Thursday, May 16, 2013


Life is too short to waste it doing something unforgivable.  What will doing something unforgivable get a person?  Getting arrested?  Who wants to go throught that?  Being sentenced to prison?  Yuck.  Being given a deaths sentence?  Double yuck.  Being hated so deeply that the mere mention of the name is the equivilent of being insulted?  Oh my GOD, only an asshole would aspire for that.  I'm not an asshole.  I never aspired to be an asshole.  I actually want people to remember me for doing something wonderful and positive that will make the world a better place to live.  I'm trying to make the world even better than the shape it was in before I was born.  Evil, wickedness, hate and fear are emotions that a person isn't born with, but rather is educated into a person by other people.  Such horrible and wretched education can be rejected if bravery can be found.  And in the end, being a nice person who is pleasent and kind to the world around him is the sort of thing I aspire towards with enthusiasm, happiness and joy.
And as I'm lost in thought while eating a fish sandwhich, here are some photos of Destiny Hope Cyrus aka Miley Cyrus.

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