Friday, February 15, 2013


Today is a big day for me.  I'm going to be forty-five years old.  Oh yes, I'm only five years away from being middle aged and fifty-five years away from being one hundred years old on February 15, 2068.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.  Today is still the year 2013 and I still have almost the second half of my life left to fill in.  Oh yes, I always wanted to live beyond forty-five years old just to see what fifty years old, or sixty years old, or seventy years old, or eighty years old, or ninety years old or one hundred years old looks like.  Don't get me wrong Gentle Reader, I would rather be young forever.  Sadly however, being young forever isn't possible on the planet Earth and I'm living on the planet Earth until further notice.  Someday, there will be United States of America colonies on the Moon and on Mars too.  But NASA doesn't have either the budget or technology for it.  And despite constant bragging to the contrary, neither does Communist China either.  So all humans are stuck with each other on Earth and forced to get along a tiny bit longer.  And on my forty-fifth birthday, I would like to wish for world peace and harmony between all ideologies, race, creeds, religions and national orgins with nobody being treated as being better than the other.  It's the phony inflated sense of superiority that leads to wars and religious crusades that disrupts life for everybody.  Revenge only produces more revenge.  Peaceful friendly behavior produces more peaceful friendly behavior.  And being friends with everybody---Even those who doesn't agree with you or look like you is the best of all.  The Gentle Reader and I agree on that much.
And as I'm lost in thought while eating my birthday cake, here are some photos of the following rich and famous celebrities.
Miley Cyrus




 Christina Ricci standing in front of Miley Cyrus

 Christina Ricci

Lucy Liu in scenes from the television show Elementry
Britney Spears

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