'll stay here where it's safe.  Sorry, but I'm not in a rush to get myself killed off."
Laura replied with a frown, "Fine, have it your way.  However, my attack against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse would be easier if you were to attack alongside me."
And with that Laura Prepon walked off towards the basement because two girls need to die and be tossed into the force field in order for Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) to be free from the force field trap.  Laura Prepon is about to be the first of the two needed Dandilion Girl deaths.  Staying behind at the table where she thought she was safe from getting herself murdered in a death scene without consequences to the guys who murdered her, Bijou Phillips that she could easily get herself murdered without warning at any minute and she wasn't sure how she's going to die if she refuses to leave the safety of her table.  It might be necessary to lure her away from her table to an easier location to sencelessly kill her in a death scene without consequences.
And Bijou Phillips was smug in knowing that she won't be killed and tossed into the force field to liberate Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) from behind the force field.  And the smug arrogant girl needs to be punished and killed somehow.  But how will Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty lure and kill Bijou Phillips if she refuses to leave the safety of the table she's sitting at?
 Meanwhile, Laura Prepon knew that wandering away from Bijou Phillips was dangerous and could lead to her death scene without consequences to the guys who murdered her, Laura Prepon did so anyway.  And she knew that the Dandilion Club was slowly falling to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse while the Dandilion Girls never claimed control over any of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse properties.  The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse gained control over most of the Dandilion Girls owned properties as the Dandilion Girls slowly became extinct everytime a Dandilion girl is senselessly killed.  And now it might be Laura Prepon's turn to die.
Laura Prepon thought she was going to challenge Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...), Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty and survive.  The sexually seductive girl isn't aware that she's about to be killed and defeated.  And her lack of knowledge about the truth of her tragic fate will make it easier for her to be killed in battle.
And she slowly walked down a flight of stairs.
And she was standing nearby Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum and she wasn't aware of it.  And if she wasn't lured to her death by Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum, then perhaps Bijou Phillips will get the chance to be lured to her death by  Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum.  And Laura Prepon was only a few feet away when Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum pulled out his knife with intent to have Laure Prepon stabbed to death.  And she unknowingly walked backwards without knowing that a murderer is stainding behind her with a very sharp knife and ready to kill her off.  And if she spins around to face Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum, then he'll certainly will need to kill her.  Right now, Laura Prepon has the chance to escape punishing death and escape to fight another day.  But Laura's  chances for survival is getting slimmer and slimmer by the second she fails to escape justice to live and fight another day.
Laura Prepon said, "And now it's time to make the force field smaller and electricute Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) before somebody kills me off."
 Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum said, "Sorry, but you're about to be punished for your crimes."
Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum stabbed Laura Prepon from behind.  Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum didn't wait for a reply when he stabbed Laura from behind five more times.  Laura started to gargle blood.  And when she didn't die right away, Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum tossed her into the force field and caused her to be electricuted to death.  Laura Prepon fell to the ground dead.   Laura Prepon is no longer alive.  Laura Prepon is legally dead. 
Dwayne Humpty said, "Thank GOD that evil woman has been stopped."
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "Big deal, a girl still needs to die or else I'll be stuck here forever.  We need one more girl death."
Dwayne Dumpty said, "We need somebody to lure Bijou Phillips to her death.  But who can be the man to successfully lure Bijou to her death?"
Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum said, "Fear not guys, I'll be the guy to lure and murder Bijou Phillips.  And you know that's true because I'm Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum and my name is always easy to pronouce and easier to say because it just rolls off the tongue easily."
Bijou Phillips got from her chair nearby her table to grab herself something to drink.  And she spun around to face Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum.  Now it's time for Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum to lure Bijou Phillips to death in the basement so that Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) can break free from the force field that's trapping him.
Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum was carrying Laura Prepon's purse. 
Bijou asked, "What are you doing with that?"
Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum said, "I killed Laura Prepon and I stole her purse.  Chase after me and kill me if you want Laura Prepon's purse back."
Bijou said, "Oh my Goddess, you picked the wrong girl to mess around with."
And Bijou Phillips chased Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum across the first floor, down the stairs and towards the basement. 
Bijou Phillips strangled Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum with intent to kill.  Bijou was so obsessed with killing Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum that she didn't care that she was forcing Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty to kill her in self defence.
Dwayne Humpty stabbed Bijou Phillips in the back.  Dwayne Dumpty stabbed Bijou Phillips in the back before tossing her into the force field.  Bijou Phillips was electricuted by the force field and died.  Bijou Phillips is legally dead.  And with the force field destroyed, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) was free to kill girls.
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "Thanks for killing that Dandilion Girl and setting me free.  Now we must kill all the Dandilion Girls left alive in the Dandilion Club."
Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum said, "We turned the basement into a safety zone for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  We must do the same for levels one, two and three."
Dwayne Humpty said, "Then let's go to the first floor and kill more Dandilion Girls."
Dwayne Dumpty said, "I can't wait to see who will be the next Dandilion Girl for us to kill."
And with that, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...), Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum, Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty walked up the flight of stairs to the first floor of the Dandilion Club.
Time for Chloe Grace Moretz and Sarah Hyland to die.
Milena Govich And Julianne Nicholson exited the Dandelion Club to look at the darkness of the night as the two women stood alongside the street.
Julianne asked, "What were you planning to do when daylight returns once again?"
Milena said, "I'd be doing nothing if the Dandelion Girls has to be wiped out one hundred percent before morning returns.  I'll be lying on the ground unmoving, unbreathing and entirely lifeless."
Julianne said, "Oh come on, you can't expect me to believe that you already gave up trying to fight against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Milena said, "It's easy to give up hope at this point."
 Julianne said, "I'm not ready to give up and neither should you."
Milena said, "I promise not to die at the hands of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse until you get the chance to be murdered first."
Julianne said, "I'm not going to die anytime soon so you'll be waiting for a while."
Milena Govich and Julianne Nicholson reentered the Dandelion Club.  Goldfish Man tried to follow the two girls, but he was forced to punch Dandelion Girl #1, kick Dandelion Girl #2, punch Dandelion Girl #3, punch Dandelion Girl #4, Punch Dandelion Girl #5 before slamming Dandelion Girl #6 and Dandelion Girl #7 against each other causing all seven girls to lie down legally dead.  Goldfish Man kicked Dandelion Girl #8, punched Dandelion Girl #9, punched Dandelion Girl #10, kicked Dandelion Girl #11, kicked Dandelion Girl #12, kicked Dandelion Girl #13, kicked Dandelion Girl #14 causing her to fall backwards against Dandelion Girl #15, Dandelion Girl #16, Dandelion Girl #17 and Dandelion Girl #18 causing all eleven girls to lie down legally dead.  He punched Dandelion Girl #19, kicked Dandelion Girl #20, kicked Dandelion Girl #21, kicked Dandelion Girl #22, kicked Dandelion Girl #23, kicked Dandelion Girl #24 causing her to fall against Dandelion Girl #25 before punching Dandelion Girl #26, punching Dandelion Girl #27 causing her to fall backwards against Dandelion Girl #28, Dandelion Girl #29 and Dandelion Girl #30 causing all twelve girls to lie down legally dead.  Goldfish Man punched Dandelion Girl #31, kicked Dandelion Girl #32, kicked Dandelion Girl #33 before shoving Dandelion Girl #34 against the wall followed by a punch against Dandelion Girl #35 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.  Goldfish Man entered the Dandelion Club followed by kicking Dandelion Girl #36, kicking Dandelion Girl #37, punching Dandelion Girl #38, punching Dandelion Girl #39 and kicking Dandelion Girl #40 casing all five girls to lie down legally dead.  He finally located Milena Govich, Stephanie March and Julianne Nicholson and carefully hid from sight.
Julianne said, "There you are.  I was wondering where you were."
Stephanie said, "I was here the entire time waiting for you two girls."
Milena said, "Julianne and I were waiting for you outside."
 Stephanie said, "Well, we found each other so we're ready to get started."
Milena said, "Did you hear that?  Somebody is behind us."
Stephanie said, "I hear it too.  Go check it out Julianne."
Julianne said, "You got it Stephanie.  That jerk is going to die right this second."
Goldfish Man punched Dandelion Girl #41, kicked Dandelion Girl #42, punched Dandelion Girl #43 causing her to fall backwards against Dandelion Girl #44 and Dandelion Girl #45 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.  Julianne approached Goldfish Man.
Julianne asked, "What the Hell is wrong with you?  Are you some kind of fucked up psycho."
Goldfish Man said, "I'm only trying to save everybody from women like you."
Julianne said, "You're not doing a good job at it because I'm still alive."
 Goldfish Man punched Julianne and she winced in pain.  She tried to say something, but she lost the ability to speak.  Julianne then lost the ability to breathe as she found herself falling face first to the floor.  She tried to crawl to her feet, but she lost control of her muscles as he punched Dandelion Girl #46 causing her to lie down legally dead.
 Julianne gave up trying to survive and she closed her eyes once and for all.  Julianne Nicholson is no longer alive.  Julianne is legally dead.
Milena Govich looked at Stephanie March.  Stephane frowned.
Stephanie said, "Julianne tried to defeat Goldfish Man and she failed.  It's your turn to kill the jerk."
Milena said, "I won't fail you like Julianne failed you."
 Stephanie said, "I'll kill you myself if you fail me and you're still alive."
Milena said, "I'm not accustomed to failure so that's not going to happen."
Milena walked away from Stephanie and towards Goldfish Man.  He punched Dandelion Girl #47 and Dandelion Girl #48 causing both girls to lie down legally dead as he approached Milena.
 Milena said, "So it's finally between you and I.  It's the first of several battles between the two of us."
Goldfish Man said, "Actually, this is our first and only battle."
Milena said, "The only way that will ever happen is if you murdered me."
Goldfish Man kicked Milena and she doubled over in pain.  The girl closed her eyes without a struggle as she found herself unable to breathe anymore.  The girl was dead before she fell to the floor in a lifeless crumpled heap.
 Milena Govich is no longer alive.  Milena is legally dead.
Goldfish Man punched Dandelion Girl #49 and kicked Dandelion Girl #50 causing both girls to lie down legally dead.  He walked closer towards Stephanie.
Stephanie said, "So now it's just between you and I."
Goldfish Man said, "Soon it's only going to be myself."
Stephanie said, "Then try to kill me if you're so confident about it."
 Stephanie tried to punch him and he blocked her blow.  She tried to kick him before punching him and he blocked both attacks.
 Goldfish Man said, "It's my turn young lady."
Stephanie said, "Oh shit, it's not going to be my lucky day."
Goldfish Man said, "Understatement of the evening young lady."
Goldfish Man kicked Stephanie and she fell face first to the floor.  The doomed girl died instantly.
Stephanie March is no longer alive.  Stephanie is legally dead.
Chloë Grace Moretz and Sarah Hyland are the only Dandilion Girls preventing Sidewalk Man, Captain Parakeet, Potato Pal, Fountain Fiend, A Friendly Person, Thug #1, Thug #2, Thug #3, Thug #4, Untied Shoelace Lad, Lame Lad, Magician #1, Magician #2 The Unknown Third Person, Illinois River Man, Illinois River Guy, Dumbass Man, The Liason, Vodka Viceroy, Mustard Man, Driveway Guy #1, Driveway Guy #2, Driveway Guy #3, Forrest Path Guy and Archery Guy from entering the Dandilion Club.  And that's because both Dandilion Girls held two halves of the same key needed to remove (And destroy) the forcefield preventing no more than four Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members from entering the Dandilion Club.  And Dwayne Humpty, Dwayne Dumpty, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum are the only Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members who can save the day by killing Chloë Grace Moretz and Sarah Hyland and grab both halves of the same key needed to remove (And destroy) the forcefield preventing no more than four Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse from entering the Dandilion Club. 
