Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Fiona Apple's albums are great music to listen to when snow is falling in Cleveland, Ohio on the first day of Spring.  Fiona Apple's albums are great music to listen to no matter what the occasion may be.  I always found Fiona Apple's albums to be both soothing and relaxing.  I always feel so much better after listening to a Fiona Apple album.  Ah yes, the music industry is so much better with Fiona Apple around.

Fiona Apple McAfee Maggart or simply known as Fiona Apple was born in Manhatten, New York City, New York on September 13, 1977.  She is the second generation Hollywood royalty daughter of film actor Brandon Maggart  (Harry Stadling in Christmas Evil, Cleveland Sam in Dressed to Kill,  Ernie Holm in the World According the Garp,  Lou Waters in Brothers and King Akeon in Spiritual Warriors) and Diana McAfee.  Her biologic sister Amber Maggart is better known as a musician named Maude Maggart.  She also has five step-siblings named Jennifer Maggart, Spencer Maggart, the late Justine Maggart, Julienne Maggart and film actor Garett Maggart ( Dr Joseph McKay in Demon Under Glass) through her step-mother LuJan Maggart. 
For Fiona Apple, knowing the right babysitters was what was needed to be discovered.  She already had a demo tape containing three songs Never is a Promise,  Not One of Those Times and He Takes a Taxi to the babysitter working for Kathryn Schenker (Who worked as a music publicist).  Katheryn Schenker was impressed by the three song demo tape and gave it to Andy Slater (Who worked for Sony Music).  Fiona Apple was given a record contract in 1994 and the rest was history.  Fiona Apple has recorded and released four albums since then.  Her first album was released in 1996, her second in 1999, her third released in 2005 and her latest released in 2012.  Fiona Apple is currently touring and working on her next album even as we speak.


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