Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Today is an ordinary day.  Nothing big or significant is happening to me.  Working minimum wage is my only source of income.  I have a driving license, but I never use it.  I used to ride a bike, but invincible faceless forces of nature that can't be stopped, slowed down or negotiated kept popping bike tires so persistantly, that I'm now walking by foot everywhere I go.  Someday, I'll be able to ride a bike without being punished for it.  Until then, I'll just walk by foot because I can't afford my bike riding ability.  Constantly fixing popped bike tires is way too expensive on my limited income.  Keep in mind that I also must repay my United States Government college tuition loans for attending but failing to graduate (Despite 3.0 grade point average) Franklin University.  If only I could win the lottery and live in luxury three minutes from now.  Well, I can't win the lottery if I don't purchase a lottery ticket.  Success won't happen if I'm sitting there doing nothing but feeling sorry for myself.  Nobody will give me success because I have a sob story and I believe that I deserve it.  Life rarely (If ever) works that way.  Someday, I'll get the chance to ride my bicycle again.  I'm optimistic that whatever is causing the tires of my bike to pop so constantly will be resolved and I'll be free to go bike riding once again.  I simply need to be patient just a tiny bit longer.
And as I'm lost in thought while wondering why feminism never reached Haddonfield, Illinois, here are some photos of Ashley Tisdale.

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