Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Adam Lanza enters Sandy Hooks Elementry School and starts to open fire at twenty elementry school children with Bushmaster XM15 E2S A2 16in.  Two elementry school teachers pulled out their own Bushmaster XM15 E2S A2 16in and opened fire at Adam Lanza.  And when Adam pulled out two hand granades (Also approved by the NRA), One of the two elementry school teachers pulled out a grenade launcher with one hand and the Bushmaster XM15 E2S A2 16in.  So we have Adam Lanza firing his Bushmaster XM15 E2S A2 16in at anything that moves.  We have one teacher firing only a Bushmaster XM15 E2S A2 16in at Adam Lanza.  We have another teacher firing both a grenade launcher and a Bushmaster XM15 E2S A2 16in at Adam Lanza.  According to the National Riffle Association (NRA), this scene is much better than tougher gun control regulations.  And damn fools like Rush Limbaugh are dumb enough to go along with it.  There is something wrong with the second ammendment of the United States Consitution when it's perfectly ok to own a Bushmaster XM15 E2S A2 16in in the first place.  I mean, what is it going to be used for?  A commie invasion of the United States of America?  Hunting deer?  Going on mass murder rampages against elementry school children?  Get real.  There's no need for a Bushmaster XM15 E2S A2 16in to be carried anywhere.  Not to Sandy Hooks Elementry School to kill children.  Not t Sandy Hooks Elementry School to be used as self defense.  Not anywhere.  Such guns are better off being banned altogether.  Some people should learn to use their frigging brains.
Sadly, class room shooting maniacs are also gun paying customers too and selling lots and lots of guns---Even to scary psychos who don't know how to use guns properly is more important than logical common sense.
And as I'm lost in thought about people who takes movies like Rambo and Die Hard much too seriously for their own good, here are some photos of the following celebrities....
Amanda Seyfried
Anne Hathaway
Emma Watson

Selena Gomez
Katie Holmes
Megan Fox

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