Monday, May 27, 2013


And so Memorial Day continues.  And despite some light amount of rain, I still managed to find the time to do some gardening.  Or rather, pulling out weeds from the sandbox in the backyard.  It's hard to play in the sandbox when weeds is chocking up all the available sand.  And it took a while to pull out all of the weeds.  I'm happy to say that the sandbox is back to being a sandbox once again.  And glad for my accomplishments, I proceeded to clean the restroom too.  It's always a good idea to keep the house clean and tidy.  Living inside a clean house is the true sign of a sane and reasonable mind.  And wanting to have a sane and reasonable mind, I set about the task of some much needed cleaning chores.  And now with my cleaning chores completed, I set upon the task of surfing the Internet for a few minutes (Or perhaps an hour or so).  It's good to rest after some much needed cleaning that's needed to keep the house in perfect immaculate condition.
And as I'm lost in thought while cleaning and scrubbing, here are some photos of television (Alex Dunphy on Modern Family), film and videogame actress (She's the dubbed English language version of Mog in Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Cassie in Guild Wars 2)  Ariel Winter.

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