Wednesday, January 16, 2013


So I have chosen to write about something.  I don't know what exactly I'll be writing about.  I'm not sure if what I'll write about will save television shows and multi-film series from getting canceled.  I'm not sure if what I'll write about will cause governments to rise and/or fall.  I'm not sure if what I'll write about will end up causing international wars and religious crusades.  I'm not sure if what I'll write about will inspire religious cults and religious fanatics.  I'm a minimum wage employment earning dishwasher working for Red Lobster Restaurant.  That's it.  I never aspired or insisted on being anything more than that (Though being more than that would be nice).  I wish I were a wealthy person who could dicatate the rise, dictate the fall of television shows and governments, but then I wouldn't be needing to work minimum wage anymore.  And since I'm still needing to earn minimum wage, then it's not a good idea to make outlandish claims that I can't live up to.  It's much better to be honest.  I'm earning minimum wage while washing dishes at Red Lobster Restaurant while writing blogs on the Internet.  That's all (Though I wish I were more than that).
And while I'm lost in thought about garden salads, here are some photos of film and television actress Hayden Panettiere as she attends the Golden Globes Awards.
Jessica Alba

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