Saturday, January 26, 2013


The Gentle Reader asked me what the weather is like for today and the next few days.  And I'm glad the Gentle Reader asked the question.  Today, the weather for Cleveland, Ohio is high of 25 and low of seventeen.  Tomorrow, the high is 30 and the low is 28.  Monday the high is 45 and the low is 44.  Tuesday, the high is 56 and the low is 44.  Wedesday, the high is 49 and the low is 29.  And it will rain on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Which means, all the snow that I have shoveled away yesterday and will shovel away today will melt away before the weekend next week arrives.  But still, I will shovel regardless even though nature itself will melt it away.  I took outisde of the window and the driveway snow shoveling should only take roughly between ten to fifteen minutes maximum.
And as I'm lost in thought in the middle of the falling snow, here are some photos of the following celebrities.
Sarah Silverman

Michelle Williams and Sarah Silverman

Miley Cyrus


  Alyssa Milano

Alyssa Milano and some chick talking nearby an outdoor staircase

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