Thursday, January 31, 2013


And night has spread across the land once again.  The land has gone dark.  And though it's freezing cold, I know that Summer will return to grace us all with it's presence once again.  And I finish my mug of coffee as I write this sentence.  And the next day will have so much promise and potental for the Gentle Reader and I to anticipate.  Time moves so rapidly.  Time moves more rapidly than the Gentle Reader and I could expect or anticipate.  And yet, time move so slowly that I keep forgetting how quickly a decade have flown past.  And in the end, it's always best to enjoy what in front of you right now and treasure those memories forever.  Never take anything for granted for each and every day is a memory waiting to happen.
And as I'm lost in thought while looking at the ticking clock, here are some photos of film actress Charlize Theron.

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