Saturday, December 29, 2012


Oyster, Siren and South are the only Heather Nova albums that I ever listened to in it's entirety.  Always seeking to think outside the box when looking for albums to purchase, picked Heather Nova almost entirely at random in the now bankrupt and gone forever Borders Bookstore music section.  It was mostly a eyes closed and grab the first record album with a pretty girl photo on it type of choice and it turned out to be the right choice to have made.  I admit that I have yet to listen to the albums she recorded before Oyster, Siren and South and one of these days, I'll make the effort.  However, I always enjoyed listening to those three albums and I'm sure the other albums that Heather Nova recorded are of similar quality.  The music industry is certainly so much better with Heather Nova and her quality made albums being in it.

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