Sarah faced Chloë and said, "There's something weird going on in the basement.  Too many girls have gone into it and none of them returned."
Chloë said, "Yes, that's a message that we need to escape."
Sarah replied, "I'm not going to escape to fight another day.  The two of us are the last lines of defence that will prevent the Dandilion Club from falling into the hands of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  I have an idea that would crush and murder our enemies forever.  Stay here while I get our plan activated."
 Chloë asked, "Suppose the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse succeeds in killing me first and you second?  Suppose the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse succeeds in killing you first and me second?  Then your plan will fail and the Dandilion Club will fall into the hands of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  I'm not ready to die so easily."
Sarah replied, "Don't worry, my plan will succeeds.  The two of us girls will be heros who stopped the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse from wiping out the Dandilion Girls."
And Sarah Hyland felt a mixture of sexual anticipation and dread because she knew that she was going to be murdered in battle against her assigned murderer.  Sarah walked away from Chloë to activate her plan before the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse succeeds in killing her.
And so Sarah walked towards a special electric circuit portal that only she had access to and she plugged her laptop computer to it. 
Sarah faced Dandilion Girl #1 and Dandilion Girl #2 and said, "Check the directional facility on number ten.  I want to make sure this goes smoothly."
Dandilion Girl #1 said, "I'll do it right away."
Dandilion Girl #2 said, "We'll make sure it goes smoothly or die trying."
Dandilion Girl #1 walked off while Dandilion Girl #2 was pulled away and stabbed to death in a surprise murder attack from behind.  Dandilion Girl #1 spun around and her throat was sliced open.  Both Dandilion Girl #1 and Dandilion Girl #2 are legally dead.The directional facility on numbe ten was never checked as requested.  Dwight Humpty murdered both women.
Sarah Hyland typed some commands on her laptop computer.  Dandilion Girl #3 entered the portion of the first floor that Sarah was using.
Sarah said, "Get me something to drink and check the directional facility on number ten.  Something is seriously wrong."
Dandilion  Girl #3 said, "I'll do it right away."
Dandilion Girl #3 exited the area that Sarah was using and was strangled by Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) until she lay down on the floor dead.  Dandilion #4 attacked Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) with karate only to delivered a kick to the throat.  Dandilion Girl #4 fell to the floor legally dead from the deadly kick murder attack.  Dandilion Girl #5 was stabbed from behind by Dwight Dumpty before she could attack Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...).  Dandilion Girl #5 lay down on the floor dead.
Sarah Hyland was running out of Dandilion Girls to order around.  And the directional facility on number ten was still hindering her laptop computer.  She sighed with frustration.  She might have to risk her life and do it herself and pray she doesn't get herself murdered in the process.
Sarah faced Dandilion Girl #6 and said, "What's going on here.  Why isn't this working."
Dandilion Girl #6 said, "Four members of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse wants to murder you and is killing any Dandilion Girl guilty of helping you out."
Sarah said, "Kill the four Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members and fix the directional facility on number ten before my efforts are ruined forever."
Dandilion Girl #6 said, "I'll do so right away."
Dandilion Girl #6, Dandilion Girl #7 and Dandilion Girl #8 attacked Dwight Humpty.  Dwight Dumpty stabbed Dandilion Girl #7 and Dandilion Girl #6 until they died.  Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum strangled Dandlion Girl #8 until she died.
Dwight Humpty said, "Sarah Hyland must die before she fixes the directional facility on number ten.  Thank GOD we wrecked it in time."
Dandilion Girl #9 said, "You'll pay for what you've done."
Dwight Humpty strangled Dandilion Girl #9 with an electric cord until she lay down dead.
Sarah Hyland was worried.  Her life was in mortal danger and she lost the directional facility on number ten.  She thought she could fix it on her laptop computer.  Perhaps there's an alternative approach she could use instead.
There is no alternative approach she could use.
Sarah Hyland, Dandilion Girl #10, Dandilion Girl #11, Dandilion Girl #12, Dandilion Girl #13, Dandilion Girl #14, Dandilion Girl #15, Dandilion Girl #16, Dandilion Girl #17, Dandion #18, Dandilion Girl #19, Dandilion Girl #20, Dandilion Girl #21, Dandilion Girl #22, Dandilion Girl #23,Dandilion Girl #24,  Dandilion Girl #25, Dandilion Girl #26, Dandilion Girl #27, Dandilion Girl #28, Dandilion Girl #29, Dandilion Girl #30,Dandilion Girl # 31 and Dandilion Girl #32 exited the Dandilion Club to check the directional facility on number ten. 
Dandilion Girl #10 was strangled to death by Thug #3 when she wandered away from the group.  Sarah never knew that she died.
Dandilion Girl #11 was killed by a freak garden rake attack incident when she bumped into Thug #4.  Her death was by accident.  Sarah Hyland had no idea how close to dying she came.
Sarah ordered Dandilion Girl #12 to check on the missing girls.  She was decapitated by a freak hubcap incident when Thug #4 killed her by accident.
Sarah Hyland finally reached the directional facility.  Dandilion Girl #13 was electricuted by the malfunctioning directional facility.
Dandilion Girl #14 was also electricuted while Sarah struggled to fix the directional facility.
Sarah fixed the directional facility only to have it fall apart again and electricuted Dandilion Girl #15.
Dandilion Girl #16 wandered off and was stabbed and killed by Musterd Man.  Sarah finally realized how she can fix the directional facility.
Dandilion Girl #17 was electricuted as Sarah struggled to fix the directional facility.
Sarah fixed the directional facility as Mustard Man stabbed Dandilion Girl #18 from behind until she died in a huge splatter of blood.
Sarah walked back towards the Dandilion Club.  Mustard Man stabbed Dandilion Girl #19 and she died violently and senselessly.
Sarah walked closer to the Dandilion Club.  Sidewalk Man bumbed into Dandilion Girl #20 and stabbed her and she died.
Sarah turned around to face the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse as Dandilion Girl #21 was stabbed and killed by the Unknown Third Person.
Sarah said, "I dare you to murder me before I reach the Dandilion Club.  I'm the only girl who can fix the directional facility and I'm about to succeed with my goal."
Dandilion Girl #22 said, "Watch out Sarah, you're about to get killed."
Dandilion Girl #22 stepped in front of Sarah and was killed by an arrow fired by Archery Guy.
Sarah spun around and walked towards the Dandilion Club with a smile on her face as Dandilion Girl #23 was stabbed and killed by Forest Path Guy.
Dandilion Girl #24 attacked Thug #1 only to be strangled by Thug #2.  Thug #2 tried to toss a knife towards Sarah, but was prevented from doing so by Dandilion Girl #25. 
Dandilion Girl #25 wss strangled to death as Sarah survived a murder attempt against her.  She still needs to die as punishment for fixing the directional facility.
Dandilion Girl #26 was struck from behind Arm Fall Off Plain Lad holding a blank of wood.  Dandilion Girl #26 lay down dead.  Sarah ran closer to the Dandilion Club.
Sarah dropped her bracelette as Dandilion Girl #27 was struck from behind by a plank of wood held by Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad.  Dandilion Girl #27 lay down on the ground.  Dandilion Girl #27 slowly stood back up again with a proud smirk on her face.
Sarah picked up her bracelette.  Dandilion Girl #27 grabbed the plank of wood from Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad only to have an arrow shot into her from behind by Archery Guy.  Dandilion Girl #27 lay down dead.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad reclaimed his plank of wood and struck Dandilion Girl #28 to the ground and killed her with it.  Sarah dropped her bracelette again.
Sarah grabbed her bracelette only to drop it again.  Sarah cursed her clumsiness.  Dandilion Girl #29 was struck by a plank of wood held by Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad and she died.
Dandilion Girl #30 was struck by a plank of wood held by Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad and she fell against Dandilion Girl #31 and Dandilion Girl #32.  All three girls died.  Sarah grabbed her bracelette once again.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad struck Sarah Hyland from behind with a plank of wood.
Sarah Hyland lay down on the ground and stopped moving.
Meanwhile, Chloë Grace Moretz found Sarah Hyland's laptop computer.  She didn't know much about computers and she thought the directional facility on number ten worked normally.
And so Chloë started to type commands into the laptop computer.  Dwight Humpty apprached the girl and he said, "Please don't do it.  You're going to get yourself killed."
Chloë said, "Oh you wish I were an easy girl to kill." 
And she continued typing into the laptop computer.
Dwight Humpty said, "I'm giving you one last chance to walk away from the computer before you are killed and defeated."
Chloë said, "I'm not backing off now that I'm so close to victory.  You'll have to murder me instead."
And so she continued to type on the computer.
And she finished typing out the computer programming.
And with the directional facility on number ten broken, the force field surrounding the Dandilion Club broke down and electricuted Chloë Grace Moretz.
Chloë Grace Moretz lay down on the floor dead.  Chloë Grace Moretz is legally dead.  Even as Chloë Grace Moretz lay down defeated and killed, there was satisfaction between Dwayne Humpty, Dwayne Dumpty, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum.  But it wasn't as finished as Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) thought it was, because Sarah Hyland was only pretending to be dead.  And as she crawled to the force field generator with her portion of the key to have it operated, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) only had a few seconds to kill her before it's too late to stop the Dandilion Girl.
Sarah Hyland knew how to fix the laptop computer with special wires.
And she was crawling closer and closer.  She knew she was dying from the plank of wood attack, but she was going to fix the force field before she died.
And she was strangled with her own wires.
And she struggled against the strangulation with her own wires.
And the world was getting dark as Sarah was being strangled with her own wires.
Dandilion Girl #33 was stabbed by Dwight Humpty and she died.  Dwight Dumpty continued to strangle Sarah Hyland with her own wires.
And was getting harder for Sarah to stay alive and keep fighting a lost cause battle.
 Sarah Hyland lay down on the floor dead.  Sarah Hyland is legally dead and she lay in front of her murderer Dwight Dumpty in a submissive pose.
Kate Hudson approached identical twin sisters AJ and Aly Michalka with concern on her face.
Kate said, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse has gained entrace inside the Dandilion Club.  We must fight back the invading enemy or die trying.  There's a last resort plan in case the directional facility on number ten fails.  I need the two of you girls to activate the backup plan."
AJ said, "Are you sure the backup plan is going to work?"
Kate replied, "All three of us girls are going to die if the backup plan fails."
Aly said, "Then my sister and I will activate the backup plan or die trying."
Kate said, "Be careful and good luck." 
Kate thought she saw the Male Attacker behind her while watching Aly Michalka and her identical twin sister AJ Michalka walk off.  Kate spun around and she didn't see anything.  Kate frowned as she turned to watch Aly and AJ Michalka walk off as the Male Attacker tried to stab her to death from behind.  Kate spun around and forced the Male Attacker into hiding.  Kate had no idea how close she came to dying.
Aly and AJ Michalka walked towards the staircase.
Aly said, "The backup plan is in the second floor.  One of us must stand guard on the staircase while the other activates the backup plan."
AJ said, "You should activate the backup plan since you know more about it.  I'll stand guard nearby the staircase."
AJ paused for a second before adding, "The two of us should activate the backup plan together."
Aly said, "Suppose the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse were to walk up the stairs?"
