Friday, February 1, 2013


I'll be forty-four (44) years old for the next fourteen days (Not counting today). I'll be officially forty-five (45) years old starting February 15, 2013. Not wanting anything horrible to happen this close to my birthday is of primary important. Honestly, who among us would desire something horrible to happen this close to the birthday. Certainly not me. And so the need to have as pleasent a birthday celebration as possible requires better than average behavior in hopes of getting the best birthday presents as possible. Yeah, I also respect that there's a tight budget involved too. So my wish for as positive a birthday celebration as possible is tempered by the knowledge that my birthday won't be celebrated in Paris, France about my own private luxury houseboat the size of an ocean liner. Hey, Donald Trump as the Trump Princess. Is it so wrong for me to want a houseboat a tiny bit larger than the Trump Princess. I know that a guy who washes dishes for Red Lobster Restaurant will never climb that high, but there's nothing wrong with wishful thinking long as it's tempred the realization that wishfull thinking fantasy still functions as wishfull thinking fantasy.
And as I'm lost in thought so very close to my forty-fifth (45) birthday, here are some photos of film actress (Crossroads) and rock star Britney Spears.

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