Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Fifteen year old high school student Rylee MacKay has been attending Hurricane Middle School located in Hurricane, Utah in Washington County has been kicked out of school.  Not for doing drugs.  Not for getting drunk.  Not for premarital sex.  Not for criminal activity.  Not for any of the usual reasons.  But rather, Rylee MacKay has been kicked out of school because she died her hair to look exactly like this.
 Principal Jan Goodwin claimed that Rylee MacKay's hair looks like a cross between purple and pink in the light.  However, I don't see any purple or pink in this photo of Rylee MacKay.  Whatever the case may be, Principal Jan Goodwin won't let fifteen year old Rylee MacKay attend class until she dyes her hair a different color.  Rylee MacKay's mother won't let Rylee MacKay dye her hair and so the battle over Rylee MacKay's hairstyle continues.  Principal Jan Goodwin won't back down on the assault against Rylee MacKay's hair and promises a battle to keep Rylee MacKay out of school. 

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