Monday, May 27, 2013


So now it's Memorial Day.  In theory, it's the first day of Summer.  In actual practice, it's way too cold to be considered the first day of anything, but rather the continuation of Spring.  The low is fifty-six (56) degrees and the high is sixty-two (62) degrees.  The outside weather will be much more Summer-like, but will have thunderstorms to balance it off with.  No rain will fall today, but it's still kind of cold outside to truly appreciate it. 
Memorial Day is also the time to reflect on the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who gave their lives protecting our freedom in the many wars the United States has engaged in.  Let us all pause and reflect on the men and women who gave their lives protecting our freedom and let's lot allow those sacrifices go in vain.  Democracy needs to be nurtured and allowed to be developed.  Democracy can only be nurtured through the continuation of tolerance and equality. 
And as I'm lost in thought on Memorial Day, here are some photos of Emma Roberts.

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