Saturday, January 26, 2013


Before Jake Evans became a death row inmate.

After Jake Evans became a death row inmate.
Jake Evans loved watching the Rob Zombie's 2007 film Halloween so much, that he attacked and killed his fifteen year old sister Mallory Evans and his forty-eight year old mother Jamie Evans with a gun.  Actually, he wanted to kill all three of his sisters, his mother and both of his grandparents, but he only shot two out of six.  His plan to drive to his grandparents house to shoot and kill his grandparents and his other sister and then wait for his third sister to return home from college before shooting her fell apart when he felt guilt and turned himself over to the police by dialing 911.  He knocked on his fifteen year old sister's door, and shot her while she thought it was a joke.  Walked down stairs and shot his mother.  Ran into his bedroom to scream.  When his sister turned out to be alive, he apologized before shooting her again.  Then walked down stairs to shoot his mother before dailing 911.  He even wrote his four page confession to the police related to the crime. Jake Evans said that he was so impressed by how little remorse the films seriel killer, Michael Myers had when killing his sister, his sister's opposite gender love interest and his father-in-law before driving his mother to suicide that he chose to repeat the crime in reality.  Bail is set for $750,000.  Jake Evans' father refuses to pay the bail.  Jake Evans may have been disowned by his family in retaliation for his death row inmate level crime.  Jake Evans has been charged with one count Capitol Murder and two counts of murder.  Jake Evans Alleged Confession

It does open up the debate how responsible that horror films should be held accountable for the real life crimes that the horror films end up isnpiring.  Jake Evans criminal case is still in progress.  The ultimate prison sentence that he'll receive isn't known yet because the courtroom trial is still in progress. 

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