Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Well, it's all in the past. The year 2012 has said goodbye to us all. And now it's time to say hello to the year 2013 and all the open possibilities that the year 2013 has to offer. The Gentle Reader and I have twelve months to make a positive difference in our lives. The Gentle Reader and I also have twelve months to truly mess everything up. Obviously, the Gentle Reader and I would like the next twelve months of 2013 to be the happiest and the most constructive twelve months of all time. And to that, let's raise a champaign glass to the arrival of the year 2013. Happy New Year everybody. Oh yeah, I'm glad the United States economy didn't fall over the Fiscal Cliff when the United States Senate passed the budget for the United States of America economy. The House of Represenatives still needs to approve, but the Fiscal Cliff has been avoided---At least for right now.
And as I'm lost in thought on New Year's Day, here are some photos of film actress Jennifer Lawrence.


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