Saturday, February 16, 2013


And so Pope Benedict XVI has become the first Roman Catholic Pope to resign from office in six hundred years.  And this is a huge blow to a huge multi-billion dollar industry.  What will this do to all the bibles, crucifixes, Christian gosple related film and albums and church donations that the Pope has resigned from office.  Plus, the Roman Catholic Church has it's own seperate country within Italy known as Vatican City.  Vatican City is the only country on Earth where Christinity is the only industry available.  Saint Peter the Apostle was widely considered to be the first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church and he died by crucifixion (Folk stories claim that Pope Peter I, the Apostle was crucified upside down).  And if Pope Benedict XVI was hired to replace Pope Peter I, the Apostle and he recently resigned from office (On Ash Wednesday, Lent and Easter for crying out loud.  Come on, that's the busiest day for Catholics), is anything sacred anymore.  Instead of living in a converted monistary, the soon to be resigned Pope Benedict will live in Vatican City---Only a stones throw away from his soon to be recruited replacement.  Oh yes, that's going to be awkard.
Oh yes, here are some photos of Pope Benedict XVI from his recent vacation to Mexico City, Mexico way back when things were great and resignation wasn't a possiblity.

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