AJ said, "You think one girl can stop all those serial killers all by herself.  The backup plan can be activated much faster with both of us girls."
Aly said, "I know having you stand guard in the staircase is a risk that could lead to your death.  However, it's a risk that I must make."
AJ said, "I sure hope the risk is worth it.  I don't want to be murdered."
Aly and AJ walked up the stairs to the third floor.  The two girls thought they saw The Street Vender somewhere in the third floor.  The two Dandilion Girls entered the third floor in hopes of catching and killing the Street Vender.  The Street Vender may be forced to kill the two girls if they succeed in catching up to him.
And so the Street Vender hid in behind a book case as the two girls entered the room.  Neither of them was looking too closer and started to leave.
The Street Vender sneazed and alerted Aly and AJ.  The two girls reentered the room.  Dandilion Girl #1 attacked the Street Vender and he stabbed her between the breasts and she died.  The Street Vender raced between the two girls and nearly tossed them both to the floor.  The Street Vender raced out of the room with Aly and AJ chasing after him. 
The Street Vender vanished from sight.  Aly frowned with frustration.
Aly said, "I know this building like the back of my hand.  We'll find and kill him soon."
AJ said, "He has to die so that he won't ruin the backup plan that will wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse forever."
And with that, Aly and AJ searched the third floor again.
Three Dandilion Girls attacked the Street Vender as Aly and AJ walked closer.
The Street Vender stabbed Dandilion Girl #2 in the trachea and she died.  Aly and AJ walked closer.
The Street Vender stabbed Dandilion Girl #3 and she died.  Aly and AJ walked closer.
The Street Vender strangled Dandilion Girl #4 and she died.  Aly and AJ walked closer.
Aly grabbed the Street Vender and AJ punched him three times. 
The Street Vender wiggled from Aly's grasp and raced out of the room.  AJ blocked his exit.
AJ punched him and the Street Vender fell to the floor.  Aly kicked him as he lay on the floor.
The Street Vender stood up and escaped from the room while AJ was distracted.
Aly and AJ chased after the Street Vender as he ran towards the fourth floor.
The Street Vender ran up the stairs with Aly and AJ close behind.  The Street Vender only has a few minutes left to kill Aly Michalka, kill AJ Michalka and destroy the Backup Plan Device.
The Street Vender reached the top of the staircase.  Aly and AJ were close behind.
The Street Vender entered the fourth floor.  Aly and AJ reached the top of the staircase.
 And so, AJ Michalka dropped her bracelette and she bent to pick it up.  And once recovering her bracelette, Aly Michalka was gone.  And so AJ Michalka went looking for her identical twin sister while hoping that she doesn't get murdered by a serial killer in the process.
AJ searched for the Street Vender in the fourth floor.  She didn't know where the Backup Plan Device was, but she was certain that the Street Vender didn't know either.
So AJ took advantage of her situation and chose to find and kill the Street Vender before he could find both Aly and the Backup Plan Device.
And AJ spun around and saw nothing.  She wasn't sure if the Street Vender was in the room with her or was in a different room.
There were three doors that she could open that lead to three different rooms.  She walked towards the first door.
Her hand was on the doorknob.  AJ opened the door.
AJ entered the room.  She spun around and found nothing. 
She exited the room.  AJ walked towards the second door.  Her hand was on the doorknob.
She opened the door.  AJ entered the room.  The Street Vender was in the room.  He stabbed AJ between her breasts.  He stabbed her five more times when she didn't lie down defeated and dead.
AJ lay down on the floor and she died.  AJ  Michalka is legally dead.  Unaware of the violent fate that took away the life of her identical twin sister AJ Michalka and secretly wanting the same violent fate herself (While also horrifed that such thoughts were in her head), Aly Michalka continued with the task given to her by Kate Hudson.  However, Aly Michalka failed to get the point that Kate Hudson and Liv Tyler can't die until she dies. And she's about to die in a murder attack any second now.  Aly found the Backup Plan Device.
Aly sat down on a chair.  She activated the Backup Plan Device.
Aly Michalka started to type some commands into the Backup Device as the Street Vender entered the room with intent to kill her and destroy the Backup Plan Device.
Aly said, "It's too late, the Backup Plan Device has been activated.  The only way you can stop me is to kill me and you don't have time to kill me and destroy the device."
The Street Vender said, "I must make the effort anyway."
The Street Vender stabbed Aly and she fell to the floor.  He tried to destroy the Backup Plan Device.
Aly crawled on her hands and knees as the Street Vender was close to destroying the Backup Plan Device.  Aly reached for a knife.
Aly grabbed a knife as the Street Vender struggled to destroy the Backup Plan Device.
The Street Vender stuck her with a plank of wood and Aly fell to the floor.  The Street Vender returned his attention to destroying the Backup Plan Device.
Aly crawled on her hands and knees again.  She was dying, but she had enough energy to activate the Backup Plan Device before she dies.
Aly reached for her knife as the Street Vender succeeded in destroying the Backup Plan Device.  He spun around to face Aly Michalka.
The Street Vender grabbed the knife from Aly's hands and stabbed her between her breasts several times until she died.  Aly lay down on the floor in a splatter of blood.
 Aly's left hand moved so the Street Vender stabbed her again.  He sliced her throat when her hand moved a second time.  Aly Michalka closed her eyes and she died.  Both Aly Michalka and AJ Michalka are legally dead. 
Kirsten Dunst was warned by the Commanding Officer of the Dandilion Girls to stay away, but Kirsten knew she couldn't really do that.  It was her job to take orders from Liv Tyler and Kate Hudson and Kirsten wasn't about to let either of them get murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  So Kirsten Dunst casually walked into the Dandilion Club in hopes of wiping out all of the invading Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members before they succeed in killing her off.
She didn't understand what caused the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to be so homicidal against the Dandilion Girls.  However, Kirsten wasn't planning to go down without a fight.
And so she entered the Dandilion Club to relax and have fun.
However, it was impossible for Kirsten to have fun since some Dandilion Girls inside the Dandilion Club are now legally dead.
And that caused Kirsten Dunst to have her defences raised instead of lowered.  Because she now knew that her life could end in a murder attack without warning at any given moment.
And it was the uncertanty of her possible death by murder attack that left the girl rattled.
However, it was difficult to know just how rattled Kirsten Dunst felt because she tried to be strong with her external body language while she was close to a panic attack inside.
 Kirsten Dunst thought that showing few emotions would help her survive a possible murder attack.  She prayed to the GODDESS that she was right.
 And when Kirsten Dunst exited the Dandilion Club, she ran into Kristen Bell.  And the two women walked side by side as they explored outside the Dandilion Club.
Kristen asked, "How many Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse thugs made it inside the Dandilion Club?  Can we kill them off and maintain something that resembles self respect?"
Kirsten said, "It might be better to escape justice without a scratch while we still can."
Kristen Bell said, "I hate to escape justice without putting up a fight."
Kirsten said, "It might be more foolish to stay here and get killed."
Kristen said, "Then the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will keep hounding us girls until they get the death scene that they always wanted."
Kirsten said, "That's a risk we're going to need to take."
 Kristen said, "I don't see any Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thugs out here."
Kirsten said, "They might all be inside the Dandilion Club by now."
Kristen said, "Oh GODDESS, I sure hope not."
 Kirsten said, "We might cover more ground if we split up and agree to meet up later."
Kristen said, "That might make the Girl Killing, Woman Hating task of killing us both off easier."
Kirsten said, "That's risk we'll need to take too."
 Kristen said, "I'll take the left side the alleys and you take the right side of the alleys."
Kirsten said, "That's a great idea.  Let's get moving.  I want those Girl Killing, Woman Hating Thugs dead now rather than later."
 Kristen said, "Oh lady, you're speaking my language."
Kristen said, "We always had the knack of thinking alike."
 Kristen said, "So we'll meet up at this exact spot by the end of the hour."
Kirsten said, "That's a great idea.  Let's get moving."
And so Kirsten Dunst and Kirsten Bell split up and went opposite directions with Kristen going left and Kirsten going right.  And the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse has until the end of the hour to kill them both off before they rejoin each other at that same exact spot.
 And Kirsten Dunst thought she spotted Parking Lot Lord and she chased after him with intent to kill or be killed.  And Parking Lot Lord was prepared to murder Kirsten Dunst if he didn't lose her fast enough.  And he turned a corner as Kirsten chased after him.
And the Parking Lot Lord vanished much to Kirsten Dunst's frustration.  And she groaned with frustration as she continued to search for Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thugs to kill.
Angelina Jolie stepped out of her car with a proud expression on her face.  She was feeling self confident in the face of way too much irreversable deaths of Dandilion Girls.  Angelina Jolie was convinced that she at least was guaranteed to survive the night. And as she stepped out of her car and into the night, she looked at Alecia Moore aka Pink who stood only a few feet away from Angelina.  And Angelina Jolie nodded her head which prompted Alecia Moore aka Pink to walk the opposite direction away from Angelina Jolie in the opposite direction.  And spun around to face her car again.  And then she walked beyond her car---The opposite direction from Alecia Moore aka Pink.  And Angelina Jolie walked towards a large group of people.

 And a large group of people gathered around Angelina.  And she played the role of the most popular woman alive in front of the large group of people.  And Angelina loved the role of the most popular woman alive in front of the large group of people.  And for those few moments, she felt that she was truly invincible and she loved it.

And as for Alecia Moore aka Pink.  What do we know about Alecia Moore aka Pink.  Let's start with the most basic.  Alecia Moore aka Pink was the second cousin of the late Mandy Moore.  And though Mandy Moore is legally dead, Alecia Moore keeps going anyway in hopes of keeping the flame alive.  And the one thing that keeps Alecia going is the chance to avenge the death of her second cousin by wiping out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
 It's still night and close to midnight.  And Alecia was still hoping to survive the serial killing spree long enough to see sunrise.  And she has indomitable will to do so.  And Alecia wasn't sure how she will survive a direct murder attack attempt, but she planed to make the effort no matter the consequences.  She wasn't about to give up.
 And she walked towards the supermarket.  And she walked into the supermarket.  And she saw an infant in a nearby shopping cart.  And she grabbed the infant with a smile on her face.  Alecia Moore aka Pink wasn't sure the name or the actual parent of the infant.  She wanted the infant and that alone was enough.  So she grabbed the infant and ran.
 Chicken Pox Commando and Coward Man chased after Alecia Moore with intention to murder her.  However, with an infant in her arms, it was difficult to do so without hurting Alecia.
 And Alecia Moore aka Pink figured out that Chicken Pox Commando and Coward Man was chasing after her.  And she realized that the battle to the death was about to happen sooner than she expected.
 And so Alecia Moore aka Pink ran until she was convinced that she can use the grocery store parking lot to her advantage.  So she spun around to face Chicken Pox Commando and Coward Man with a huge smile on her face.
 Alecia Moore aka Pink said, "You have two choices.  You can kill me and allow the infant to die.  You can save the infant and be so distracted that you'll be unable to kill me and I'll escape."
Chicken Pox Commando said, "Put down the infant and just fight us now."
Alecia said, "I don't believe in fair fights asshole."
Coward Man said, "You're in enough trouble already.  Just put down the infant and let us kill you.  Don't make this harder than it needs to be."
Alecia Moore said, "It's too late.  You should've killed me when you had the chance.  Now I get to escape.  Too bad you defeated my baby snatching scheme.  But you'll never punish me for all my crimes by killing me.  Until next time."
