Friday, March 22, 2013


It's safe to assume that I'll never enlist to join the army.  Yeah, there was one time I came this close to enlisting, but then I chose not to on the last second.  I never reconsidered my decision not to enlist in the army.  I don't have the needed athletic ability nor do I desire to use weaponry of any sort.  I refuse the use of guns and I don't believe in their use.  I prefer diplomacy over war.  I'm not enthusastic about walking into a sea of bullets.  Nor am I interesting in creating a sea of bullets.  And I'm not eager to walk into the front lines of battle.  I don't have the desire to seek the backlines of battle either.  Call me a coward if you will.  I would rather not enlist in the army at all.  Waging peace is always better than waging war.
And as I'm lost in thought about news reports about battlefield statistics, here are some photos of Karolina Kurkova.

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