Wednesday, December 19, 2012


So I guess the fourth film in the Mad Max series entitled Mad Max:  Fury Road has been completed.  I'm guessing that because Charlize Theron's hair is starting to grow out.  Where in the past she was 100% bald, now she's starting to grow a military style crew cut.  I'm not sure what Mad Max:  Fury Road beyond the basics.  Charlize Theron plays a fictional character named Imperator Furiosa and the fictional character is bald.  Tom Hardy replaces Mel Gibson as Mad Max Rockatansky.   Mad Max Rockatansky is once again traveling across a post nuclear apocalyptic wasteland.  Mad Max Rockatansky is once again lacking permanent friends because he's too much of a loner to form permanent friendships. 
Tina Turner as Aunt Entity is no longer around (Which means that the main villain for Mad Max film #3, Mad Max:  Beyond Thunderdome, must've died off camera between part three and part four because the lady didn't die on camera (I was disappointed when Aunt Entity failed to die in Mad Max:  Beyond Thunderdome because as Mel Gibson's fictional main villain enemy, her fictional character deserved to die)).   Toecutter (three guesses what he does for a living.  Yup.  He cuts off toes), the main villain of Mad Max, died.  The Humungus, the main villain for the Road Warrior, died.  Aunt Entity, the main villain for Mad Max:  Beyond Thunderdome is still alive and breathing somewhere out there (Unless she died off camera).  I guess Hollywood was to terrified by the prospect of killing off an evil fictional African-American main villain women on camera, but evil white men main villains are easily disposable.  Hey, perhaps that's because Aunt Entity was starting to become more likable than Mel Gibson's version of Mad Max Rockatansky.  Or perhaps somebody in Hollywood wanted Aunt Entity become a permanent cast member in the Mad Max series, but forces beyond Hollywood's control forced the recasting of the main villain role in the Mad Max series a fourth time.  Gosh darn the bad luck.
That's all I know right now.  As for the rest of the fourth Mad Max film, the Gentle Reader's guess is as good as mine.  Charlize Theron knows everything there is to know about Mad Max:  Fury Road and she's not saying anything.  I guess the Gentle Reader and I will have to wait for Mad Max:  Fury Road to be released to find out if Imperator Furiosa is one of the good guys or if Imperator Furiosa is one of the bad guys.  Wouldn't it be cool if Charlize Theron as Imperator Furiosa turns out to be main villain #4?  Oh yeah, you have to wonder if Charlize Theron's fictional charactor has a name like Imperator Furiousa, that something evil might be going on.
And as I'm lost in thought about automobile road rage, here are some photos of Charlize Theron.

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