Alecia placed the infant in a shopping cart and pushed it towards an incoming car.  Chicken Pox Commando and Coward Man chased after the shopping cart and rescued the infant barely in the nick of time.  And it took both of them to save the infant.  However, Alecia Moore vanished from sight and she escaped without a scratch.  Alecia Moore aka Pink survived to fight another day.
Coward Man said as he held the infant, "Alecia Moore is the right arm for the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls.  We kill her and the Supreme Commander will be easy for us to kill."
Chicken Pox Commando said, "Too bad we blew it.  That may have been our first and only effort to kill that woman.  We'll never get another chance to murder Alecia Moore."
Meanwhile, at Dandilion Manor, Olivia Wilde was relaxed, safe and comfortalbe as she went about her daily routine just like any regular girl next door.  And in the end, Olivia Wilde was just like any other regular girl next door doing normal girl next door type of stuff---Except she was also employed by the Dandilion Girls.  Olivia Wilde is willing to give lessons on how to be the perfect girl next door type of woman and that includes perfect lipstick, eyeshadow and blush (Not to mention the right outfit that flatters the body perfectly). 

 And Olvia Wilde felt bored so she chose to walk towards the Dandilion Club to see how the rest of the surviving Dandilion Girls taking orders from Liv Tyler and Kate Hudson are doing.  And she kept talking on her cell phone non-stop the entire walking journey from the Dandilion Manor to the Dandilion Club.  And she did so with a smile on her face and confidence in every step.
 Olivia Wilde thought she saw a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse member behind her.  She turned around and saw nothing.  And with both a frown and a shrug, she spun around and kept walking.
 And she was smiling the entire way.  She thought about all those Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members she tormented and humiliated.  It made her happy to have so much victories in such a short span of time.
 After all, anybody who isn't working for the Dandilion Girls were kind of asking for it...
 ...And that alone made anybody working for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse expendable.
 And so she kept walking.  The Dandilion Club was getting closer.
 Olivia Wilde had no idea that the force field keeping out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse has been destroyed.  She had no idea that the basement of the Dandilion Club had already fallen into the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  Olivia Wilde still thought that she could still survive anything that was used to attack her.
 And so she walked towards the Dandilion Club without knowing that she'll die violently inside that building when the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse finally attacks the doomed Dandilion Girl.
 And all her confidence will be a prologue to a punishing humiliating death scene that will make her regret the day she thought she could leave the confines of the Dandilion Manor.   For she needs to die so that the Dandilion Manor could fall under the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse too.  Tonight was the night the Dandilion Girls are driven to extinction.
 Olivia Wilde thought she saw something behind her.  She turned around without knowing that she could die violently and senselessly at any given time.  She saw nothing.
 And she kept walking forward while being followed by her assigned murderer.
And Olivia Wilde finally reached the Dandilion Club.  Ari Graynor warmly greeted Olivia Wilde near the entrance.  The two women walked towards a secret room in the first floor.
 Ari said, "I have this fantastic plan that will work.  Trust me when I say that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will no longer be a threat to the Dandilion Girls when I'm finished with them."
Olivia said, "That's the best news I've heard all day.  I can't wait to see what you have planned against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
And both women entered the secret room in the first floor.
Rashida Jones, Ari Graynor, Olivia Wilde, Leandra Medine,Riki Lindhome, Kate Micucci , Zosia Mamet, Aubrey Plaza, and Lauren Miller chose to have a girls night out at the Dandilion Club. 
Aubrey Plaza and Rashida Jones warmly greeted Amy Poehler and welcomed her to the nine girl group.  The Suspicious Guy stood nearby waiting for one of the girls to walk away from the safety of the ten girl group so he can senselessly kill her.
 Ari Gaynor said, "this is no good.  We need to reclaim the basement from our victomizers."
 Leandra Medine said, "We can't do so with so many Dandilion Girls dying one by one.  You know that dead Dandilion Girls can never be resurrected, but dead Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse thugs can return to life anytime they want."
Ari said, "The Dandilion Girls can wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse with only ten girls.  I have an idea that just might work."
 Ari said, "I need a volunteer.  Leandra will be perfect to help me out."
Leandra said, "Oh no, I'm staying on the first floor where it's safe."
Ari said, "I'm not going into the basement alone."
  Leandra said, "You don't need to go into the basement at all."
Amy said, "We need to be smart about this.  If we need to fight agaisnt the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, let's do it on floors one, two, three and four where it's safe."
Olivia said, "That's a plan I can agree to."
Aubrey Plaza said, "Can't we use Ari's plan on the first floor instead of the basement?"
Rashida Jones said, "Oh yes, we have to use Ari's plan on the first floor.  I'm not going into the basement.  It's not safe down there anymore."
Zosia Mamet said, "What exactly is Ari planning to do anyway?"
Lauren Miller said, "I don't know what Ari is up to, but I'm going to agree to it anyway.
Ari said, "First, I need to girls to stand guard while I set things up."
 Riki Lindhome said, "Kate Micucci and I will stand guard."
Kate Micucci said, "Oh yes, you can depend on Riki and myself."
Kate and Riki left the secluded first floor room to stand guard outside it.  The Suspicious Guy stabbed Kate between her breasts and she lay down on the floor dead.  Riki's long blonde hair fell into her face as she attacked the Suspicious Guy.  The Suspicious Guy stabbed Riki between her breasts and she lay down dead.  Kate Micucci and Riki Lindhome are legally dead.
Meanwhile, in the secluded first floor room, Rashida Jones, Ari Graynor, Olivia Wilde, Leandra Medine, Zosia Mamet, Aubrey Plaza, Lauren Miller and Amy Poehler were planning to activate Ari's plan to wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse forever.  The only way to stop Ari's plan is to kill all eight Dandilion Girls one by one until all eight are lying down on the floor dead.  Which of the eight remaining Dandilion Girls gets to be the next girl to die.
Lauren Miller stood nearby the door into the secluded room.  The only way the Supicious Guy could enter the secluded first floor room is to murder Lauren Miller. 
Amy asked, "Ok, now we have two girls standing guard.  What happens next?"
Ari placed two crystals into Lauren's hands.
Ari said, "I need Lauren to place one crystal in the south end of the room and another to the north end of the room.  Then we can begin."
Zosia said, "Hold on a second, are we talking about witchcraft?"
Ari said, "I know it's a weird thing to suggest, but computers isn't working for us."
Lauren said, "Hey, I'm willing to try anything."
Olivia said, "How many girls are needed to make this work?"
Ari said, "Ten girls are needed to make this work."
Olivia said, "And what happens if one of us dies?"
Ari said, "Then it becomes lethal to anybody born female."
Aubrey said, "That's not a positive thing to set into motion."
Leandra said, "Hey, it's better than just standing around waiting to die."
Rashida said, "Speak for yourself.  I want to survive the night without getting murdered."
Lauren said, "Give me the crystals and we'll get this started."
And so Ari gave the crystals to Lauren. 
 Lauren Miller placed the first crystal to the south end of the room.
 Lauren Miller placed the second crystal to the north end of the room.
And as the supernatural incantation was getting started, The Suspicious Guy grabbed Lauren Miller'a bra strap, pulled her out of the room and stabbed her between her breasts with a knife ten times.  Lauren looked at her victomizer with a blank expression before she lay down on the ground dead next to the dead bodies of  Kate Micucci and Riki Lindhome.  Lauren Miller is legally dead.
Meanwhile, in the secluded first floor room,  Rashida Jones, Ari Graynor, Olivia Wilde, Leandra Medine, Zosia Mamet, Aubrey Plaza and Amy Poehler were activating Ari's plan to wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse forever. The only way to stop Ari's plan is to kill all seven Dandilion Girls one by one until all eight are lying down on the floor dead. Which of the eight remaining Dandilion Girls gets to be the next girl to die.
Aubrey Plaza and Amy Poehler stood the closest to the supernatural tools needed to prevent the supernatural energy from turning lethal against girls because there are no longer ten girls needed to control Ari's supernatural incantation.  The only way Suspicious Guy can guarantee that the superatural energy will be lethal to girls is to murder Aubrey Plaza and Amy Poehler.  None of the surviving seven Dandilon Girls realize that the Suspicious Guy is inside the room because he's hiding.  Aubrey stood closest to him and Amy stood the farthest from him.  However, he must kill Aubrey before he can kill Amy. 
Ari said, "It's falling apart.  I need supernatural tools to contain the supernatural energy."
Aubrey said, "I don't know how to use it."
Amy said, "I don't know how to sue it either."
Ari said, "Don't worry, I'll teach you both."
The only way both Aubrey and Amy could grab the supernatural tools is to unintentionally walk backwards towards the Suspicious Guy and run the risk of getting themselves murdered.
Rashida said, "We need three more girls.  We're making a dangerous gamble and we no longer have the necessary girlpower to make it happen."
Ari said, "We can't back down.  We must complete this or the supernatural power we raised will turn against us and kill us all."
Olivia said, "Oh great, more bad news to be worried about."
Zosia said, "Oh come on Olivia, you need to be more confident than that."
Olivia said, "I'll be more confident when we find three more girls to help us out."
Leandra said, "Perhaps we should send one of us girls to locate the missing girls."
Olivia said, "That's a terrible idea.  What if those too don't come back.  We can't afford to lose anymore Dandilion Girls."
Rashida said, "Well we can't just stand here with only seven Dandlion Girls maximum either."
Amy said, "Don't worry, I almost got the supernatural tools needed to control the supernatural energy.  Our problems have been solved."
 And so Amy Poehler bent over to pick up the supernatural tools only to be stabbed from behind by the Suspicious Guy who can no longer hide in secrecy anymore.  Amy drooled blood as she was stabbed from behind ten more times when she didn't die right away.
 And Amy lay down on the ground when it was no longer possible for her to remain alive.  And that was the moment that Amy Poehler died.  Amy is legally dead.
Aubrey Plaza said, "You're going to regret doing that when I grab those supernatural tools.  Oh yes, you're going to suffer for all those girls you needlessly killed."
The Suspicious Guy said, "Please don't force me to kill you in self defence."
Aubrey said, "I'm going to be the person who's going to kill in self defence."
 And so Aubrey Plaza reached for the supernatural tools only to be stabbed between her breasts in a supernatural sacraficial knife.  She was stabbed five more times. 
And killed by the supernatural tools that was supposed to save her from being killed, Aubrey had no choice but to lie down on the ground dead.   Aubrey Plaza is legally dead.
And the Suspicious Guy faced Leandra Medine, Olivia Wilde, Ari Graynor, Rashida Jones, and Zosia Mamet.  All five Dandilion Girls were in a position of recontrolling the supernatural energy so it could be used to wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  All five Dandilion Girls must die before they can reverse the Suspicious Guy's advantage against the Dandilion Girls. 
Leandra said, "I think I can murder that jerk.  I'll need Ari's help to do so."
Ari said, "You got it."
Olivia said, "Use me, but not Ari.  She's the only one of us who knows how to do this."
Ari said, "I'll be forced to attack if Olivia dies first."
Rashida said, "You can use Zosia and I to attack first before Ari can be used."
Zosia said, "Rashida and I should try to find five Dandilion Girls to help us out or die trying."
Rashida said, "Damn, that's right.  I guess Ari has to die if Olivia dies before she can help Leandre kill off the Suspicious Guy."
Olivia said, "Oh sure, there's no pressure.  I'm only being asked to do the impossible that no other Dandilion Girl has been able to do without getting killed."
