Monday, May 13, 2013


It's close to midnight. Daylight has long since gone away. Only darkness remain. The moon and the stars is above the Gentle Reader and myself now. It's hard to see a few feet beyond me without a flashlight. However, from within the house, I can still see pretty gosh darn far (As long as I'm wearing my eyeglasses).  I have nearsighted vision.  I need to wear my eyeglasses.  And I've grown to accept and even be proud of needing and using eyeglasses.  Wearing eyeglasses helps makes me very distinctive and intelligent (Even when I'm displaying behavior that isn't intelligent which thankfully doesn't happen very often).  And I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring, but I know that today will son become yesterday while tomorrow becomes today.  Saying I'll put it off tomorrow is pointless when tomorrow becomes yesterday because too much waiting results in a wasted life and never realized expectations and never fulfilled potential.  Tomorrow is only three hours away in some cases and it's easy to forget such a simple fact.
And as I'm lost in thought while watching to ticking clock, here are some photos of Kate Hudson. 

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