Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Time continues to move forward.  Nobody has been able to roll back time.  Nobody has been able to freeze time.  And over time, people evolve and change.  Only comic book characters remain unchanged through the decades.  However, normal average everyday people faces change and evolution on a daily basis.  And there isn't anything wrong with change and evolution as long as it's proceeding in the right direction.  For we all have to live with our neighbors peacefully and in harmony.  We all have to share this planet equally and without resorting to wars, famine or strife.  Waging peace is always better than waging war.  I still believe that it's possible to go for an entire year without waging war, but it takes a lot to built trust and tolerance towards those who is different from ourselves.  And trusting those who are different from ourselves has always been the preferred first step towards utopia.
And as I'm lost in thought under the moon and the stars, here are some photos of Rita Ora as she traveled by Eurostar Railroad Line from Paris, France to the Saint Pancras Train Station symbiotically attached to the Saint Pancras Grand London Hotel in London, England.  The Eurostar Railroad Line trip from Paris, France to London, England only takes two hours and fifteen minutes.


After enjoying an afternoon at the Saint Pancras Grand London Hotel and the sybiotically attached Saint Pancras Train Station, it was time for Rita Ora to head back home to her apartment in London, England.

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