Thursday, May 9, 2013


So will it rain tomorrow---Which is only a few hours away from today.  Upon which today becomes tomorrow and tomorrow becomes today.  And so time moves forward.  And I move forward with hopes that what I'm doing is the right path.  I believe that I'm doing the right thing.  Time will bear testament to see if my beliefs were genuine.  I feel calm.  I feel at peace.  I still believe that humanity is capable of great good.  And so I return to the question that was first posed.  Will it rain tomorrow?  It's not raining now.  And perhaps that will change a few hours when rain drops fall from the sky.  And perhaps that won't change a few hours when rain doesn't fall.  Ducks, fish and outdoor plants are hoping for the rain.  And I have my umbrella and cheap $1.00 rain poncho in case rain falls.  But it's not raining right now.  And I'm enjoying the clear dry weather for how long it lasts.
And as I'm lost in thought while surfing the Internet, here are some photos of Jennifer Aniston.

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