Tuesday, January 1, 2013


And now that it's the year 2013, the Gentle Reader is going to need a calander to mark off the days of the year with.  Look no further.  I have provided the Gentle Reader with just the perfect calander to use to mark off every single day of 2013 with.  So print this out (Assuming the Gentle Reader's laser printer isn't broken) and mount the following photos on the wall.  And you're welcome.  I'm always willing to give the Gentle Reader a useful service.  And rock star Kylie Minogue is more than happy to pose for the following wall calander for the Gentle Reader to use.

What's that?  The Gentle Reader just told me that there isn't any actual days being seen in the above wall calander?  There's just wall calander photos and nothing else?  Darn the luck.  Sorry about that.

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