Tuesday, May 28, 2013


It's always a good idea to keep the home you live in clean.  Never leave anything disgusting with dirt.  And yes, I'm not always the best in cleaning the house.  And I'm not always the best in keeping the house clean.  I'm struggling to improve the way I keep the house clean.  And it's my hope that my ability to keep the house clean will improve with each and everyday.  For my improved ability to clean the house and keep it clean is the best way to make friends.  My improved ability to clean the house and keep it clean is the best way to retain friends.  Because nobody wants to be friends with anybody who lives in a filthy house.  Showing a filthy house to visitors is the best way to show that you're not interesting in any chance for friendship.  And since I'm interesting in making and retaining friendship, I shall strive to clean the house and keep it clean. 
Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
Ancient Hebrew Proverb
And as I'm lost in thought in improving my house cleaning skills, here are some photos of Heather Graham.



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