Wednesday, April 24, 2013


It was raining when I woke up.  It was raining when I walked to the public library.  It was raining when I walked to work at Red Lobster Restaurant.  It wasn't raining when I clocked off work at Red Lobster Restaurant.  And somewhere between the time I clocked on to work and the time I clocked off work was the moment that rain stopped falling.  However, I can't pinpoint the exact time that the rain stopped falling.  All I know is that it's roughly forty (40) degrees outside and rain isn't falling anymore.  However, it's predicted to rain tomorrow (Which is only a few hours away) so I shouldn't put away the umbrella just yet.  It's better to kee the umbrella around in case the rain resumes falling once again.  It's always better to be prepared for anything.
And as I'm lost in thought on the opening days of Springtime, here are some photos of actress and published author Molly Ringwald.


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