Monday, May 13, 2013


Gentle Reader, here is a fun fact about the Wonder Woman series.  Half Caucasian and half Mexican-American Hispanic born actress Lynda Carter wasn't the original Wonder Woman starting in 1975 and ending on 1979.  Actually the credit for being the first ever version of Wonder Woman goes to bleach blonde Caucasian former tennis playing athlete Cathy Lee Crosby played the role of Wonder Woman one full year before in 1974.  The Cathy Lee Crosby did come from an all woman island of Amazon warriors, had no invisible airplane, had bullet proof bracelettes, no tiara and no super-powers (Super strength, agility and ability to jump really high (The comic book version could fly in mid-air but none of the film editions ever did that)).  The Cathy Lee Crosby was less of a female edition of Superman and more of a female edition of James Bond with elements of Asian kung-fu.

Kaz Garas played Steve Trevor (The male version of Lois Lane or to put it another way, if Lois Lane had a long lost brother, Steve Trevor would be that person) in the failed 1974 movie that didn't launch into a series.  And the failure of the 1974 television movie caused the role of Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman to be recasted by Irish/English/Mexican-American Hispanic actress Lynda Carter.

Anitra Ford played Ahnjayla the renegade Amazon from Paradise Island---The Greek island that only has women living on it---who could've became a super-hero named Wonder Girl.  The role of Wonder Girl renamed Drusilla and played by Debra Winger.

Hispanic born professional super-villian actor (the first ever version of Kahn in the Star Trek series)Ricardo Montalban could've been the Cathy Lee Crosby exclusive recurring villain Abner Smith.

Charlene Holt was the original version of Queen Hippolyta / Queen Hippolyte / The Queen.  The role was recasted in 1975 by Carolyn Jones and recasted again by Beatrice Straight.  Queen Hippolyta / Queen Hippolyte / The Queen is the dictator for life of the all women island nation of Paradise Island (the fictional Greek island located all women dictatorship country is called  Themyscira in the comic book issues, but never called that on film).  Diana Prince is the biologic daughter of Queen Hippolyta / Queen Hippolyte / The Queen.  Diana Prince isn't the last of anything, but rather is merely exiled for having an interest in knocking boots with the opposite gender (All the women in the fictional Greek island located all women dictatorship country of Paradise Island aka Themyscira are filled only with guy hating radical feminists dressed in sultry Ancient Greek/Ancient Roman togas).

Andrew Prine played the second in command right arm of the Hispanic born Cathy Lee Crosby exclusive recurring arch enemy Abner Smith.
Sadly Cathy Lee Crosby's tenure as Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman only lasted one ninety minute episode.  Thankfully, the rare Wonder Woman television series episode starring Cathy Lee Crosby as Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman is finally available on digital video disk for us all to enjoy.

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