Leandra said, "Don't wory, I'll be helping you out."
And so Olivia Wilde rushed against the Suspicious Guy without checking to see if Leandra Medine was catching up to her.  And there was still a small window of opportunity to kill Olivia before Leandra arrives to complicate the battle to the death against Dandilion Girls.
 And Olivia Wilde reached out to grab the supernatural tools away from the Suspicious Guy.  The Suspicious Guy grabbed a knife and he stabbed her between her breasts.  And he stabbed her nine more times before attacking her with a supernatural sacrificial knife.  And she felt a mixture of shock, pain, humiliation and grief as she realized that she's dying.  And Olivia's vision became blurry as she fell to the floor face down in a puddle of blood.
 And the Suspicious Guy walked over Olivia Wilde as she died below him.  Olivia Wilde is legally dead.  And he approached Leandra Medine.  Ari Graynor rushed to her defence as Rashida Jones, and Zosia Mamet rushed out of the room. 
Ari said, "Ok, we have one chance to get this right."
Leandra said, "You attack to the right and I'll attack to the left."
Ari said, "Actually, I want you to serve as a decoy as I try one last supernatural trick to get things right.  One wrong move and we'll both die."
Leandra said, "I was hoping to survive the night long enough to see daylight."
Ari said, "We can still survive if we stick together." 
 Leandra said, "Ok, let's get this over with before I have second thoughts about this."
Ari said, "Well, it's not like you have much choice in the matter."
 And Leandra moved to attack as he stabbed Ari Graynor five times.  Ari was shocked that she was attacked instead of Leandra. 
 And Ari found herself lying down on the ground in a puddle of blood.  And she was shocked to learn that the puddle of blood that she was lying down on was coming out of her.
 And she felt tired.  And she felt like sleeping.  However, she knew that if she went to sleep, she won't wake up again because she clearly was dying in a murder attack launched against her.
 Ari Graynor died as Leandra moved against him.  And he stabbed her in the gut.  And she tried to strangle him as he stabbed her again.
 Leandra cried out, "Why won't you fucking die."
And he wanted to reply, but she was strangling him.  So he stabbed her again.
And it took one more knife stroke to finish off Leandra Medine.  And she was drooling blood as she started to bleed from all those knife wounds in her stomach.   Leandra Medine lay down on the ground and she legally died. 
The Suspicious Guy exited the room and chased after Rashida Jones, and Zosia Mamet with his blood soaked knife in hand.  Rashida looked behind her as she paused in a first floor located hallway.  Zosia was clearly in panic mode.
Zosia asked, "What are you doing?  We need to make a run for it.  We need eight girls to make the supernatural incantation work."
Rashida replied, "The Suspicious Guy isn't following us, but it's not like him to just give up.  Something is wrong.  I can feel it."
Zosia said, "If we don't need to run for our lives, then let's just go search for eight girls to recruit.  Why are we just standing here being suspicious of good fortune.
 And the Suspicious Guy took it as a cue to attack Rashida from behind.  And Rashida spun around and she strangled the Suspicious Guy as Zosia started to punch him in the stomach several times and more violently than the last time.
Rashida cried out, "This is the last time you will ever kill and victimize a woman.  You will remember me as the Dandilion Girl who successfully ended your life."
Zosia said, "That a girl.  Let's show the jerk who's boss around here."
Rashida said, "The only way you can stop me from seeking revenge is to kill me and I'm not going to die today.  Rather, you're the jerk who's going to die."
The Suspicious Guy cried out, "Help me kill these Dandilion Girls.  I'm a guy in distress."
Rashida said with a smile, "Nobody will save you from dying."
Zosia said, "Oh yes, we're getting closer to killing the jerk and there's no rescue for you in sight. I guess I'm not going to die today."
 Giraffe Man stabbed Rashida from behind.  Giraffe Man punched Zosia and she fell backwards to the ground.  Giraffe Man stabbed Rashida between her breasts.  Rashida started to drool blood as seventy percent of her blood flowed from the open knife wound in the front and back to the floor into a giant puddle.  Rashida slipped on the puddle of her own blood and crashed to the floor in a dead crumpled heap.  Rashida Jones is legally dead. 
Zosia Mamet stood up and she placed a knife to the Suspicious Guy's throat as she held him from behind.  Her voluptuous breasts were pressed against the Suspicious Guy's spine.
Zosia said, "I'm going to escape justice and punishment.  You try to kill me and I'll murder the Suspicious Guy just like that.  The only way to stop me from escaping is to kill me and I got a hostage to make sure that won't happen."
Giraffe Man said, "You're in enough trouble already lady.  Don't make this harder than it needs to be.  We can work this out."
Zosia said, "Screw you.  I'm escaping and I'm taking a hostage."
Giraffe Man said, "Then I guess I can't compromise with you.  I'll be forced to kill you."
Zosia said, "Oh you can certainly try, but I beg to differ."
 And Archery Guy fired an arrow into Zosia's spine.  And as the dying Dandilion Girl relaxed her grip, The Suspicious Guy spun around and stabbed her between her breasts.  And Giraffe Man stabbed her between her breasts.  And Archery Guy fired three more arrows into the dying girl.
 Zosia said, "This can't be happening.  I'm being punished and killed."
Giraffe Man said, "You see, I told you that you can't get away.  You will be punished for your crimes.  The guilty never gets rewarded."
Zosia said, "You have defeated me."
Zosia released a groan of defeat before she lay down dead in a puddle of her own blood.  Zosia Mamet is no longer alive.  Zosia Mamet is legally dead.
The Suspicious Guy said, "Thanks for killing that woman for me."
Giraffe Man said, "That's what friends are for."
Archery Guy said, "That's one Dandilion Girl who won't escape justice to harm the innocent anymore.  And we still have a long way to go before the Dandilion Girls is driven to extinction."
Amanda Seyfried realized that the Dandilion Girls were losing control over the movie theater when dead Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members were coming back to life and wrecking more move theater screens. She only had one last chance to stop that from happening. And when Parking Lot Lord realized that, it became necessary for him to kill Amanda Seyfried in order to stop her from rekilling the resurrected Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse murderers.
Amanda Seyfried heard footsteps behind her.  Was it her assigned murderer.  Preparing for a battle to the death, her long blonde hair flew into her face as she spun around.
Amanda Seyfried encountered Fiona Apple instead.
Fiona Apple said, "Anne Hathaway made a telephone call before she died.  She wanted me to back you up in case somebody tried to murder you."
Amanda Seyfried said, "Thanks for the offer.  I have a great plan to kill off the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse and I need your help in order to pull it off."
Fiona cried out, "Hold on a second, isn't that Rabbi Ralph?  I thought he died?"
Amanda replied, "I guess the Dandilion Girls who killed him are dead.  And any Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse member who is killed by a Dandilion Girl is resurrected when their Dandilion Girl attackers is murdered."
Fiona replied, "Well that isn't fair.  We must chase after Rabbi Ralph and kill him."
And Rabbi Ralph saw Fiona Apple and he knew that she must die before she succeeds in helping Amanda Seyfried kill him off.  And that was why Anne Hathaway needed to die.  And that's why Fiona Apple needs to die too.  So he tried to find a way to kill Fiona Apple off first so that it would be easier to attack and kill Amanda Seyfried.
And Fiona Apple took the bait when she chased after Rabbi Ralph without checking to see if Amanda Seyfried was able to catch up to her.  And Fiona Apple knew that she was placing her life in mortal danger, but she didn't care that she was pushing her luck and forcing Rabbi Ralph to murder her.
 And as long as Fiona Apple was still in the movie theater, she could still ask for and recieve backup from Amanda Seyfried.  And Amanda Seyfried won't have the chance to be killed by her assigned murderer if she's too busy preventing Fiona Apple from being killed by Rabbi Ralph---Her assigned murderer for the evening.
 And perhaps a part of Fiona Apple enjoyed the chance to be attacked and murdered.  However, another part of Fiona Apple didn't want to be murdered.  But she kept chasing after Rabbi Ralph with intent to murder him anyway regardless.
And Fiona reconsidered going further alone.  She turned to walk towards Amanda Seyfried's direction only to bump into Rabbi Ralph---Her breasts briefly pressed against him before she walked backwards in preperation to fight against him.
Rabbi Ralph asked, "What are you doing young lady?"
Fiona replied, "I'm going to get Amanda Seyfriend to serve as backup in my violent attack against you.  I'm hoping that Amanda and I will kill you once and for all."
Rabbi Ralph said, "You're going to wish that you never said that."
Fiona Apple said, "You can't murder me if you can't catch me."
Rabbi Ralph said, "I'm not worried about catching and killing you if you're standing right here in front of me."
Fiona said, "All that will change a few seconds from now because you waited too long."
And so Fiona Apple ran out of the movie theater after her quest to recruit Amanda Seyfried's help in killing Rabbi Ralph has been defeated.  And now Rabbi Ralph needs to defeat her attempt to escaping getting herself murdered by murdering her.
But murdering Fiona might prove impossible since she's running faster than her murderer.
And she kept running down the sidewalk until Rabbi Ralph vanished from sight behind her.  And Fiona stopped running as she looked behind her.  She saw nothing.  She frowned as she chose to keep running forward anyway.
And Fiona turned around the direction that she was running earlier only to run directly into a knife held by Rabbi Ralph.  And Rabbi Ralph stabbed Fiona ten more times.
Fiona shoved Rabbi Ralph aside as she ran despite her injuries. 
Rabbi Ralph chased after her faster and faster.  He was almost nearly catching up.  There were no shortcuts nearby so he was forced to keep running faster.
And when Rabbi Ralph caught up with Fiona, he tackled her to the ground and stabbed her five more times.  Fiona grabbed his knife and tried to pry it away from his grip.
Rabbi Ralph released both hands from Fiona's grip and stabbed her five more times.
Fiona said, "You may have killed me, but the Dandilion Girls will eventually destroy the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  You creeps can't stay alive forever."
Rabbi Ralph said, "If the Dandilion Girls are destined to kill me, the Dandilion Girls will have to do so without you."
And he stabbed her five more times.
 Fiona Apple released a groan before she died lying down on a puddle of her blood on the sidewalk.  Fiona Apple is no longer alive.  Fiona Apple is legally dead.
And Rabbi Ralph turned around to face Shania Twain.
Shania Twain said, "You do realize that unprovoked murder one could earn you the death penalty."
Rabbi Ralph said, "I don't care about the legalities because the murder of women carries no negative consquences."
Shania said, "Go ahead and keep saying that foolish thought and someday you'll actually believe it."
 Rabbi Ralph said, "What you believe isn't relavent because I need to kill you.  I must kill you before you tell the rest of the Dandilion Girls what I've done to Fiona."
Shania said, "Oh I'm sure the Dandilion Girls are aware that they're being killed off in a serial killing binge one by one."
 Shania Twain shoved him aside and kicked him to the floor.  And she ran towards the movie theater as fast as she can run.
And Shania Twain ran so fast, that she was convinced that she outran Rabbi Ralph.  And with that, Shania slowed down to catch her breath while hoping that she didn't make a tragic mistake.  She was aware that one wrong move can end her life.
While waiting for Shania Twain to reinforce her after the permenent murder of Fiona Apple, Amanda Seyfried was overflowing with joy when she encountered  Lacey Chabert.  The two women greeted each other warmly as the moved through the movie theater lobby.  Lacey needs to be lured away from Amanda and murdered so that Amanda can be isolated and murdered.  However, Rabbi Ralph was chasing after Shania Twain and too far away to attack and kill both women.  Amanda and Lacey was overconfident and proud that for once, Rabbi Ralph won't be able to kill all three Dandilion Girls.  And that overconfidence might lead to their violent attack and murder.
