Thursday, February 21, 2013


I would enjoy the chance to operate a boat.  And now that I'm living in Cleveland, Ohio and it's next to Lake Erie, such a chance is possible.  There are a few problems though.
1.  I lack the necessary cash to operate a boat.
2.  I lack the experience to operate a boat. 
3.  I lack the ability to navigate the boat.
4.  I lack a boat
Well the fourth is the most important.  And if I can't afford my bike riding ability, then it's doubtful that I'll be able to afford by boat floating ability.  It's one thing for a bike to get a flat tire through dark invincible forces.  I can just pull off to the side and drag the bike the rest of the way home.  What happens if the boat starts to sink in deep water?  I can't get out and drag it home because there's nothing for my feet to get a good grip on.  And if I can't operate something cheap like a bike without it getting wrecked with flat tires that are never fixed, then how can I be expected to operate something more complicated (And expensive) like a boat without wrecking it too.  Do I look like somebody who can afford to purchase a hopeless deathtrap of a boat to go along with my hopeless deathtrap of a bicycle?  No, of course such a thing isn't possible.  Far better to wait until the dark forces that keep wrecking my bike riding subsides so I can ride a bike without wrecking it with flat tires that are never fixed before I move on to something more expensive and complicated such as a boat.  Because I can't afford to wreck anymore expensive vehicles.
As I feel pity for those who have wrecked a car, here are some photos of the following celebrities.
Jennifer Lawrence

  Eliza Dushku

Emily Blunt

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