Saturday, April 27, 2013


And this was what happened to me on April 24, 2013....
The weather was a fantastic seventy (70) to eighty (80) degrees outside. Now it dropped to between thirty-seven (37) to thirty-nine (39) degrees outside. And it's raining too. It's been raining non-stop since morning and it's likely to continue raining for the rest of the day. So grab your umbrellas and be prepared to walk between the rain drops. Because the weather isn't likely to improve. Tomorrow is only ten degrees warmer and still just as soggy from nearly forty-eight hours of nonstop rain that really won't stop until the start of the weekend on Friday. Hey, it's a heck of a wait, but it will be worth it.
And this is what happened to me on April 27, 2013...
The week started very cold at forty (40) degrees with frequent moments of rain. Today, there are no rain and no cold forty degree tempreture. It feels closer to Summer with sixty (60) degrees (Actually, it feels closer to between seventy (70) to eighty (80) degrees outside. Whatever the case, I'm not arguing. After a long and brutal Winter, it's great to have some Summer-like weather finally returning to the collective lives of the Gentle Reader and myself. And even if tomorrow is both cold with forty degrees and with rain, I still have confidence that today's weather at least is perfect.
And as I'm lost in thought in the opening days of Spring, here are some photos of the following celebrities.
Lisa Kudrow and Courtney Cox

Lisa Kudrow

Courtney Cox

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