Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Fun fact about the Chinese is they don't end their hear on December 31 nor do they start their year on January 1. But rather, the Chinese start their year on February 10, 2013. January 10, 2013 was the Chinese New Year. Right now is the year of the Snake. And some would argue that a snake may have been to blame for Pope Benedict XVI to resign from office forty-eight hours from Ash Wednesday and a stones throw away from Easter.
Ok, let's get some things clear. There are more than one Pope in the Catholic Church.
1. Pope Benedict XVI was the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church---Or rather he used to be the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church before he resigned from office without explanation.
2. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is in charge of the Church of England aka Anglican Communion.
3. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I is in charge of the Greek Orthodox Church.
4. Pope Tawadros II is in charge of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria . The Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria is based in Egypt and mostly caters to Middle Eastern born people.
And so if Pope Benedict XVI feels out of sorts and feels that he can't be Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, there's three other guys who can hold the fort while a new Pope of the Roman Catholic Church can be found. I'm sorry that Pope Benedict XVI feels out of sorts and can't be Pope anymore because of unknown issues and I hope he feels better soon. I'll bet Pope Benedict XVI will learn to enjoy civilian life.
Anyway, I hope everybody enjoys Ash Wednesday and I can't wait for Easter to arrive.  I bet Pope Benedict the XVI can't wait for Easter to arrive so he can quit being Pope, kick back on the sofa, crack open a can of beer and watch the latest baseball game on television.


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