Tuesday, May 28, 2013


And so the ladybug walked across the bright green grass.  The moon and the stars was hiding behind the dark storm clouds.  And yet it didn't rain.  The clouds just hung there with the expectations of rain that isn't fulfilled.  And the ladybug had a simple mind.  The ladybug didn't much care if it was going to rain or why the rain ever did fall in the first place.  The ladybug simply knew that sometimes the rain didn't fall and life wasn't so scary.  The ladybug also simply knew that sometimes the rain did fall and life was scary.  Yet, the rain nourished the grass.  And the ladybug chewed on the grass for nourishment.  So even if the rain was scary, the rain also kept the ladybug alive.  Because how else was the ladybug going to drink water if it didn't fall into that puddle over to the left.  And the ladybug went about it's life without much comprehension, but still full of happiness.
And as I'm lost in thought as night falls across the city of Cleveland, Ohio, here are some photos of Rita Ora (to the left) and Cara Delevingne (to the right).

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