Amanda said, "I doubt that Fiona will be back to help us out.  It's only us against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  Let's hope the two of us girls will be enough."
Lacey said, "Then we'll have to work harder than expected to get positive results.  The movie theater projector in movie theater screen #2 is destroyed beyond repair.  I can still hook up the projector for movie theater screen #3 to be shown in Movie theater screen #2 and movie theater screen #3."
Amanda said, "It's a crude plan, but it's better than nothing.  I'll help you out." 
 Lacey said, "I'll go ahead of you to movie theater screen #3 go get our plan started."
Amanda said, "Good luck and don't get yourself killed.  I'll wait a bit longer for Shania Twain to arrive and help us both out."
And Lacey walked ahead to movie theater screen #3 without realizing that the door to movie theater screen was directly behind Shania Twain.  And the only way for Rabbi Ralph to defeat Lacey's plan and kill her is to first murder Shania.
 And Amanda stood nearby the front doorway of the lobby of the movie theater.  She has escaped murder attempt after murder attempt by having other Dandilion Girls die in a murder attack intended to end her life instead.  And the thought that she'll escape another murder attack by escaping while Lacey and Shania were attacked was appealing to her.  And there were no assigned Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse murderers to prevent Amanda's escape by killing her.  And that thought was appealing to her too.
 And Amanda Seyfried walked closer to the doorway.  And if she isn't killed in the next few minutes, she'll escape justice to fight another day.  If only Rabbi Ralph would hurry up and kill Shania first and Lacey second so he can stop Amanda from escaping by killing her too.  However, Amanda might be too fast for Rabbi Ralph this time.
Shania Twain continued to stand unknowingly in front of the rear door leading towards movie theater screen #3.  And she unknowingly stood guard outside the rear door to movie theater screen #3 to prevent Rabbi Ralph from killing Lacey Cabert before she can rewire the film projector to movie theater screen #3 so it can be shown in the movie theater screens with broken projectors (Including movie theater screen #2).  And so Rabbi Ralph had no choice but to kill Shania Twain first so he can kill Lacey second and Amanda third.  Yet, Shania wasn't going to die without a fight. 
Rabbi Ralph said, "When our conversation is concluded, you will be legally dead."
Shania said, "It's great meet you too.  You're such a great conversationalist."
Rabbi Ralph said, "It would be better if you would step aside so I can use the door."
Shania said, "That isn't going to happen."
Rabbi Ralph said, "Like I said before, when our conversation is concluded, you will be legally dead."
Shania said, "You really need to work on your conversation skills."
Rabbi Ralph said, "And you really need work on your getting murdered in a serial killing attack skills.  Only one of us will get much needed practice a few seconds from now."
Shania gestured with her head as she said, "It's great to meet somebody who's confident."
Dandilion Girl #1 and he stabbed her between her breasts.  Dandilion Girl #1 lay down dead.
Rabbi Ralph said, "It's the only way to survive long enough to see the next day."
Dandilion Girl #2 attacked from behind.  Rabbi Ralph spun around to slice her throat.  Dandilion Girl #2 lay down legally dead.
Shania said, "Well I'm impressed.  You're better at murdering girls than I thought, but you won't get the chance to murder me."
Dandilion Girl #3 attacked and he stabbed her in the stomach.  Dandilion Girl #3 lay down dead.
Rabbi Ralph said, "I won't have to murder you right now if you just stepped aside."
Dandilion Girl #4 attacked and he strangled her to death.  Dandilion Girl #4 lay down dead.
Shania said, "I'm getting sick and tired of your sexist attitude against women."
Shania Twain grabbed Rabbi Ralph by the throat and she tried to strangle him to death.
Shania said with arrogant pride, "Today is the day you'll be punished for your crimes against women.  That much I know for certain."
Rabbi Ralph dropped his kinife as Shania's strangulation grip got tighter.
Rabbi Ralph took Shania's hidden knife from a knife scabbard strapped to Shania's left ankle.  Rabbi Ralph stabbed Shania betwee her breasts with her knife.  Shania released her strangulation grip as she partially fell to the ground.  She struggled to her feet and he rewarded her effort by stabbing her between her breasts a second time.
Shania said, "This can't be happening.  I'm much stronger than this."
Rabbi Ralph replied, "I told you that you'll be dead when this conversation ends."
Shania said with a wimper, "You have defeated me."
 Shania Twain lay down on the sidewalk in a puddle of her blood and died.  Shania Twain is legally dead.  He walked over her dead body, opened the rear door to enter movie theater screen #3.  And now it's time of Lacey Chabert to die.
 Meanwhile, not aware of Shania Twain's fate, Lacey started work to rework the film projector to movie theater screen #3.  She was confident that she could do so without getting herself murdered.
Lacey was bent over in a crawling position as she rewired the film projector for movie theater screen #3 while it was still operational.  All the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members watching the film have been killed while watching the film.  Rabbi Ralph switched on a special device that would ressurrect all the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members back to life on the exact second that Lacey is murdered in a serial killing attack.  Not knowing that she's doomed, Lacey refused to escape justice, but instead tried to rewire the film pojector for movie theater screen #3 without getting killed.
Lacey senced a male presence behind her.  It was hard to try to murder Lacey, because Rabbi Ralph was tempted to watch the film instead of trying to kill Lacey.  Lacey spun around to face him.
Lacey said with a sweet girly smile, "Relax and watch the film.  It's ok.  It's been a tough night.  You need relaxation and entertainment."
Rabbi Ralph said, "I don't need the entertainment that you're providing."
Lacey said with a smile, "Everybody needs the entertainment that I'm providing."
 Lacey lovingly kissed him as she tried to spin him around to watch the film.
Rabbi Ralph said, "I must murder you before you kill me off with that sabatogd film that you've messed up."
Lacey said, "It's better for you to watch the film instead."
 Rabbi Ralph stabbed Lacey in the stomach.  She tried to spun him around and he stabbed her between her breasts a second time. 
 Lacey said, "I won't get the chance to rewire that film projector after all.  Time for me to die instead.  You have defeated me"
Lacey fell backwards into the film projector and it crashed to the floor and into a thousand pieces.  Lacey died in a puddle of bood directly on top of the shattered film projector. 
Lacey Chabert is legally dead.  And all the Girl Killng, Woman Hating Posse members inside Movie Theater Screen #3 came back to life the second Lacey Chabert was killed.
Meanwhile, not aware of Shania Twain's fate and also not aware of Lacey Chabert's fate, Amanda Seyfried and Juno Temple stood nearby the front entrance of the movie theater. Rabbi Ralph only has a few minutes left to kill both Amanda Seyfried and Juno Temple before they both escape from the movie theater alive and without a scratch.  Juno stood closest to Rabbi Ralph's hiding spot.  Amanda stood closest to the door.  It might be necessary to kill Juno first and run the risk of Amanda runnng off into the night without a scratch. 
Amanda said, "It would be nice if it were possible for all the dead Dandilion Girls to be resurrected.  It would be so cool if all the dead Dandilion Girls would be resurrected and start kicking the shit out of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse once and for all."
Juno said, "I heard that the Supreme Commander was working on it, but there are a few glitches that sort of makes the whole process utterly impossible if certain factors isn't fullfilled."
Amanda said, "Oh great, more failures and setbacks to afflict the Dandilion Girls membership all the way down to zero."
Juno said, "Obviously, I can't talk about the particulars here while a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse member could be listening in."
Amanda said, "You could whisper it into my ear."
Juno said, "And then we fall on top of each other in a sexual sort of way and we'll never get resurrected.  That's one of the ways to make sure a Dandilion Girl dies and never returns."
Amanda said, "You said one of the ways.  You mean, there's more than one?"
Juno said, "Like I said before, this isn't the place for this type of conversation."
Amanda said, "Oh come on, Dandilion Girls are dying in murder attacks and I could be the next Dandilion Girl to die.  I need some good news here."
Juno said, "Well, the Supreme Commander said that it's impossible for Dandilion Girls to truly due if certain factors is satisfied.  She never gave me particulars, but gave me the broad overview."
Amanda said, "And hopefully, the Supreme Commander herself won't be in danger of being killed."
Juno said, "I probably said too much already."
Amanda said, "You didn't tell me much of anything."
Juno said, "Vague is the new way of being specific."
And as Rabbi Ralph secretly advanced behind Amanda Seyfried and Juno Temple with intent to kill, Carly Rae Jepson was secretly advancing behind Rabbi Ralph with intent to kill or be killed.  And if he kills Amanda and Juno, then he runs to risk of being killed by Carly.  And if he kills Carly, he runs the risk of being killed by both Amanda and Juno.  And he can't kill all three women at once.  And not knowing what to do, he was stuck in a difficult situation.
Carly Rae Jepson smiled as she slowly crept closer and closer behind Rabbi Ralph with intention to kill him in mortal combat.  He has ten minutes left to kill Carly before she murder him.  However, concentrating on killing Carly could either allow Amanda and Juno to escape or launch a successful attack against him.  But he needs to kill Carly first and run the risk of either Amanda and Juno escaping or killing him off.
Carly Rae was convinced that she was being really good at sneaking up behind Rabbi Ralph, but he figured out very quickly that three Dandilion Girls is a threat to him instead of the expected two of them, but he wasn't sure how to deal with it.  He spun around to face Carly.
Carly said, "Oh darn, there goes the element of surprise."
Rabbi Ralph asked, "Did you think you could get away with this?"
Carly replied, "Actually, I was hoping to get away with it."
Amanda attacked and Rabbi Ralph kicked her to the ground.  He punched Juno and she fell to the ground too.  Amanda and Juno stirred.  However, it might give him a chance to kill Carly before Amanda and Juno fully recover and attack once again.
Rabbi Ralph said, "You already know that it's necessary for me to murder you."
Carly said, "You'll never get the chance to punish me."
Rabbi Ralph said, "And you know the only way I can punish you is by killing you."
Carly said, "Yeah, I've sinned, but it's nothing worth murdering me over."
Rabbi Ralph said, "I'll let you attack first before I murder you.  That way I can claim that I killed you in self defence.  Attacking and killing you first is much messier."
Carly said, "We can have sex with each other instead."
Rabbi Ralph stabbed Carly between her breasts.  He said, "I'd rather punish and kill you instead."
Carly pulled out a knife from her purse and he stabbed her again.  The dying girl started to bleed all over the carpet below her.
Carly said, "This can't be happening.  My horoscope said that something wonderful was going to happen to the world around me."
Rabbi Ralph said, "Something wonderful is happening to the world.  You're going to be murdered."
Carly said, "I was hoping to be your girlfriend.  I guess I'll be your murderer instead."
Carly attacked him with her knife and he pulled it from her hand.  He stabbed Carly in the stomach with her own knife.
He stabbed Carly with his own knife.  He stabbed Carly with her own knife a second time. 
Carly tried to say something, but she lost too much blood.  And so she fell face first to the floor instead.  And he stabbed her again when her left leg moved.
Carly Rae Jepson closed her eyes and she died.  Carly Rae Jepson is legally dead.  Clearly aware of the violent death that befell Carly Rae Jepson and needing to avenge it, Juno Temple walked ahead of Amanda Seyfried with intention to kill him.  And Rabbi Ralph needs to kill Juno Temple now so that he can concentrate on killing Amanda to prevent her from either escaping or killing him.  And thankfully, Juno Temple was pushing her luck so that killing her was the only alternative left.
