Saturday, February 2, 2013


There wasn't much snow on the ground yesterday and today the world looks like the inside of a snowglobe.  Yeah, I know it's a mistake to say that Cleveland, Ohio encompases the entire world, but it's very hard for me to go on vacation beyond the city limits of Cleveland, Ohio.  Such a task involves lots of money and planning.  And deprived of such a chance, I make do with what can be done cheeply within the city of Cleveland, Ohio itself.  If there are such a thing as reincarnation, then maybe the rincarnated incarnation of me will be able to go on all the vacations that this incarnation of me hasn't been able to do because of a lack of time, money and resources.  However, since there's no proof that reincarnation truly exists and even if there are such a thing as reincarnation, I still have to survive with this incarnation of me.  And even with a lack of money and resources, this incarnation of me has learned to make do with less.  And perhaps I'll become a much stronger and better person because I can survive rather nicely with less.
And as I'm lost in thought about tacos and nacho chips, here are some photos of film actress Katie Holmes.

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