Saturday, February 2, 2013


Gentle Reader, would reincarnation be better with memory loss or would reincarnation be better with the memory fully intact?  Yeah, I know that this is a weird question to be asking when Cleveland, Ohio has become the interior of a snowglobe with all this snow flying around.  However, let's make believe that reincarnation was possible, would it be better if the next reincarnated incarnation of me remembers everything that this incarnation of me has done.  The problem with the next reincarnated incarnated of me not remembering anything that this incarnation of me has done is that the next reincarnated incarnation of me won't remember any of the good, pleasant happy memories.  However, memory loss that robs the next reincarnated incarnation of me of any memories of what this incarnation of me has experienced also takes away all the bad memories.  So there are good as well as the bad.  Still, bad memories are just as much a part of me as the good memories.  After all, remembering bad memories will mean that mistakes that I've made in the past won't be repeated in the future.  Still, since there's no such thing as reincarnation, I only have one life maximum to get everything done perfectly.  To quote the Angel of Death in the DC comic book series Sandman written by Neil Gaiman, "You Get What Everyone Gets. A Lifetime."
And as I'm lost in thought about religion, here are some photos of film actress Michelle Yeoh.

 Zoe Saldana, Michelle Yeoh and Jean Todt
 Sophia Loren, Roberta Armani, Zoe Saldana and Michelle Yeoh
 Zoe Saldana and Michelle Yeoh
(L-R) Moe Bu, Zoya Phan, Wai Hnin Pwint Thon, Michelle Yeoh, British Parliament House of Commons Speaker John Bercow, Anna Roberts, Aye Nu and Joshua (No Last Name Given)

 Michelle Yeoh, British Parliament House of Commons Speaker John Bercow and Anna Roberts
 Michelle Yeoh and British Parliament House of Commons Speaker John Bercow

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