Thursday, January 31, 2013


Now here's the thing.  The Drug Dealer sent his Drug Delivery Minion on a mission to deliver ten pounds of Marijuana (Legal in California, but illegal everywhere else) from Los Angeles, California to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  The problem is that the Drug Dealer got the wrong address or the Drug Addict from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania moved away.  So return to sender right?  Right back to the Drug Dealer in Los Angeles, California.  Right?  The problem is that the Drug Delivery Minion was even dumber than he looks.  He ended up hauling ten pounds of marijuana to a K-Mart Store located in Seattle, Washington.  More specifically, to 13200 Aurora Ave. N.  I don't know if the Drug Delivery Minion walked up to the Customer Service Desk, placed ten pounds of Marijuana on the desk and asked for a refund or he just gave it to one of the employees.  Whatever the case, the Drug Dealer from Los Angeles, California was supposed to be the return to sender address and it ended up in a K-Mart Store in Seattle, Washington (Possibly the Customer Service Desk and violently demanding a refund).  So K-Mart did what any logical K-Mart Store would do and telephoned the police.  Now the Drug Deliver Minion is in jail and owes the price of ten pounds of Marijuana to the Drug Dealer in Los Angeles, California (Who's still at large---Possibly).  Some days, it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.
While I'm lost in thought about bagels, here are some photos of the following celebrities.
Cate Blanchett
Demi Moore
Jennifer Lopez
Jessica Alba
Katy Perry and a Madame Tussauds wax double of herself
Marion Cottilard and some friends of hers.
Naya Rivera
 Taylor Swift

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