Thursday, March 21, 2013


It's the second day of Spring and Winter has returned.  It's between two inches to five inches of snow close to the Lake Erie region of Cleveland, Ohio.  It's only a light dusting of snow in the region of Cleveland, Ohio that I'm living in.  The temperature is supposed to rise to the forties (40's) later on when the weekend arrives, but it's still going to feel like Winter.  I'm not sure what type of game nature is playing with the human race.  It's supposed to between sixty (60) degrees to eighty (80) degrees and the weather instead is between twenty (20) degrees and forty (40) degrees.  I'm sure warm Spring-like weather will eventually arrive.  But I guess it will be necessary to wait until either the middle part of Spring or the later part of Spring for that to happen.  That's ok.  I'm a patient man.  I can wait a bit longer for Spring to erase the long cold Winter.
And as I'm celebrating the second day of Spring surrounded by the falling snow, here are some photos of Stacy Ann Ferguson aka Fergie and her spouse Josh Duhamel.   Fergie used to be in the all girl rock group Wild Orchid and she's currently in the token female Hispanic and Native America Indian member of the African-American rap music group the Black Eye Peas ( is her buddy).

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