Monday, April 1, 2013


April 1, 2013 started April Fools Day with an April Fools Day joke of it's own.  It actually started to snow.  The snow has long since melted away, but it looked like Old Man Winter was going to stick around for April as well as the first three months.  So I'm more than releaved when the snow stopped falling and melted away.  However, it's nowhere close to feeling like Summer either.  I guess that will arrive later this month.  Patience is needed.  My patience will be rewarded if I patiently wait for Summer to return.  I need faith in Summer weather enough to know that it knows what it's doing---I hope.  And as I wait patiently for Summer weather to return, I'll enjoy the cold bitter and brittle weather for however long it's going to last.
And as I'm lost in thought in the opening days of Spring, here are some photos of Gwyneth Paltrow.


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