Friday, March 22, 2013


It would be a bad idea to bring your light saber along on your first date.  Unless you live in an alternate reality where Jedi Knights are at war against Sith Lords, that you're a Jedi Knight and you're expecting a Sith Lord attack, then throw caution to the wind and bring your light saber along.  Avoid runon sentences too while you're at it.  However, if you live in a reality where Star Wars is only just a six volume film series, then it's a bad idea to bring along your light saber to your first date.  Unless you're dating a woman who's fascinated by light sabers too.  In that case, you can have a light saber fight with that special somebody on the first date while shouting angry swear words and jumping up and down with joy with sore winner theatrics at every triumphant win.  However, if you're dating a woman who not fascinated by light sabers, it's better to bring your wallet along instead.
And while I'm lost in thought about the long awaited, but still not seen Star Wars---Episode VII, here are some photos of rock star Sheryl Crow.

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