Saturday, December 29, 2012


Sheryl Crow is having a very very good day.  She's clearly in a very good mood.  And you know that Sheryl Crow is in a good mood because Batman was crucified in a manner that's very very serious instead of Batman being crucified in a manner that's very very silly.  The way that Batman is crucified is very important to Sheryl Crow that she'll drop everything to second guess the way that Batman was killed off.  The wrong way to crucify Batman can ruin decades of hard work and force everything to go back to the starting point.  Serious Bane should've been more effective than Silly Bane.  Silly Bane seriously makes Sheryl Crow want to cry with anguish filled misery.  I read all about that at Area 51.  Don't look at me like that Gentle Reader.  We both know that my logic is very sound and follows a very logical trail of thought.

The Gentle Reader and I shall call the next Batman crucifixion film The Last Temptation of Batman.

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