 Amanda said, "Don't attack him Juno, you're the only one who can resurrect dead Dandilion Girls flawlessly.  The dead Dandilion Girls will never return if you get yourself killed."
Juno said, "I must avenge the death of Carly Rae Jepson or die trying."
Rabbi Ralph said, "Try to murder me Juno and I'll be forced to kill you in self defence."
Juno replied, "I don't care if I die seconds from now."
Amanda attacked and he punshed her and she fell.  Juno attacked and he punched her and she fell.  He punched Amanda as she tried to stand up and she fell.  He kicked Amanda in the stomach.  He picked up Juno, punched her and she fell.  Amanda stood up and he kicked her to the ground. 
Juno Temple stood up and she kicked Rabbi Ralph to the ground.
Rabbi Ralph stood up and he stabbed Juno Temple between her breasts.
And when she didn't die, he tried to strangle her.
Juno slipped away from his strangulation grip.
So he did the next best thing and he stabbed her between her breasts five more times.
And he stabbed her in the stomach ten more times.  Juno Temple fell to the ground in a puddle of blood.  And when she tried to rise on her hands and knees, he responded by kicking her to the ground once again.  Juno fell to the floor in a blood splattered mess.
Juno Temple died.  Juno Temple is legally dead.  Amanda Seyfried saw Juno Temple die in front her her  And as she scrambled to her feet, Amanda could easily escape justice to fight another day.  However, Amanda Seyfried was so filled with rage that she didn't care that she was forcing them to kill her in self defence.  And with both Carly Rae Jepson and Juno Temple lying down on the floor defeated, Rabbi Ralph had no choice but to prevent Amanda Seyfried from escaping and the only way he can do that is to kill her.
Amanda said, "Now you've done it.  You need to die and I'm the perfect girl to kill you."
Rabbi Ralph said, "I've been wanting to kill you and now I'm going to get the chance."
Amands said, "Too bad you're living in fantasy land because today is the day the Dandilion Girls will finally succeed in getting something accomplished without suffering another failure."
Rabbi Ralph stabbed Amanda in the stomach.  Her long blonde hair flew in her face as he tossed her against the wall.  She landed on the ground with a thud.
Amanda crawled to her feet.
Amanda tried to escape.
He grabbed her bra strap from behind and threw her against the wall again.  He kicked her as she was slammed against the wall.  He stabbed her from behind.
He stabbed her from behind a second time.
He stabbed her from behind a third time.
Amanda fell to the floor.  She crawled to her feet and he kicked her to the ground again.
Amanda Seyfried crawled to her feet and she charged
He stabbed her five more times.
Amanda tried to strangle him.
She knew she was dying, but she thought that she could kill him before she died.
Her strangulation grip got tighter.
Rabbi Ralph stabbed Amanda between her breasts five times.  And when her strangulation grip was loosened, he punched her to the ground. 
He kicked her as she tried to rise to her feet.
He kicked her as she tried to rise to her feet.
He stabbed her five times as she lay on the ground.
He stabbed her five times as she lay on the ground.
Rabbi Ralph stabbed Amanda Seyfried five more times until she stopped breathing.
Amanda Seyfried died.  Amanda Seyfried is legally dead.  And Rabbi Ralph stood there and looked down upon Carly Rae Jepson, Juno Temple and Amanda Seyfried as they lay before his feet defeated in a submissive pose.  And he noticed that all three of them failed to rise to their feet.  And satisfied with the positive progress in wiping out the Dandilion Girls, he exited the movie theater and walked down the street in search for more Dandilion Girls to kill.
To say that Lame Lad was lost was an understatement.  And when he was expecting to find fellow members of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, what he found instead was Katee Sackhoff sitting on a park bench outside the building he was exiting from almost as if she was expecting him.
Katee asked, "What are you doing?"
Lame Lad said, "I'm going to murder some Dandilion Girls."
Katee asked, "Oh no, you're going to murder little old me?"
Lame Lad replied, "If you're a Dandilion Girl, then you need to die."
Katee said, "I was kind of hoping that we would fall in love instead."
Lame Lad said, "I'm not sure if that's a good idea."
Katee lovingly kissed Lame Lad before saying, "I think it's a great idea."
Lame Lad was stiff as Katee lovingly kissed him again."
Katee said, "Dude, you need to loosen up.  You're much too stiff and nervous.  Come on, I'm a girl.  How much harm can a frigging girl cause.  Loosen up and love me."
Lame Lad was a bit looser as Katee lovingly kissed him.  He almost started to enjoy it.
Katee said, "There you go.  That's the spirit.  You're getting the hang of things.  Now we're going to take our love affair to the next level.  Kiss me back."
Lame Lad said, "I'm not sure if that's a good idea either.  You're a Dandilion Girl and that makes you my next murder target."
Katee said, "Then drop out of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse and fall in love with me instead.  We can be lovers.  We can have a romance that will capture the imagination of everybody the world over.  This can be the start of something huge.  We can start by having you kiss me voluntarily."
Lame Lad lovingly kissed Katee Sackhoff.  Katee smiled with joy.
Katee said with a calm girl next door type of smile, "There you go.  That's the spirit.  Keep going.  You're starting to get a hang of this falling in love stuff."
Lame Lad lovingly kissed Katee.  Katee lovingly kissed him back.
Katee said, "Of course, the next step would be to have sexual intercourse.  We can't use the Dandilion Hotel because your former coworkers at the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse took that away.  We can use your apartment instead."
Lame Lad said, "I'm the newest resident of the Girl Hating Hotel.  It used to be the Dandilion Hotel."
Katee said, "Well, I still got my gear in there and I'll be needing to move it out of there so you can use it instead.  So we'll have sex before I can grab my gear.  Unless you want me as a roommate."
Lame Lad said, "Girls isn't allowed in the Girl Hating Hotel."
Katee said, "I thought we were lovers.  We can't be lovers if we can't have sex."
Lame Lad said, "Ok, you can enter the Girl Hating Hotel."
Katee said, "There you go.  Now we're on the same page again."
Katee offered her girl next door type of smile as she lovingly kissed Lame lad again.
And they walked towards the Girl Hating Hotel which was nearby the building that Lame Lad had just exited from.
And Katee entered the Girl Hating Hotel with Lame Lad following close behind. 
And they took the elevator to Lame Lad's new permenent resident hotel room in the Girl Hating Hotel.  And they walked inside. 
And the way Katee sat on a chair made Lame Lad feeling the need to have sex.
And that's when Katee Sackhoff had sex with Lame Lad.
And they enjoyed sex together.
Lame Lad never had sex with a woman as hot as Katee Sackhoff and he was starting to get into the spirit of the moment.
And the more Lame Lad had sex with Katee Sackhoff, the more he wanted some rest.  And he realized, much too late, that he was slipping into a coma.
And Lame Lad realized, much too late, that he fell into a trap.
And he realized that now that Katee Sackhoff was inside the Girl Hating Hotel, she was in a position to turn it back into the Dandilion Hotel if she isn't killed now, but with him falling into a coma, he can't murder her.  And she's about to escape justice without a scratch.  And he realized, much too late, that she conned him and he can't punish her with a murder attack for her con.
The Doctor at the hospital perscribed Coma Remover Drug, but it fell out of his fingers.  And Katee was scrambling for the drugs.  And with his blurred vision, his sleepy sluggish movement, his numb fingers and her quick athletic fitness, that he was screwed.
Yet he scrambled for Coma Removing Drug anyway.
And Lame Lad injected himself with Coma Removing Drug.  And he was back to normal again.
Katee said, "Now you've done it.  I thought I could get away with it.  Now I'll have to find another way to do you in."
Lame Lad said, "Then try to kill me before I kill you first."
Katee said, "It would be a pleasure."
And Katee Sackhoff went from being the love of his life to being the deadliest menice of his life as she launched into attack mode.
Lame Lad struggled against Katee, but she got him in a strangulation grip.
And when he squirmed from her strangulation grip, she tried to bludgeon him with an alarm clock.
And Katee kept pounding him in the head with his alarm clock.
And he grabbed her right arm as it held his alarm clock.  And Lame Lad tried to pull the alarm clock from Katee's hand.
And when he freed his alarm clock from Katee's right hand, she ran out of his permenent resident hotel room and towards the roof of the Girl Hating Hotel (Formerly the Dandilion Hotel before the Dandilion Girls were kicked out of their own permenent residence hotel in a serial killing spree).  Lame Lad followed her to the roof of the Girl Hating Hotel.
Lame Lad said, "There's no way out of this except letting yourself get murdered.  Don't worry if you're nervous about being killed.  I'll help you through the process of being murdered the same way you helped me through the process of falling in love with you."
Katee asked, "Do you normally hurt the women you love?"
Katee saw a secret escape hatch on the side of the building.  She crawled close to the edge of the roof trying to reach the escape hatch.
Lame Lad only had seconds to destroy the escape hatch and kill the girl inside it.
However, Katee was much too quick for him.  She was already dangling on the edge of the building until she reached the chute-like escape hatch and jumped inside.  Lame Lad detached the chute like escape hatch and it fell off the roof of the Girl Hating Hotel.  The detached escape hatch, with Katee Sackhoff inside it, crashed one hundred floors to the cement parking lot below with a loud crash of pulverized metal and human bone.  Katee was flatted and killed when the demolished escape hatch was flattened by the one hundred floor plumet.
Kate Sackhoff is no longer alive.
Katee Sackhoff is legally dead.
Lame Lad successfully brought Katee Sackhoff to justice by killing her.
Lame Lad spun around to face Kristanna Loken who managed to find her way into the Girl Hating Hotel (Originally the Dandilion Hotel) and onto the roof of the building.  And Kristanna Loken was only dressed in a bikini top, a bikini bottom and a trench coat.
Kristanna said, "There's only one way this conversation between us can result in.  And that involves you crashing and burning as punishment for the creep that everybody always knew you were."
Lame Lad said, "I'll murder you if you don't apologize right now."
Krstanna said, "Screw you, I'll do what I want."
 Kristanna took off her trenchcoat and she only stood in her bikini top and her bikini bottom as she looked at Lame Lad with hate driven rage.
Lame Lad said, "Step aside and allow me to leave the roof."
Kristanna said, "I'm not letting you leave this roof alive."
Lame Lad said, "Look lady, if I must kill you in order to leave this roof, then I'll murder you with a smile on my face and a dance in my step."
Kristanna said, "You're certainly welcome to make an attempt to murder me."
 Kristanna pulled out a gun from a backpack (Because packpacks are great places to hide a gun) and she pointed the gun at Lame Lad. 
Lame Lad grabbed Kristanna and he pushed her off the roof of a one hundred story hotel and through the front windshield of her automobile.  And what was left of her corpse exploded into blood, guts and a shattered ruptured body as it smashed through glass and splattered blood throughout the interior of the car.    Kristanna Loken is no longer alive.  Kristanna Loken is legally dead.
Kristen Bell knew that she entering the Dandilion Club wasn't part of the agreement that she made to Kirsten Dunst.  However, when Kristen Bell spotted Julia Stiles, Kristen knew that some girl talk was in order.  Perhaps Julia Stiles might have some idea on how to wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse without anymore Dandilion Girl fatalities.  And so Julia Stiles and Kristen Bell sat next to each other inside the Dandilion Club to have a girl to girl conversation.  And Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad knew that Kristen Bell needs to die now so that she won't be able to bring Julia Stiles as a participant in Kirsten Dunst's plan to destroy the Girl Killing, Woman hating Posse.  And Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad knew that Julia Stiles also needs to die too. 
