Thursday, May 16, 2013


If I were an animal, then I would hope to GOD that I never end up as one of these species.
1.  Skunks
2.  Porcupine
3.  Bacteria
4.  Any insect that requires the visit of an exterminator
5.  A Dalek
6.  A sponge (I know they look like underwater plants, but they actually qualify as animals.  That's why I would hate to end up as something like that).
And there would more entries to the list in the days, weeks, months, years and decades to come.  And in the end, I'm glad that I'm a human being.  And if knowing the difference between good and evil shackles me to original sin, then I'm glad for the opportunity.  Knowing the difference between good and evil isn't a curse, but rather it's the one thing that could save lives and prevent horrible disasters.
And as I'm lost in thought while listening to music and eating gummie bears, here are some photos of Kate Hudson (Renamed Katy Perry to avoid confusion with another and blonder girl also named Kate Hudson)

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