Tuesday, May 28, 2013


And so Spring slowly changes into Summer.  Any thoughts of Winter having a grip over Cleveland, Ohio has become a distant memory.  Summer is in the presence of the Gentle Reader and myself now.  And now we have the trees coming back to life after a long sleep.  Leaves are emerging from the tree branches.  It appears as if vegatation has become much greener now than it has in previous months.  The sky isn't much bluer than it has in previous months because the sky is still mostly cloudy.  Rain is predicted for most of the week, though the rain still hasn't fallen much (Except for a few minutes of downpour).  I have my umbrella in case it will be needed.  I haven't needed an umbrella much though.  Still, the possiblity for rain hasn't diminished my excitement about the return of Summer.  Always remember the fish, ducks and the outdoor plants loves to see the rain to fall from the heavens to splash across the Earth.
And as I'm lost in thought as Summer is just about to start, here are some photos of Emma Stone.

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