Kristen said, "Kirsten Dunst has this great plan to wipe out the Girl Killling, Woman Hating Posse and kick them out of the Dandilion Club once and for all."
Julia asked, "Will it resurrect the dead Dandilion Girls?" 
Kristen said, "I'm afraid that once a Dandilion Girl is dead, she must be dead forever.  The dead Dandilion Girl's part in the story is ended and vanishes forever.  A Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer can rise from the grave anytime he wants."
Julia said, "Well that sucks."
Kristen said, "Kirsten Dunst can't resurrect the dead Dandilion Girls, but she might be able to kill a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer and keep him dead forever." 
Kristen continued, "Kirsten Dunst is somewhere outside the Dandilion Club.  We need to exit the Dandilion Club without getting seperated and murdered one by one and join her outside.  She was hoping to find some Girl Killing, Woman Hating Serial Killers and kill them.  We should try to do the same before hooking up with Kirsten again."
Julia said, "I'll join you or die trying."
Kristen Bell said, "There's a special machine I left on the fourth floor..."
Julia interrupted, "The Backup Generator has been destroyed."
Kristen said, "I built a spare version that only I know the location of and only I know the operation of.  I only need to reach the fourth floor withut getting murdered, switch it on, walk downstairs without getting killed and then we'll both get back in touch with Kirsten Dunst without getting seperated and killed."
Julia said, "You're asking for the impossible."
Kristen Bell said, "It's better than waiting around for the Girl Killing Woman Hating Posse to kill us both off one by one."
Julia said, "Well that's certainly true.  In that case, let's get moving."
Julia Stiles and Kristen Bell walked towards the staircase.
And when Julia Stiles reached the staircase, Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad grabbed the portion of her bra strap that rested on her spine and tossed her to the floor as Kristen Bell vanished up the stairs without knowing that Julia Stiles is no longer following close behind.  Julia quickly recovered and scrambled to her feet.  She looked at Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad with intent to kill.
Julia said, "I've been looking for the chance to fight you to the death."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad replied, "In that case, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed by how spectacular your death scene will be."
Julia said with a smile, "I'm not the one who's going to die around here.  Some really nice girls died and somebody has to pay for the damage you caused."
Julia Stiles punched Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad and he doubled over with pain.  He recovered.  Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad tried to punch Julia, but she dodged the could've been lethal blow with a smile.
Julia grabbed Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad and tossed him against the wall and kicked him while his back was still turned towards her.  He recovered.  He grabbed the bra strap that rested on her spine and he tossed her against the wall.  She fell.  He picked her up by the bra strap that rested on her spine and tossed her against the wall again.  She felt dizzy as if she was dying, but she stood up again.
Julia Stiles stood up and kicked him twice before punching him.  He fell, but recovered.  He tried to punch her, but she dodged the nearly fatal blow.
Julia Stiles tried to run up the stairs, but Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad grabbed the portion of her bra strap that rested on her spine and pulled her backwards down two stairs steps and against the wall again.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad punched Julia Stiles twice.  She winced with pain as two lethal blows shot through her body.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad kicked Julia twice before punching her.  She wincd with paid as three lethal blos shot through her body.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad punched Julia before grabbed her by the portion of her bra strap that rested on her spine and tossed her against the wall.  He kicked her from behind while her back was turned towards him.  More paid shot through her body as she winced as if she was dying.
Julia tried to punch him and he dodged her.  Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad punched Julia and she crashed to the floor like she was dying.
Julia Stiles raced towards the basement.
Julia raced down the stairs until she reached the basement.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad raced down the stairs and tackled her.  Julia tried to wiggle away while he lay on top of her. 
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad punched her twice as he lay on top of her his chest on her spine.  His groin on her rear end.  Her face was turned left when he punched her in the face.
Julia tried to squirm free again.
He punched her.
He punched her again.
Julia Stiles released a groan before she closed her eyes and died.  Julia Stiles is no longer alive.  Julia Stiles is legally dead.  He stood up and walked over her dead body towards the staircase.  Time for Kristen Bell to die.
Perhaps Kristen Bell was aware that Julia Stiles is legally dead and unable to help her.  Perhaps Kristen Bell wasn't aware that Julia Stiles is legally dead.  Whatever the case, Kristen Bell raced up the flight of stairs towards the fourth floor to grab the spare backup generator which only she knows the location of and only she knows the operation of.  Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad chased after her with intention of killing her before she reaches the spare backup generator.  Kristen Bell raced up from the first floor to the second raher quickly.  She heard footsteps behind her.
Kristen Bell looked behind her.  Nothing.  She frowned and she continued to walk up the flight of stairs.  Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad emerged from his hiding place to chase after and attempt to murder Kristen Bell before she reaches the fourth floor.
Kristen Bell started towalk up the flight of stairs towards the third floor.  She heard a noise and stopped halfway up the staircase connecting the second floor to the third floor.  She spun around and still saw nothing.  Kristen Bell checked to make sure her knife was still inside her purse before she proceeded to walk up the stairs.
And it was days like these that Kristen Bell wished the Dandilion Club had an elevator.
And Kristen Bell promised herself that if she survived the evening, that she'll suggest to what's left of the Dandilion Girls that an elevator be added to the Dandilion Club. 
Kristen Bell spotted Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad and she motioned five Dandilion Girls to attack Arm Fall Off Lad.  Kristen Bell continued to walk up the stairs from the second floor to the third floor.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Dandlion Girl #1 between her breasts and she died.  Kristen Bell continued to walk up the stairs between the second floor and the third floor.
Dandilion Girl #3 tried to strangle Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad as he stabbed Dandilion Girl #2 between her breasts.  Dandilion Girl #2 lay down dead.  Kristen Bell nearly reached the third floor.
Dandilion Girl #4 tried to attack Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad with a knife.  He spun around and caused Dandilion Girl #4 to stab Dandilion Girl #3 in the back.  Dandilion Girl #3 relaxed her strangulation grip against Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad before she lay down dead.  Kristen Bell nearly reached the third floor and she needs to die before she reaches the fourth.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Dandilion Girl #4 between her breasts and she lay down dead.  Kristen Bell nearly reached the third floor.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Dandilion Girl #5 between her breasts and she rolled down the stairs dead.  Kristen Bell smiled flippantly as she reached the third floor.  Dandilion Girl #6 attacked.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad sliced open Dandilion Girl #6's throat and she rolled down the stairs dead.  Kristen Bell started to walk up the stairs between the third and the fourth floor.
Kristen Bell said with arrogant pride, "You'll never stop me from reaching the fourth floor.  The only way to stop me is to kill me.  Too bad you're still on the second floor you damn fool."
Dandilion Girl #7 attacked.  Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad strangled Dandlion Girl #7 until she lay down legally dead.  Dandilion Girl #8 attacked.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad punched Dandilion Girl #8 in the face and kicked her in the stomach ten times.  It took one more roundhouse kick in the head and Dandilion Girl #8's dead body rolled down the stairs in murdered defeat.  Kristen Bell continued to climb the staircase from the third floor to the fourth floor.  Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad chased after Kristen Bell with the intention to kill her.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad tried to climb the staircase in an effort to murder Kristen Bell.  Dandilion Girl #9 grabbed him from behind.  Dandilion Girl #10 tried to strangle him while Dandilion Girl #11 attacked him with a machete.  He spun around so that Dandilion Girl #11 accidently killed Dandilion Girl #9 and Dandilion Girl #10 with the same machete blow.  Kristen Bell was getting closer to the fourth floor and victory.  She still needs to be murdered.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad strangled Dandilion Girl #11 until she lay down dead.  Kristen Bell was getting closer to the fourth floor.  Dandilion Girl #12 attacked.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad pushed Dandilion Girl #12 out of the third story window and she crashed into the sidewalk below.  Dandilion Girl #12 is legally dead.  Now he's closer to attacking and killing Kristen Bell before she reaches the fourth floor.   Kristen Bell was getting closer to the fourth floor.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Dandilion Girl #13 between her breasts with a knife and she lay down legally dead.  He grabbed Kristen Bell and he pulled her down.  He lay down on top of her on the staircase between the third and the fourth floor.
Kristen Bell said, "You're not going to kill me.   I won't give you the chace."
Kristen Bell attempted to strangle Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad.  He rolled on his back.  Kristen Bell lay on top of Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad as she continued to strangle him.  The only way Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad can escape strangulation is to kill Kristen Bell.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad punched Kristen Bell in the face and she fell to the right side of him.  Dandilion Girl #14 attacked.  He took a broken piece of glass from the window and rammed it into Dandilion Girl #14's throat which killed her instantly.  The dead body of Dandilion Girl #14 fell out of the third floor staircase located window.  Kristen Bell recovered and she crawled on top of him in another attempt to strangle him.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad punched her in the face. 
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad punched Kristen in the stomach.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad punched her in the face.  Kristen Bell collapsed to the right side of him.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad climbed on top of Kristen Bell and she punched him.  He fell off her.
Kristen Bell tried to crawl on top of him and he shoved her against the wall and punched her.
Dandilion Girl #15 attacked and Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed her between her breasts.  Dandilion Girl lay down dead.  Kristen Bell charged against him.
Kristen Bell kicked him.
Kristen Bell kicked Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad a second time.
Kristen Bell climbed on top of him and tried to strangle him.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad tried to strangle Kristen, but she squirmed free easily while still trying to strangle him with intent to kill. 
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad punched Kristen Bell and she rolled off him again.
Kristen Bell punched him.
He punched Kristen Bell. 
Kristen Bell kicked him and he doubled over in pain.
Kristen Bell said, "You put up a good fight, but you don't have what it takes to kill me."
Kristen Bell stood up and she ran up the stairs.
She reached the fourth floor.
She reached the hiding place of the spare backup generator.
She has yet to open the hiding place which only she knows the location of.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad reached the fourth floor.
Kisten Bell was quiet as Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad searched the fourth floor.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad couldn't find Kristen Bell.  He was about to give up.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad was about to walk downstairs when Kristen Bell felt the urge to sneeze.
Kristen Bell sneezed.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad rewarded Kristen Bell's sneeze by stabbing her between her breasts. 
Kristen Bell said, "You have defeated me."
Kristen Bell closed her eyes and she lay down dead.  Kristen Bell is legally dead.  The spare backup generator, which only she knows the location of, is now lost and useless forever. 
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad needs to climb down the stiars to the first floor to seek out and kill Kirsten Dunst.  However, he was forced to hide when Hailee Steinfeld entered the fourth floor and walked only a few feet away from Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad.  He can't reach the staircase, climb down the stiars and kill Kirsten Dunst without first killing Hailee Steinfeld.

 And soon, Hailee Steinfield, who wasn't aware that she was blocking Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad's path to the staircase wasn't alone.  Four more women joined Hailee.  Soon, Arielle Kebbel, Teresa Palmer, Melissa George, Hailee Steinfeld and Malin Akerman were unintentionally blocking Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad's path to the staircase.  Now it's necessary to kill all five women.  Which of the five gets to die first and which of the five gets to die last.  Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad wasn't sure of the answer yet.


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